Closed hassanakbar4 closed 3 years ago changed component from ` to
Base templates` changed milestone from ` to
FixDatabase` removed owner (was ``) commented
These are modeled now as separate Group objects.
For example:
In: Group.objects.filter(name__icontains='itu').values_list('name',flat=True)
Out: [u'ITU-T', u'ITU-T NGN', u'ITU-T SG 15 ', u'ITU-T MPLS', u'ITU-T SG 16', u'ITU-T SG 17', u'ITU-T SG 11', u'ITU-T SG 2', u'ITU-T SG 3', u'ITU-T SG15, Q9, Q10, Q12 and Q14', u'ITU-T SG 13', u'ITU-T TSAG', u'ITU-T SG 12', u'ITU-T Working Party 5[13] changed status from new
to closed changed resolution from ` to
overtaken by events` edited the issue description
resolution_overtaken by events
| by fenner@research.att.comAdrian is a liaison for a part of SG15; instead of reflecting this in the database, the code generation just annotates SG15 with "(optical control plane)". If there is another liaison to another part of SG15, this will break. If there is another liaison appointed to only part of another organization, this will have to be another one-off. Instead, the Liaison Manager table should be extended to have a column for the part of the organization; blank means all like today, and if it's filled in then it's listed on the web page.
Issue migrated from trac:72 at 2021-10-29 15:27:29 +0500