hassio-addons / addon-node-red

Node-RED - Home Assistant Community Add-ons
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RequestError: Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames: Host: localhost. is not in the cert's altnames #1859

Closed lewtopia closed 3 months ago

lewtopia commented 3 months ago


Update to Node-RED official 17.0.10 breaks https requests with hostname mismatch.

Expected behavior

https requests should be able to resolve with ssl certs

Actual behavior

Node-RED is localhost

Steps to reproduce

Restored HA full backup to pre-17.0.10, and was prompted to update Node-RED. Immediately https requests are broken again.

Proposed changes

Rolling back to 17.0.9 until a fix can be found.

lewtopia commented 3 months ago

Determined that it was not the update, or v 17.0.9 or 17.0.10.

This issue was being caused by node-red-contrib-google-oauth2