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Inconsistent indentation of lines #315

Closed hassanakbar4 closed 3 years ago

hassanakbar4 commented 8 years ago

component_Version 2 cli txt resolution_overtaken by events type_defect | by worley@ariadne.com

This report regards the web-based processor at http://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/ There doesn't seem to be a "component" value for it.

The problem is that lines provided inside of <

are not indented consistently in the text output.

To reproduce the problem, fetch the XML2RFC file at http://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/ietf-drafts/worley/draft-worley-alert-info-fsm-00.xml?p=5402 Process it with the web-based processor, saving to disk the text output.

The erroneous output is the bottom part of page 12. Note that the lines beginning "State:" are not consistently indented.

The 16 states are as follows, where many states have a simple structure because from them, no further information can be recorded.

   State: initial/initial
   Signal: default
       urn:alert:source:external:* -> source:external/initial
       urn:alert:source:internal:* -> source:internal/initial
       urn:alert:source:(other) -> source:(other)/initial
       urn:alert:priority:high:* -> initial/priority:high
       urn:alert:priority:low:* -> initial/priority:low
       urn:alert:priority:(other):* -> initial/priority:(other)
       other -> initial/initial

State: source:external/initial
Signal: external source
    urn:alert:priority:high:* -> source:external/priority:high
    urn:alert:priority:low:* -> source:external/priority:low
    urn:alert:priority:(other):* -> source:external/priority:(other)
    other -> source:external/initial

State: source:internal/initial
Signal: internal source
    urn:alert:priority:high:* -> source:internal/priority:high
    urn:alert:priority:low:* -> source:internal/priority:low
    urn:alert:priority:(other):* -> source:internal/priority:(other)
    other -> source:internal/initial

 State: source:(other)/initial
 Signal: default
     urn:alert:priority:high:* -> source:(other)/priority:high
     urn:alert:priority:low:* -> source:(other)/priority:low
     urn:alert:priority:(other):* -> source:(other)/priority:(other)
     other -> source:(other)/initial

This section of the output is generated from the following section of the input, which seems to me to be completely consistent between the various sections of verbatim text:

  <t>The 16 states are as follows, where many states have a simple
  structure because from them, no further information can be recorded.
State: initial/initial
Signal: default
    urn:alert:source:external:* -> source:external/initial
    urn:alert:source:internal:* -> source:internal/initial
    urn:alert:source:(other) -> source:(other)/initial
    urn:alert:priority:high:* -> initial/priority:high
    urn:alert:priority:low:* -> initial/priority:low
    urn:alert:priority:(other):* -> initial/priority:(other)
    other -> initial/initial
State: source:external/initial
Signal: external source
    urn:alert:priority:high:* -> source:external/priority:high
    urn:alert:priority:low:* -> source:external/priority:low
    urn:alert:priority:(other):* -> source:external/priority:(other)
    other -> source:external/initial
State: source:internal/initial
Signal: internal source
    urn:alert:priority:high:* -> source:internal/priority:high
    urn:alert:priority:low:* -> source:internal/priority:low
    urn:alert:priority:(other):* -> source:internal/priority:(other)
    other -> source:internal/initial
State: source:(other)/initial
Signal: default
    urn:alert:priority:high:* -> source:(other)/priority:high
    urn:alert:priority:low:* -> source:(other)/priority:low
    urn:alert:priority:(other):* -> source:(other)/priority:(other)
    other -> source:(other)/initial

Issue migrated from trac:315 at 2021-10-20 18:22:39 +0500

hassanakbar4 commented 8 years ago

@{"email"=>"julian.reschke@gmx.de", "name"=>nil, "username"=>nil} commented

Running the input through rfc2629.xslt gives these warnings:

WARNING: artwork line too long: ' urn:alert:priority:(other): -> source:external/priority:(other)' (72 characters) (at line 622) WARNING: artwork line too long: ' urn:alert:priority:(other): -> source:internal/priority:(other)' (72 characters) (at line 631) WARNING: artwork line too long: ' urn:alert:priority:(other):* -> source:(other)/priority:(other)' (71 characters) (at line 640)

So this likely results in xml2rfc trying to outdent lines.

hassanakbar4 commented 8 years ago

@{"email"=>"ietf@augustcellars.com", "name"=>nil, "username"=>nil} commented

Producing the text version generates the following:

Parsing file bug_315.xml WARNING: artwork outdented 3 characters to avoid overrunning right margin around input line 610) WARNING: artwork outdented 3 characters to avoid overrunning right margin around input line 619) WARNING: artwork outdented 2 characters to avoid overrunning right margin around input line 628) Created file bug_315.txt

This says that the lines are too long in three different artwork sections and thus they are being shifted left by the number of characters listed. This would cause the behavior described. Either remove the left indents in general (or at least by 3 characters) or reword the lines so that the lines are shorter.

Recommend - Won't Fix by design.