hatching / sflock

Sample staging & detonation utility to be used in combination with Cuckoo Sandbox.
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Outdated zipjail binary #50

Open nazywam opened 4 years ago

nazywam commented 4 years ago

The compiled zipjail binary on the master branch is outdated (version 0.5 vs 0.5.2 from the tracy project master) As a result, its syscall whitelist is missing getdents64 and getpid: sflock master:

.rodata:000000000049B914 aGettimeofday   db 'gettimeofday',0     ; DATA XREF: .data:00000000006C81C0↓o
.rodata:000000000049B921 aStat64         db 'stat64',0           ; DATA XREF: .data:00000000006C81C8↓o
.rodata:000000000049B928 aSysDevicesSyst_1 db '/sys/devices/system/cpu',0

compiled tracy master:

.rodata:000000000049F0B4 aGettimeofday   db 'gettimeofday',0     ; DATA XREF: .data:00000000004CE1C0↓o
.rodata:000000000049F0C1 aStat64         db 'stat64',0           ; DATA XREF: .data:00000000004CE1C8↓o
.rodata:000000000049F0C8 aGetdents64     db 'getdents64',0       ; DATA XREF: .data:00000000004CE1D0↓o
.rodata:000000000049F0D3 aGetpid_0       db 'getpid',0           ; DATA XREF: .data:00000000004CE1D8↓o
.rodata:000000000049F0DA aSysDevicesSyst_1 db '/sys/devices/system/cpu',0

This will cause some archives to be incorrectly dropped: (unpacking an iso archive using 7zip)

ERROR:root:Blocked system call occurred during sandboxing!
ip=0x7fd816c6d07b sp=0x7fffbe193978 abi=0 nr=217 syscall=getdents64
Killing child 7064