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Modernize stat block formatting #84

Open Siravia opened 2 years ago

Siravia commented 2 years ago

WoTC has updated their stat block formatting yet again in Wild Beyond the Witchlight, and I think we should keep up with the times. Here's a list of things I noticed that we lack:

haswellr commented 2 years ago

These two are done:


Siravia commented 2 years ago

Can you share a sample image of this? Can be cropped as needed to avoid any copyright issues, I just don't have a copy of Wild Beyond the Witchlight and can't find any sample spellcaster creatures from it online.

Here's one! Do note that the Spellcasting action only covers spells that can be cast as actions - Kelek's "Arcane Defense" reaction mimics the shield spell, and does not include it in the Spellcasting action. Also see this article from wizards about the changes. EDIT: I would also recommend checking out the recent Storm King's Thunder errata - it was updated with the new spellcasting format.


Haravikk commented 2 years ago

Just wanted to add my voice to support for bonus actions; currently we either have to specify these under abilities, or what I've been doing on some critters is adding a "BONUS ACTION" ability with the description "X performs one of the following bonus actions:" in the same kind of format as for metallic dragons (who have a choice of breath weapon).

A proper bonus actions section would be a lot neater, and allow a monster to be more clearly divided into actions, bonus actions and reactions that they can do.

Lathaon commented 2 years ago

Would also very much like to see a bonus actions section, but I'd also like to point out another thing we're starting to see in some recent stat blocks for humanoids: a size of "Medium or Small"

Siravia commented 2 years ago

^ for the above, hit points may need to be reworked to allow direct modification/text fields. Additionally, it would be nice if Languages, AC, and condition/damage resistances/immunities could allow html formatting for spells like mage armor and cases like the Jabberwock's vulnerability to vorpal weapons (or resistance granted by wearing an item).

One more minor thing - False Appearance has been changed in Witchlight (would require a simple change to the autofill): False Appearance. If [creature] is motionless at the start of combat, it has advantage on its initiative roll. Moreover, if a creature hasn't observed [creature] move or act, that creature must succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern that [creature] is animate.

Siravia commented 11 months ago

Times change, as does monster design. It appears Legendary Actions are being phased out in most monsters in favor of multiple reactions per round, as seen on the High Fae Noble in Monstrous Compendium Volume 4 and various monsters in Morte's Planar Parade. Probably not a great idea to eliminate Legendary and Mythic Action sections entirely, but just to add a potential text box under Reactions to allow for the changing landscape (also just a good idea for Actions and Bonus actions in general as well, to pre-emptively get ahead of future monster updates) image

Haravikk commented 11 months ago

Times change, as does monster design. It appears Legendary Actions are being phased out in most monsters in favor of multiple reactions per round

Have they confirmed this is being done as a general aim? Legendary Actions have a different timing to reactions which is part of what makes them interesting mechanically, as they happen "between" turns, essentially giving a creature additional turns in the round. But they won't suit every creature because the timing wouldn't work with some effects.

For the high fae neither of those abilities would be as useful if they were "proper" legendary actions; capricious step happening as a reaction means it can actually interrupt a player's attacks, (e.g- teleport after the first hit, potentially leaving a fighter unable to use their remaining attacks) which a legendary action could not.

I guess it's technically possible to just adapt all legendary actions into reactions by having the condition be "at the end of another creature's turn" but there are still going to be plenty of existing creatures that have legendary actions, so it doesn't really make a difference for CritterDB which should still support them.

Siravia commented 11 months ago

Not explicitly, but monsters that would normally have them in the new planescape book - Ancient/Adult dragons and high-CR monsters like the Baernoloth and the Hexton modron - insted use this reaction-based design. The dragons are the biggest indicator of this change being the way forward imo, as dragon stat blocks are pretty similar in design.

Siravia commented 6 months ago

Wanted to bump this again after reading the monsters in the Book of Many Things - some of those have Legendary Actions, and I don't think there are any reaction-based legendary creatures in that book. Still probably a good idea to add a text box option for the Reactions section, but a definitive answer will probably come next year when the new Monster Manual releases.

Also wanted to add - at this point I'd love to help lighten the work load for adding these sections, but I'm not entirely sure where to begin. Is there a good place to learn about how to edit the code?