hassio-addons / addon-motioneye

motionEye - Home Assistant Community Add-ons
MIT License
267 stars 43 forks source link

0.19.1 stuck in infinite "motion not running, starting it" loop #424

Closed RainOrigami closed 1 year ago

RainOrigami commented 1 year ago


Recently I have observed an issue where I get up in the morning and my camera doesn't show up anymore, with motioneye log repeating ERROR: motion not running, starting it over and over.

This has happened sporadically for the past few days. I would rather have my security cameras working consistently, or the point of them would be naught.

Restarting motioneye does not solve the issue and it gets stuck in the loop again.

The solution is to restart the whole of home assistant.

Expected behavior

Once motioneye/motion is running, it should keep running.

Actual behavior

It randomly stops working, sometimes in the middle of the night. Log with trace output:

DEBUG: starting motion
DEBUG: starting motion binary "/usr/bin/motion"
DEBUG: motion detection disabled by config for camera with id 2
DEBUG: disabling motion detection for camera with id 2
DEBUG: successfully disabled motion detection for camera with id 2
DEBUG: listing cameras
DEBUG: listing disks using /dev/disk/by-id/
DEBUG: found partition "8" at "/dev/sda8" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "7" at "/dev/sda7" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "5" at "/dev/sda5" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "4" at "/dev/sda4" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "6" at "/dev/sda6" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "2" at "/dev/sda2" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "1" at "/dev/sda1" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "3" at "/dev/sda3" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found disk at "/dev/sda" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: listing mounts...
DEBUG: found mount "overlay" at "/"
DEBUG: found mount "proc" at "/proc"
DEBUG: found mount "/dev/sda8" at "/share"
DEBUG: found mount "tmpfs" at "/dev/shm"
DEBUG: found mount "devpts" at "/dev/pts"
DEBUG: found mount "hugetlbfs" at "/dev/hugepages"
DEBUG: found mount "mqueue" at "/dev/mqueue"
DEBUG: found mount "devtmpfs" at "/proc/kcore"
DEBUG: found mount "//netcon.home.local/SecurityCameraWrite" at "/media/motioneye_netcon_home_local_securitycamerawrite_securitycamera"
DEBUG: getting disk usage for path /media/motioneye_netcon_home_local_securitycamerawrite_securitycamera...
DEBUG: parsing editable mask motion for camera with id 2: /data/motioneye/mask_2.pgm
DEBUG: 200 GET /config/list?_username=admin&_signature=--- ( 57.29ms
ERROR: motion not running, starting it
DEBUG: starting motion
DEBUG: starting motion binary "/usr/bin/motion"
DEBUG: motion detection disabled by config for camera with id 2
DEBUG: disabling motion detection for camera with id 2
DEBUG: successfully disabled motion detection for camera with id 2
ERROR: motion not running, starting it
DEBUG: starting motion
DEBUG: starting motion binary "/usr/bin/motion"
DEBUG: motion detection disabled by config for camera with id 2
DEBUG: disabling motion detection for camera with id 2
DEBUG: successfully disabled motion detection for camera with id 2
ERROR: motion not running, starting it
DEBUG: starting motion
DEBUG: starting motion binary "/usr/bin/motion"
DEBUG: motion detection disabled by config for camera with id 2
DEBUG: disabling motion detection for camera with id 2
DEBUG: listing cameras
DEBUG: listing disks using /dev/disk/by-id/
DEBUG: found partition "8" at "/dev/sda8" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "7" at "/dev/sda7" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "5" at "/dev/sda5" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "4" at "/dev/sda4" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "6" at "/dev/sda6" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "2" at "/dev/sda2" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "1" at "/dev/sda1" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found partition "3" at "/dev/sda3" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: found disk at "/dev/sda" on bus "ata": "VBOX HARDDISK"
DEBUG: listing mounts...
DEBUG: found mount "overlay" at "/"
DEBUG: found mount "proc" at "/proc"
DEBUG: found mount "/dev/sda8" at "/share"
DEBUG: found mount "tmpfs" at "/dev/shm"
DEBUG: found mount "devpts" at "/dev/pts"
DEBUG: found mount "hugetlbfs" at "/dev/hugepages"
DEBUG: found mount "mqueue" at "/dev/mqueue"
DEBUG: found mount "devtmpfs" at "/proc/kcore"
DEBUG: found mount "//netcon.home.local/SecurityCameraWrite" at "/media/motioneye_netcon_home_local_securitycamerawrite_securitycamera"
DEBUG: getting disk usage for path /media/motioneye_netcon_home_local_securitycamerawrite_securitycamera...
DEBUG: parsing editable mask motion for camera with id 2: /data/motioneye/mask_2.pgm
DEBUG: 200 GET /config/list?_username=admin&_signature=--- ( 74.85ms
DEBUG: successfully disabled motion detection for camera with id 2
ERROR: motion not running, starting it
DEBUG: starting motion
DEBUG: starting motion binary "/usr/bin/motion"
DEBUG: running cleanup process...
DEBUG: motion detection disabled by config for camera with id 2
DEBUG: disabling motion detection for camera with id 2
DEBUG: successfully disabled motion detection for camera with id 2
DEBUG: cleaning up pictures...
DEBUG: cleaning up movies...
DEBUG: cleanup done
ERROR: motion not running, starting it
DEBUG: starting motion
DEBUG: starting motion binary "/usr/bin/motion"

It gets stuck in an endless cycle of restarting motion, sometimes interrupted by listing disks and mounts, and sometimes by cleanup.

What I have noticed is that, for a split second, I get the camera feed before it's gone and the cycle starts again.

Steps to reproduce

None specifically, just running 0.19.1 for a while seems to cause this.

Proposed changes

I need instructions on how to get more information about this issue. There is no error message other than "motion not running". No error to the cause why motion isn't running. I need some way of figuring out why it's not running so this issue can be solved and my cameras start working 24/7 again.

h-daf commented 1 year ago

Hi, It seems that the motion process is crashing. Within the motioneye container, try to export the log file to a shared folder and see what's happening there. By editing the file /data/motioneye/motion.conf and setting for exemple "log_file /share/motioneye/motion_ext.log" Accessing the container can be done using the SSH & Web Terminal addons, then doker ps ; docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash; ....

RainOrigami commented 1 year ago

Thanks @hdaf83 for the instructions, they have worked well and I now get a motion log with useful information.

I will wait for this issue to reoccur. Since this happens every couple of days it shouldn't take too long.

RainOrigami commented 1 year ago

The log repeats the following over and over again when the cameras stop working:

[0:wu0] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:32] webu_answer_ctrl: Connection from:
[3:av3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:33] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[3:av3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:33] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:05:33] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera (Entrance) connected
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:33] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Netcam capture_rate is 30.
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:05:33] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Unable to determine the camera source FPS.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:34] get_pgm: Magic P5: Width 1920(1920): Height 1080(1080): MaxVal: 255(255)
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:34] motion_init: Maskfile "/data/motioneye/mask_2.pgm" loaded.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:34] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 140 items
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:34] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.03976449370153534
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:34] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.03976449370153534
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:34] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.03976449370153534< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:34] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_startup: Motion 4.5.1 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_startup: Using default log type (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (ALL)
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] conf_output_parms: Writing configuration parameters from all files (3):
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] Thread 0 - Config file: /data/motioneye/motion.conf
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] daemon                    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] setup_mode                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] pid_file                  
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] log_file                  /share/motioneye/motion_ext.log
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] log_level                 9
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] log_type                  ALL
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] quiet                     on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] native_language           on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] watchdog_tmo              30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] watchdog_kill             10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] camera_name               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] camera_id                 0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] target_dir                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] video_device              /dev/video0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] video_params              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] auto_brightness           0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] tuner_device              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] roundrobin_frames         1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] roundrobin_skip           1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] roundrobin_switchfilter   off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_url                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_params             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_high_url           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_high_params        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_userpass           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] mmalcam_name              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] mmalcam_params            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] width                     640
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] height                    480
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] framerate                 15
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] minimum_frame_time        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] rotate                    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] flip_axis                 none
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] locate_motion_mode        off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] locate_motion_style       box
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_left                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_right                %Y-%m-%d\n%T
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_changes              off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_scale                1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_event                %Y%m%d%H%M%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] emulate_motion            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] pause                     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] threshold                 1500
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] threshold_maximum         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] threshold_tune            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] noise_level               32
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] noise_tune                on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] despeckle_filter          
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] area_detect               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] mask_file                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] mask_privacy              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] smart_mask_speed          0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] lightswitch_percent       0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] lightswitch_frames        5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] minimum_motion_frames     1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] event_gap                 60
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] pre_capture               0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] post_capture              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_event_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_event_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_picture_save           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_area_detected          
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_motion_detected        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_movie_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_movie_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_camera_lost            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_camera_found           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_output            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_output_motion     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_type              jpeg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_quality           75
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_exif              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_filename          %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] snapshot_interval         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] snapshot_filename         %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_output              on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_output_motion       off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_max_time            120
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_bps                 400000
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_quality             60
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_codec               mkv
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_duplicate_frames    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_passthrough         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_filename            %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_extpipe_use         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_extpipe             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] timelapse_interval        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] timelapse_mode            daily
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] timelapse_fps             30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] timelapse_codec           mpg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] timelapse_filename        %Y%m%d-timelapse
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] video_pipe                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] video_pipe_motion         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_port           7999
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_ipv6           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_localhost      on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_parms          2
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_interface      0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_auth_method    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_authentication 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_tls            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_cert           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_key            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_header_params  
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_lock_minutes   5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_lock_attempts  5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_lock_max_ips   25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_port               0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_localhost          on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_auth_method        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_authentication     
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_tls                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_header_params      
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_preview_scale      25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_preview_newline    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_preview_method     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_quality            50
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_grey               off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_motion             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_maxrate            1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_limit              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_type             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_dbname           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_host             localhost
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_port             0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_user             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_password         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_busy_timeout     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_log_picture           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_log_snapshot          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_log_movie             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_log_timelapse         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_query_start           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_query_stop            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_query                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_type                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_auto                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_port                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_motorx              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_motorx_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_motory              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_motory_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_maxx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_minx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_maxy                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_miny                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_homex               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_homey               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_iomojo_id           0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_step_angle_x        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_step_angle_y        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_move_wait           10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_speed               255
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_stepsize            40
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_generic_move        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] camera                    
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] camera_dir                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] Thread 1 - Config file: camera-2.conf
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] log_level                 15
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] camera_name               Entrance
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] target_dir                /media/motioneye_netcon_home_local_securitycamerawrite_securitycamera
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_url                <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_params             keepalive = off,tolerant_check = on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_userpass           <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] width                     1920
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] height                    1080
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] framerate                 30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] locate_motion_mode        on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] locate_motion_style       redbox
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_left                 Entrance
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_changes              on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_scale                3
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] threshold                 13493
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] noise_level               31
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] mask_file                 /data/motioneye/mask_2.pgm
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] minimum_motion_frames     20
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] event_gap                 30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] pre_capture               120
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] post_capture              1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_event_start            /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" start %t; /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/meyectl.py webhook -c /data/motioneye/motioneye.conf -d 'POSTj' 'https://**************/api/webhook/entrance-motion-detected-P7Pbdjht8BgwPNEVKj_MgRrg'
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_event_end              /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" stop %t
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_picture_save           /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" picture_save %t %f; /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/meyectl.py webhook -c /data/motioneye/motioneye.conf -d 'POSTj' 'https://**************/api/webhook/41e8f6b85f4f58550416c4a373b85fcd0acbcf230192a353bf2575f5e1ce58eb?camera_id=%t&event=%v&file_path=%f&file_type=%n&fps=%{fps}&frame_number=%q&height=%h&host=%{host}&motion_version=%{ver}&noise_level=%N&threshold=%o&width=%w&src=hass-motioneye&event_type=file_stored&device_id=2d2ab33dd6cac7ff19d7ae6093cbd785'
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_movie_end              /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" movie_end %t %f; /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/meyectl.py webhook -c /data/motioneye/motioneye.conf -d 'POSTj' 'https://**************/api/webhook/41e8f6b85f4f58550416c4a373b85fcd0acbcf230192a353bf2575f5e1ce58eb?camera_id=%t&event=%v&file_path=%f&file_type=%n&fps=%{fps}&frame_number=%q&height=%h&host=%{host}&motion_version=%{ver}&noise_level=%N&threshold=%o&width=%w&src=hass-motioneye&event_type=file_stored&device_id=2d2ab33dd6cac7ff19d7ae6093cbd785'
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_quality           85
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_max_time            0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_quality             100
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_codec               mp4
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_filename            %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_port               8081
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_localhost          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_authentication     <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_quality            85
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_maxrate            30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] Thread 2 - Config file: camera-1.conf
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] log_level                 15
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] camera_name               Living Room Cam
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] target_dir                /share/motioneye/Camera1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_url                <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_params             keepalive = off,tolerant_check = on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_userpass           <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] width                     1280
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] height                    720
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] framerate                 25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] locate_motion_style       redbox
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_left                 Living Room Cam
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] threshold                 5996
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] noise_level               31
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] minimum_motion_frames     20
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] event_gap                 30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] pre_capture               1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] post_capture              1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_event_start            /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" start %t; /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/meyectl.py webhook -c /data/motioneye/motioneye.conf -d 'POSTj' 'https://**************/api/webhook/41e8f6b85f4f58550416c4a373b85fcd0acbcf230192a353bf2575f5e1ce58eb?camera_id=%t&changed_pixels=%D&despeckle_labels=%Q&event=%v&fps=%{fps}&frame_number=%q&height=%h&host=%{host}&motion_center_x=%K&motion_center_y=%L&motion_height=%J&motion_version=%{ver}&motion_width=%i&noise_level=%N&threshold=%o&width=%w&src=hass-motioneye&event_type=motion_detected&device_id=3c616b61cab410ca4560a99278f6f53f'
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_event_end              /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" stop %t
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_picture_save           /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" picture_save %t %f; /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/meyectl.py webhook -c /data/motioneye/motioneye.conf -d 'POSTj' 'https://**************/api/webhook/41e8f6b85f4f58550416c4a373b85fcd0acbcf230192a353bf2575f5e1ce58eb?camera_id=%t&event=%v&file_path=%f&file_type=%n&fps=%{fps}&frame_number=%q&height=%h&host=%{host}&motion_version=%{ver}&noise_level=%N&threshold=%o&width=%w&src=hass-motioneye&event_type=file_stored&device_id=3c616b61cab410ca4560a99278f6f53f'
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_movie_end              /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" movie_end %t %f; /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/meyectl.py webhook -c /data/motioneye/motioneye.conf -d 'POSTj' 'https://**************/api/webhook/41e8f6b85f4f58550416c4a373b85fcd0acbcf230192a353bf2575f5e1ce58eb?camera_id=%t&event=%v&file_path=%f&file_type=%n&fps=%{fps}&frame_number=%q&height=%h&host=%{host}&motion_version=%{ver}&noise_level=%N&threshold=%o&width=%w&src=hass-motioneye&event_type=file_stored&device_id=3c616b61cab410ca4560a99278f6f53f'
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_quality           85
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_output              off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_max_time            0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_quality             75
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_codec               mp4:h264_v4l2m2m
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_filename            %Y-%m-%d/%H-%M-%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_port               9081
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_localhost          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_authentication     <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_quality            85
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_maxrate            30
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: v4l2   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: bktr   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: webp   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: mmal   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: ffmpeg : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: mysql  : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: MariaDB: not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: sqlite3: not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: pgsql  : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: nls    : available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_start_strm: Starting camera 1 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 1 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_start_strm: Starting camera 2 stream on port 9081
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 2 stream on port 9081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 7999
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 7999
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:42] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 59.37.100 libavformat version 59.27.100
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [May 21 12:05:42] dbse_global_init: Initializing database
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 1 is from camera-2.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 1 Camera Name: Entrance Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 2 is from camera-1.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 2 Camera Name: Living Room Cam Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 77457
[2:ml2:Living Room] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_init: Camera 2 started: motion detection Enabled
[2:ml2:Living Room] [NTC] [VID] [May 21 12:05:42] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[2:ml2:Living Room] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_parse: Parsing: keepalive = off,tolerant_check = on
[2:ml2:Living Room] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >keepalive< >off<
[2:ml2:Living Room] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >tolerant_check< >on<
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up norm stream.
[2:ml2:Living Room] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >decoder< >NULL<
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via netcam
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_init: Camera 1 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [VID] [May 21 12:05:42] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_parse: Parsing: keepalive = off,tolerant_check = on
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >keepalive< >off<
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >tolerant_check< >on<
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up norm stream.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >decoder< >NULL<
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via netcam
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[2:ml2:Living Room] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >rtsp_transport< >tcp<
[2:ml2:Living Room] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >allowed_media_types< >video<
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: keepalive = off
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: tolerant_check = on
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: rtsp_transport = tcp
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: allowed_media_types = video
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >rtsp_transport< >tcp<
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >allowed_media_types< >video<
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: keepalive = off
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: tolerant_check = on
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: rtsp_transport = tcp
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: allowed_media_types = video
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera(Entrance)
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:43] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:43] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:43] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: HW Devices: 
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: vdpau (not implemented)
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: vaapi (available)
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: drm (not implemented)
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: vulkan (not implemented)
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [0/0] to [0/3112960] bytes.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: capture_rate not specified in netcam_params. Using framerate 30
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [3110400/3112960] to [3110400/6221824] bytes.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] motion_init: Substream not available.  Image sizes not modulo 16.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:44] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_rtsp_handler: norm: Camera handler thread [3] started
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera(Entrance)
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.9743232840922866
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.9743232840922866
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.9743232840922866< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /2/detection/pause
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /2/detection/pause
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: camid: >2< cmd1: >detection< cmd2: >pause< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:wu0] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_answer_ctrl: Connection from:
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /1/detection/pause
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /1/detection/pause
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: camid: >1< cmd1: >detection< cmd2: >pause< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:wu0] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_answer_ctrl: Connection from:
[3:av3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:45] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[3:av3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:45] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:05:45] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera (Entrance) connected
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:45] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Netcam capture_rate is 30.
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:05:45] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Unable to determine the camera source FPS.
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.4911368232878943
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.4911368232878943
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.4911368232878943< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.9457755641933419
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.9457755641933419
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.9457755641933419< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:46] get_pgm: Magic P5: Width 1920(1920): Height 1080(1080): MaxVal: 255(255)
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:46] motion_init: Maskfile "/data/motioneye/mask_2.pgm" loaded.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:46] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 140 items
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.9518811633566353
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.9518811633566353
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.9518811633566353< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.9397875662849728
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.9397875662849728
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.9397875662849728< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:54] motion_startup: Motion 4.5.1 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:54] motion_startup: Using default log type (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:54] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (ALL)

I am unsure of what the "error" is that causes this. Is it webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet? or is it

[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:43] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:43] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:43] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!

I'm not really seeing any hard error that would cause motion to crash and restart all the time. And I don't understand how it could be related to homeassistant. But restarting just the motioneye docker container doesn't fix the issue, it then just goes into repeating the above log again, with a little more of this:

[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [0/0] to [0/3112960] bytes.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: capture_rate not specified in netcam_params. Using framerate 30
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [3110400/3112960] to [3110400/6221824] bytes.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] motion_init: Substream not available.  Image sizes not modulo 16.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:07] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] netcam_rtsp_handler: norm: Camera handler thread [3] started
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera(Entrance)
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:18:09] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.9383642989929901
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:18:09] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.9383642989929901
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:18:09] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.9383642989929901< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:18:09] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[3:av3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:18:09] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[3:av3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:18:09] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:18:09] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera (Entrance) connected
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:18:09] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Netcam capture_rate is 30.
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:18:09] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Unable to determine the camera source FPS.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:09] get_pgm: Magic P5: Width 1920(1920): Height 1080(1080): MaxVal: 255(255)
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:09] motion_init: Maskfile "/data/motioneye/mask_2.pgm" loaded.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:09] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 140 items
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:22] motion_startup: Motion 4.5.1 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:22] motion_startup: Using default log type (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:22] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (ALL)

The only way to get it to work for a day again is to restart the whole homeassistant.

Any ideas?

h-daf commented 1 year ago

The log repeats the following over and over again when the cameras stop working:

[0:wu0] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:32] webu_answer_ctrl: Connection from:
[3:av3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:33] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[3:av3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:33] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:05:33] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera (Entrance) connected
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:33] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Netcam capture_rate is 30.
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:05:33] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Unable to determine the camera source FPS.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:34] get_pgm: Magic P5: Width 1920(1920): Height 1080(1080): MaxVal: 255(255)
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:34] motion_init: Maskfile "/data/motioneye/mask_2.pgm" loaded.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:34] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 140 items
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:34] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.03976449370153534
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:34] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.03976449370153534
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:34] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.03976449370153534< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:34] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_startup: Motion 4.5.1 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_startup: Using default log type (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (ALL)
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] conf_output_parms: Writing configuration parameters from all files (3):
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] Thread 0 - Config file: /data/motioneye/motion.conf
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] daemon                    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] setup_mode                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] pid_file                  
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] log_file                  /share/motioneye/motion_ext.log
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] log_level                 9
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] log_type                  ALL
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] quiet                     on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] native_language           on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] watchdog_tmo              30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] watchdog_kill             10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] camera_name               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] camera_id                 0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] target_dir                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] video_device              /dev/video0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] video_params              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] auto_brightness           0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] tuner_device              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] roundrobin_frames         1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] roundrobin_skip           1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] roundrobin_switchfilter   off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_url                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_params             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_high_url           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_high_params        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_userpass           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] mmalcam_name              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] mmalcam_params            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] width                     640
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] height                    480
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] framerate                 15
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] minimum_frame_time        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] rotate                    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] flip_axis                 none
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] locate_motion_mode        off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] locate_motion_style       box
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_left                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_right                %Y-%m-%d\n%T
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_changes              off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_scale                1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_event                %Y%m%d%H%M%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] emulate_motion            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] pause                     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] threshold                 1500
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] threshold_maximum         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] threshold_tune            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] noise_level               32
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] noise_tune                on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] despeckle_filter          
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] area_detect               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] mask_file                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] mask_privacy              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] smart_mask_speed          0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] lightswitch_percent       0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] lightswitch_frames        5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] minimum_motion_frames     1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] event_gap                 60
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] pre_capture               0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] post_capture              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_event_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_event_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_picture_save           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_area_detected          
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_motion_detected        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_movie_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_movie_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_camera_lost            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_camera_found           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_output            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_output_motion     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_type              jpeg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_quality           75
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_exif              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_filename          %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] snapshot_interval         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] snapshot_filename         %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_output              on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_output_motion       off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_max_time            120
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_bps                 400000
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_quality             60
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_codec               mkv
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_duplicate_frames    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_passthrough         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_filename            %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_extpipe_use         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_extpipe             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] timelapse_interval        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] timelapse_mode            daily
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] timelapse_fps             30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] timelapse_codec           mpg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] timelapse_filename        %Y%m%d-timelapse
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] video_pipe                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] video_pipe_motion         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_port           7999
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_ipv6           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_localhost      on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_parms          2
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_interface      0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_auth_method    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_authentication 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_tls            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_cert           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_key            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_header_params  
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_lock_minutes   5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_lock_attempts  5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] webcontrol_lock_max_ips   25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_port               0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_localhost          on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_auth_method        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_authentication     
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_tls                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_header_params      
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_preview_scale      25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_preview_newline    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_preview_method     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_quality            50
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_grey               off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_motion             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_maxrate            1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_limit              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_type             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_dbname           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_host             localhost
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_port             0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_user             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_password         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] database_busy_timeout     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_log_picture           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_log_snapshot          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_log_movie             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_log_timelapse         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_query_start           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_query_stop            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] sql_query                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_type                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_auto                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_port                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_motorx              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_motorx_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_motory              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_motory_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_maxx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_minx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_maxy                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_miny                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_homex               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_homey               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_iomojo_id           0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_step_angle_x        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_step_angle_y        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_move_wait           10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_speed               255
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_stepsize            40
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] track_generic_move        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] camera                    
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] camera_dir                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] Thread 1 - Config file: camera-2.conf
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] log_level                 15
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] camera_name               Entrance
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] target_dir                /media/motioneye_netcon_home_local_securitycamerawrite_securitycamera
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_url                <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_params             keepalive = off,tolerant_check = on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_userpass           <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] width                     1920
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] height                    1080
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] framerate                 30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] locate_motion_mode        on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] locate_motion_style       redbox
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_left                 Entrance
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_changes              on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_scale                3
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] threshold                 13493
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] noise_level               31
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] mask_file                 /data/motioneye/mask_2.pgm
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] minimum_motion_frames     20
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] event_gap                 30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] pre_capture               120
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] post_capture              1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_event_start            /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" start %t; /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/meyectl.py webhook -c /data/motioneye/motioneye.conf -d 'POSTj' 'https://**************/api/webhook/entrance-motion-detected-P7Pbdjht8BgwPNEVKj_MgRrg'
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_event_end              /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" stop %t
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_picture_save           /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" picture_save %t %f; /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/meyectl.py webhook -c /data/motioneye/motioneye.conf -d 'POSTj' 'https://**************/api/webhook/41e8f6b85f4f58550416c4a373b85fcd0acbcf230192a353bf2575f5e1ce58eb?camera_id=%t&event=%v&file_path=%f&file_type=%n&fps=%{fps}&frame_number=%q&height=%h&host=%{host}&motion_version=%{ver}&noise_level=%N&threshold=%o&width=%w&src=hass-motioneye&event_type=file_stored&device_id=2d2ab33dd6cac7ff19d7ae6093cbd785'
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_movie_end              /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" movie_end %t %f; /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/meyectl.py webhook -c /data/motioneye/motioneye.conf -d 'POSTj' 'https://**************/api/webhook/41e8f6b85f4f58550416c4a373b85fcd0acbcf230192a353bf2575f5e1ce58eb?camera_id=%t&event=%v&file_path=%f&file_type=%n&fps=%{fps}&frame_number=%q&height=%h&host=%{host}&motion_version=%{ver}&noise_level=%N&threshold=%o&width=%w&src=hass-motioneye&event_type=file_stored&device_id=2d2ab33dd6cac7ff19d7ae6093cbd785'
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_quality           85
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_max_time            0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_quality             100
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_codec               mp4
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_filename            %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_port               8081
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_localhost          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_authentication     <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_quality            85
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_maxrate            30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] Thread 2 - Config file: camera-1.conf
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] log_level                 15
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] camera_name               Living Room Cam
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] target_dir                /share/motioneye/Camera1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_url                <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_params             keepalive = off,tolerant_check = on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_userpass           <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] width                     1280
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] height                    720
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] framerate                 25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] locate_motion_style       redbox
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] text_left                 Living Room Cam
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] threshold                 5996
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] noise_level               31
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] minimum_motion_frames     20
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] event_gap                 30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] pre_capture               1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] post_capture              1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_event_start            /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" start %t; /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/meyectl.py webhook -c /data/motioneye/motioneye.conf -d 'POSTj' 'https://**************/api/webhook/41e8f6b85f4f58550416c4a373b85fcd0acbcf230192a353bf2575f5e1ce58eb?camera_id=%t&changed_pixels=%D&despeckle_labels=%Q&event=%v&fps=%{fps}&frame_number=%q&height=%h&host=%{host}&motion_center_x=%K&motion_center_y=%L&motion_height=%J&motion_version=%{ver}&motion_width=%i&noise_level=%N&threshold=%o&width=%w&src=hass-motioneye&event_type=motion_detected&device_id=3c616b61cab410ca4560a99278f6f53f'
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_event_end              /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" stop %t
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_picture_save           /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" picture_save %t %f; /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/meyectl.py webhook -c /data/motioneye/motioneye.conf -d 'POSTj' 'https://**************/api/webhook/41e8f6b85f4f58550416c4a373b85fcd0acbcf230192a353bf2575f5e1ce58eb?camera_id=%t&event=%v&file_path=%f&file_type=%n&fps=%{fps}&frame_number=%q&height=%h&host=%{host}&motion_version=%{ver}&noise_level=%N&threshold=%o&width=%w&src=hass-motioneye&event_type=file_stored&device_id=3c616b61cab410ca4560a99278f6f53f'
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] on_movie_end              /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/scripts/relayevent.sh "/data/motioneye/motioneye.conf" movie_end %t %f; /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/motioneye/meyectl.py webhook -c /data/motioneye/motioneye.conf -d 'POSTj' 'https://**************/api/webhook/41e8f6b85f4f58550416c4a373b85fcd0acbcf230192a353bf2575f5e1ce58eb?camera_id=%t&event=%v&file_path=%f&file_type=%n&fps=%{fps}&frame_number=%q&height=%h&host=%{host}&motion_version=%{ver}&noise_level=%N&threshold=%o&width=%w&src=hass-motioneye&event_type=file_stored&device_id=3c616b61cab410ca4560a99278f6f53f'
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] picture_quality           85
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_output              off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_max_time            0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_quality             75
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_codec               mp4:h264_v4l2m2m
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] movie_filename            %Y-%m-%d/%H-%M-%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_port               9081
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_localhost          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_authentication     <redacted>
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_quality            85
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] stream_maxrate            30
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: v4l2   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: bktr   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: webp   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: mmal   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: ffmpeg : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: mysql  : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: MariaDB: not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: sqlite3: not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: pgsql  : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_ntc: nls    : available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_start_strm: Starting camera 1 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 1 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_start_strm: Starting camera 2 stream on port 9081
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 2 stream on port 9081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 7999
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 12:05:42] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 7999
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:42] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 59.37.100 libavformat version 59.27.100
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [May 21 12:05:42] dbse_global_init: Initializing database
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 1 is from camera-2.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 1 Camera Name: Entrance Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 2 is from camera-1.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 2 Camera Name: Living Room Cam Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 77457
[2:ml2:Living Room] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_init: Camera 2 started: motion detection Enabled
[2:ml2:Living Room] [NTC] [VID] [May 21 12:05:42] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[2:ml2:Living Room] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_parse: Parsing: keepalive = off,tolerant_check = on
[2:ml2:Living Room] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >keepalive< >off<
[2:ml2:Living Room] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >tolerant_check< >on<
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up norm stream.
[2:ml2:Living Room] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >decoder< >NULL<
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via netcam
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] motion_init: Camera 1 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [VID] [May 21 12:05:42] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_parse: Parsing: keepalive = off,tolerant_check = on
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >keepalive< >off<
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >tolerant_check< >on<
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up norm stream.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >decoder< >NULL<
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via netcam
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[2:ml2:Living Room] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >rtsp_transport< >tcp<
[2:ml2:Living Room] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >allowed_media_types< >video<
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: keepalive = off
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: tolerant_check = on
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: rtsp_transport = tcp
[2:ml2:Living Room] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: allowed_media_types = video
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >rtsp_transport< >tcp<
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:42] util_parms_add: Parsed: >allowed_media_types< >video<
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: keepalive = off
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: tolerant_check = on
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: rtsp_transport = tcp
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: option: allowed_media_types = video
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:42] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera(Entrance)
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:43] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:43] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:43] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: HW Devices: 
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: vdpau (not implemented)
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: vaapi (available)
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: drm (not implemented)
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_hwdecoders: norm: vulkan (not implemented)
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[1:av0:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [0/0] to [0/3112960] bytes.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: capture_rate not specified in netcam_params. Using framerate 30
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [3110400/3112960] to [3110400/6221824] bytes.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] motion_init: Substream not available.  Image sizes not modulo 16.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:44] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_rtsp_handler: norm: Camera handler thread [3] started
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:44] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera(Entrance)
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.9743232840922866
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.9743232840922866
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.9743232840922866< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /2/detection/pause
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /2/detection/pause
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: camid: >2< cmd1: >detection< cmd2: >pause< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:wu0] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_answer_ctrl: Connection from:
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /1/detection/pause
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /1/detection/pause
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_parseurl: camid: >1< cmd1: >detection< cmd2: >pause< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:wu0] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:44] webu_answer_ctrl: Connection from:
[3:av3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:45] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[3:av3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:45] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:05:45] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera (Entrance) connected
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:05:45] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Netcam capture_rate is 30.
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:05:45] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Unable to determine the camera source FPS.
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.4911368232878943
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.4911368232878943
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.4911368232878943< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.9457755641933419
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.9457755641933419
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.9457755641933419< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:46] get_pgm: Magic P5: Width 1920(1920): Height 1080(1080): MaxVal: 255(255)
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:46] motion_init: Maskfile "/data/motioneye/mask_2.pgm" loaded.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:46] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 140 items
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.9518811633566353
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.9518811633566353
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.9518811633566353< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.9397875662849728
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.9397875662849728
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.9397875662849728< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:05:46] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:54] motion_startup: Motion 4.5.1 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:54] motion_startup: Using default log type (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:05:54] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (ALL)

I am unsure of what the "error" is that causes this. Is it webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet? or is it

[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:43] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:43] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:05:43] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!

I'm not really seeing any hard error that would cause motion to crash and restart all the time. And I don't understand how it could be related to homeassistant. But restarting just the motioneye docker container doesn't fix the issue, it then just goes into repeating the above log again, with a little more of this:

[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [0/0] to [0/3112960] bytes.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] netcam_rtsp_read_image: norm: capture_rate not specified in netcam_params. Using framerate 30
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [3110400/3112960] to [3110400/6221824] bytes.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] Above message repeats 1 times
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] motion_init: Substream not available.  Image sizes not modulo 16.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:07] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] netcam_rtsp_handler: norm: Camera handler thread [3] started
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] netcam_rtsp_set_options: norm: Setting rtsp/rtmp
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:18:07] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera(Entrance)
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:07] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] Above message repeats 1 times
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: decode_slice_header error
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [ENC] [May 21 12:18:08] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: no frame!
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:18:09] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /?rand=0.9383642989929901
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:18:09] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /?rand=0.9383642989929901
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:18:09] webu_parseurl: camid: >?rand=0.9383642989929901< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [DBG] [STR] [May 21 12:18:09] webu_answer_strm: Stream picture is not ready yet
[3:av3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:18:09] netcam_init_swdecoder: norm: Initializing decoder
[3:av3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:18:09] netcam_rtsp_open_codec: norm: Decoder opened
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:18:09] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Camera (Entrance) connected
[3:nc3:Entrance] [INF] [NET] [May 21 12:18:09] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Netcam capture_rate is 30.
[3:nc3:Entrance] [NTC] [NET] [May 21 12:18:09] netcam_rtsp_connect: norm: Unable to determine the camera source FPS.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [DBG] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:09] get_pgm: Magic P5: Width 1920(1920): Height 1080(1080): MaxVal: 255(255)
[1:ml1:Entrance] [INF] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:09] motion_init: Maskfile "/data/motioneye/mask_2.pgm" loaded.
[1:ml1:Entrance] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:09] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 140 items
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:22] motion_startup: Motion 4.5.1 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:22] motion_startup: Using default log type (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 12:18:22] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (ALL)

The only way to get it to work for a day again is to restart the whole homeassistant.

Any ideas?

Hi I don't see anything that can cause the error "ERROR: motion not running, starting it" in these logs. According to motioneye logs the motion process was somehow ended. The reason should appear in the logs (motion at least).

Few weeks ago, I had a similar behavior with a http camera, and I had some errors related to ffmpeg that disappeared by enabling Movie Passthrough option. The intégration became quite stable since then. This workaround could maybe help you. Who knows 🙄


RainOrigami commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your feedback. I enabled Movie Passthrough to see if anything changes.

RainOrigami commented 1 year ago

This morning it's happening again. However this time there's like 10 seconds between crashes where the cameras are working. Logs have not changed. As I'm typing this, it's gone full on crash-restart-crash mode again with no camera image showing anymore. Seems like Movie Passthrough did not affect the issue.

Here's a screenshot of my network IO that shows how it starts to break slowly and then gets faster and faster until it just keeps restarting with no video:


github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently, so we clean up some of the older and inactive issues. Please make sure to update to the latest version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by leaving a comment 👍 This issue has now been marked as stale and will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thanks!

RainOrigami commented 1 year ago

Well, it's still happening and I have to restart hassio every morning so that my cameras are kinda stable during the day.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently, so we clean up some of the older and inactive issues. Please make sure to update to the latest version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by leaving a comment 👍 This issue has now been marked as stale and will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thanks!