haterapps / fake-data

Fake Data - A form filler you won't hate
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Ability to access selected locale in custom generator #14

Closed Strongground closed 2 years ago

Strongground commented 2 years ago

Hi! I want to start saying that I hate love your app! However, when writing a custom generator that returns for example a random birthday, and the form expects this data to be in a certain format, at the moment I need to build several custom generators for this (e.g. "Birthday (US)", "Birthday (Germany)" and so on). I would love to be able to access the currently selected locale (from Settings) so I can switch the locale in my custom generator, e.g. randomBday(start, end).toLocaleDateString(fakeData.currentLocale)

Perfect pattern for locale would be ISO 639‑1-ISO 3166‑1, e.g. "en-US" or "de-DE".

haterapps commented 2 years ago


You can retrieve the global locale setting through faker.locale. By default, this will return "en_US".

Unfortunately, the returned values are not in those ISO formats because of the faker.js library, but you can see below all the values that are available in Fake Data:

    'ar':          'Arabic',
    'az':          'Azerbaijani',
    'zh_CN':       'Chinese',
    'zh_TW':       'Chinese (Taiwan)',
    'cz':          'Czech',
    'nl':          'Dutch',
    'nl_BE':       'Dutch (Belgium)',
    'de':          'German',
    'de_AT':       'German (Austria)',
    'de_CH':       'German (Switzerland)',
    'en':          'English',
    "en_AU":       "English (Australia)",
    'en_AU_ocker': 'English (Australia Ocker)',
    'en_BORK':     'English (Bork)',
    'en_CA':       'English (Canada)',
    'en_GB':       'English (Great Britain)',
    'en_IND':      'English (India)',
    'en_IE':       'English (Ireland)',
    'en_ZA':       'English (South Africa)',
    'en_US':       'English (United States)',
    'fa':          'Farsi',
    'fi':          'Finnish',
    'fr':          'French',
    'fr_CA':       'French (Canada)',
    'fr_CH':       'French (Switzerland)',
    'ge':          'Georgian',
    'id_ID':       'Indonesia',
    'it':          'Italian',
    'ja':          'Japanese',
    'ko':          'Korean',
    'nep':         'Nepalese',
    'nb_NO':       'Norwegian',
    'pl':          'Polish',
    'pt_BR':       'Portuguese (Brazil)',
    'pt_PT':       'Portuguese (Portugal)',
    'ro':          'Romanian',
    'ru':          'Russian',
    'sk':          'Slovakian',
    'es':          'Spanish',
    'es_MX':       'Spanish (Mexico)',
    'sv':          'Swedish',
    'tr':          'Turkish',
    'uk':          'Ukrainian',
    'vi':          'Vietnamese',
Strongground commented 2 years ago

You are amazing! Thanks a bunch!