hasura / eff

🚧 a work in progress effect system for Haskell 🚧
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Links in the docs point to your local filesystem #4

Closed anka-213 closed 4 years ago

anka-213 commented 4 years ago

Every link that points outside this package points to the local copy on your filesystem instead of for example hackage docs. For example, the link to MonadTransControl here points to file:///Users/alexis/.cabal/store/ghc-8.8.1/mnd-cntrl-

This flag might work: https://cabal.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nix-local-build.html#cfg-flag---html-location

If not, just close or ignore the issue, since it's a minor issue and not worth wasting a lot of time on. (And it might be impossible to fix: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57916341/how-to-instruct-haddock-to-link-to-hackage-documentation-for-hackage-packages)

lexi-lambda commented 4 years ago

You’re right, thanks for the report—previous versions of the docs I uploaded used the flag, but it looks like I screwed up the most recent time (since I’ve been uploading them by hand for now). I’ll be sure to fix this next time I push the docs.

lexi-lambda commented 4 years ago

This is now fixed. It’s of limited use, as the current version of the docs link to the docs for base-, which doesn’t exist on Hackage, but the outgoing links to other packages work, at least.