hassankhan / config

Config is a lightweight configuration file loader that supports PHP, INI, XML, JSON, and YAML files
MIT License
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handle blank .json files without throwing error #134

Open samsong opened 2 years ago

samsong commented 2 years ago


$conf = Config::load('config.json');

^ config.json is a blank file, empty.

result: Fatal error: Uncaught Noodlehaus\Exception\ParseException: Syntax error in config.json:15 Stack trace:

0 \config-2.2.0\vendor\hassankhan\config\src\Parser\Json.php(29): Noodlehaus\Parser\Json->parse(NULL, 'config.json')

1 \config-2.2.0\vendor\hassankhan\config\src\Config.php(114): Noodlehaus\Parser\Json->parseFile('config.json')

2 \config-2.2.0\vendor\hassankhan\config\src\Config.php(79): Noodlehaus\Config->loadFromFile('config.json', Object(Noodlehaus\Parser\Json))

3 \config-2.2.0\vendor\hassankhan\config\src\Config.php(64): Noodlehaus\Config->__construct('config.json', NULL, false)

4 \config-2.2.0\vendor\autoload.php(51): Noodlehaus\Config::load('config.json')

5 {main}

thrown in config.json on line 15

risner commented 2 years ago

If it isn't changed to add support for an empty, then how do we write an empty config file?

DavidePastore commented 2 years ago

Hi @samsong, thanks for opening the issue. I think that this one can be fixed on your side, ensuring that the file exists and creating it if it doesn't. @filips123, what do you think?

risner commented 2 years ago

Hi @samsong, thanks for opening the issue. I think that this one can be fixed on your side, ensuring that the file exists and creating it if it doesn't. @filips123, what do you think?

Yea, I needed to write a blank json “{}” file. Just creating the file (touch filename) isn’t enough. Seems odd it doesn’t create the file if the app has permission. Seems it requires all apps to catch “file doesn’t exist” and create the blank json to try again?