hasscc / hass-edge-tts

🗣️ Microsoft Edge TTS for Home Assistant, no need for app_key
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Multiple services with different names use the config values from the last defined service #33

Open ALERTua opened 1 year ago

ALERTua commented 1 year ago


  - platform: edge_tts
    service_name: edge_say
    language: en-US-ChristopherNeural

  - platform: edge_tts
    service_name: edge_say_ua
    language: uk-UA-PolinaNeural

Creates two services with the provided names correctly, but calling tts.edge_say uses the voice from edge_say_ua. The config values should be different for each defined service.

al-one commented 1 year ago

This is controlled by the HA component, there is nothing custom components can do.