hassony2 / kinetics_i3d_pytorch

Inflated i3d network with inception backbone, weights transfered from tensorflow
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About data preprocessing #13

Closed TianjiPang closed 6 years ago

TianjiPang commented 6 years ago


I was wondering if you have reproduced the preprocessing of the data. I tried to reproduce the preprocessing following the instruction in the official one. But I have no idea why the results could not match with the provided .npy. Here is my code:

    import numpy as np

    from PIL import Image, ImageSequence
    size = 256,256
    new_width = 224
    new_height = 224
    img = Image.open('./data/v_CricketShot_g04_c01_rgb.gif');

    def my_resize(img):
        for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(img):
            copy_frame = frame.copy()
            copy_frame = copy_frame.convert("RGB")
            resized_frame = copy_frame.resize(size, Image.BILINEAR)
            r, g, b = resized_frame.split()
            r = np.array(r)
            rescaled_r = np.interp(r, (r.min(), r.max()), (-1, +1))
            g = np.array(g)
            rescaled_g = np.interp(g, (g.min(), g.max()), (-1, +1))
            b = np.array(b)
            rescaled_b = np.interp(b, (b.min(), b.max()), (-1, +1))
            rescaled_array = np.zeros((size[0], size[1], 3))
            rescaled_array[..., 0] = rescaled_r
            rescaled_array[..., 1] = rescaled_g
            rescaled_array[..., 2] = rescaled_b

            width, height, color = rescaled_array.shape
            left = (width - new_width)/2
            right = (width + new_width)/2
            top = (height - new_height)/2
            bottom = (height + new_height)/2
            croped_frame = rescaled_array[left:right, top:bottom, :]

            yield croped_frame

    copy_frame = my_resize(img)

    frames = np.array([np.array(frame) for frame in copy_frame])

Do you have any idea about this?

hassony2 commented 6 years ago

Hi !

I have not looked into the preprocessing part at all, I only focused on the forward/backward pass using i3d.

Sorry for not providing more help !