Closed jfqureshi closed 1 year ago
I am sure it is just some parameters issue. can you try your experiment using runtime_manager ?
I have never used run time manager for autoware but I will try and let you know.
Please find attached the screen recordings:
It is something with the control part:
It is something with the control part:
- what controller do you use, pure pursuit or waypoint follower ?
- how do you connect control signal with lgsvl
- is there a max velocity param = 0 in op_common_params or controller launch files ?
I am using waypoint follower as the high level controller.
After that I use the twist filter to get the vehicle_cmd
. Then I use vehiclecmd_to_ackermanndrive
node to get carla/ego_vehicle/ackermann_cmd
. This goes to carla_ackermann_control
node to generate carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_cmd
No, the max_velocity
parameter is not set to zero either in op_common_params
or controller launch files.
Here is the rqt node graph of the controller connections.
Also to mention something interesting, the ctrl_raw
topic from op_waypoint_follower
node gives me non zero values for acceleration but zero values for velocity and steering_angle: here is the image of rostopic echo:
from the same node are zero:
are you using velocity mode or stroke mode ? are the acceleration value is too small ? are you using internal_acc or not ?
are you using velocity mode or stroke mode ? are the acceleration value is too small ? are you using internal_acc or not ?
are you using velocity mode or stroke mode ? are the acceleration value is too small ? are you using internal_acc or not ?
- I am using stroke mode
- max_accel_value = 70%
- enableSimulationMode = 2(direct_control)
- I don't know what do you mean by using internal_acc.
I changed the steer_mode to steer angle and drive_mode to velocity. Now my vehicle is moving but it is not avoiding the obstacle.
P.S: My lidar_euclidean_cluster_detect
node is not launched. Instead it uses simu_cloud_clusters
from op_perception_simulator
node. And the topic simu_cloud_clusters
which is subscribed by lidar_kf_contour_track
node is empty.
you have one rollout generated. obstacle avoidance is not enabled in the local planner. or rollout number is 1
you have one rollout generated. obstacle avoidance is not enabled in the local planner. or rollout number is 1
The rollout_number in my op_common_params.launch(inside op_agend) was 0 and I set it to 6. Now I have two global paths but my local roll_out is zero.
I get this error:
Waiting until nodes are synchronized, Generated rollouts = 3, But They should =
The vehicle obviously does not move, Here is the video:
Then when I also change the roll_out number in op_local_planner.launch to 6 from 8, the vehicle crashes again.
I did not find any obstacle avoidance parameter.
You have enabled lane change , not obstacle avoidance ! check which launch file is actually called and change the parameters in a consistent way.
You have enabled lane change , not obstacle avoidance ! check which launch file is actually called and change the parameters in a consistent way.
Thanks, actually the parameter is enableSwerving
. I corrected it and the enableFollowing
parameter to true everywhere.
Now, i get 6 local rollout numbers. I use lidar_euclidean_detect
The car detects the obstacle and tries to avoid it. But it does not avoid it effectively and efficiently. It gets stuck near the obstacle, here is the video.
And also, I have set enableLaneChange
to true in local planner but false in global_planner.
Please check the current driving state (behavior) also check if the correct velocity is sent. it appears that all rollouts are red. so it should slow down.
Please check the current driving state (behavior) also check if the correct velocity is sent. it appears that all rollouts are red. so it should slow down.
Thanks for the reply.
The velocities are consistent. I mean to say that velocity published by op_behavior_selector
(twist_raw) is same as the velocity published by the following nodes.
When the vehicle reaches the goal, the state is stop, but the vehicle does not stop sometimes. It keeps on moving until it crashes into something(even if the state is stop). But sometimes, it stops just after the goal. Here is the video of one of the cases:
And I get the message in console:
Goal Found, LaneID: 36, Distance : 0, Angle: 0
Info: PlannerH -> Plan (A) Path With Size (36), MultiPaths No(1) Extraction Time :
New DP Path -> 36
Received New Global Paths Evaluator ! 1
My op_behavior_selector
launch parameters.
It seem the controller does not receive control information from op_behavior_selector , or it is poorly tuned. Set max velocity in op_common_params to zero. if the vehicle moves. then check which node send velocity value larger than zero
Please check the current driving state (behavior) also check if the correct velocity is sent. it appears that all rollouts are red. so it should slow down.
And finally, I set the maximum speed everywhere as 2.0 m/s. Now, I have same speed from every node. Now the vehicle crashes into the obstacle. Here is the video. The state is follow which you can see in the video.
It seem the controller does not receive control information from op_behavior_selector , or it is poorly tuned. Set max velocity in op_common_params to zero. if the vehicle moves. then check which node send velocity value larger than zero
When I set the maxVelocity
in op_common_params
as zero, the vehicle does not move.
If you disable the serving (avoidance) does the vehicle follow next vehicle and stop for objects in front of it ? does it at least slow down ?
I would say the ackerman bridge doesn't convert slow down to braking. or it doesn't brake hard enough
If you disable the serving (avoidance) does the vehicle follow next vehicle and stop for objects in front of it ? does it at least slow down ?
No, when I disable avoidance, the vehicle does not stop. It crashes as before. The only difference is that there is just one feasible(blue) local roll out.
I would say the ackerman bridge doesn't convert slow down to braking. or it doesn't brake hard enough
I don't think the problem is with Ackermann bridge. Because the twist_raw from the op_waypoint_follower
doesn't appear to change. If it was supposed to brake, then the target speed should decrease. But that is not what is happening. The issue is either with the controller or the behavior selector.
I would say the ackerman bridge doesn't convert slow down to braking. or it doesn't brake hard enough
@hatem-darweesh Do you have any video or a repo where you have noted the value of parameters for more or less stable and results. Because, as far as I have understood after trying to set the different parameters, one parameter change may effect multiple nodes. It would be very helpful. Thanks
Hello I am using Carla+Autoware1.15 from hatem's fork to implement obstacle avoidance.
I am using launch files for my environment. In my case, i get a global path but not the local roll_outs.
is a straight line(image below).Global Path -->
Local Path -->
And my vehicle does not move.
I echoed the rostopics but they are not empty.
I received the following warning in my terminal:
Warning From Trajectory Evaluator, paths size mismatch, GlobalPaths: 0, LocalPaths: 1 Received New Global Path Selector!
Could you please be able to assist me.