haterapps / fake-data

Fake Data - A form filler you won't hate
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Sort generators #19

Closed JeromeDeLeon closed 2 years ago

JeromeDeLeon commented 2 years ago

Is there a way we could add sorting of generators? I find it weird to have my generators to be in different order and that I have to move them manually through deletion/creation

Thank you

haterapps commented 2 years ago


Sure, this sounds like a useful feature to have. I will make sure to add it in the next update.

In the meantime, because I don't know yet when the next update will be, let me offer you a code snippet that might make your life easier:

(function(generator, direction) {
    chrome.storage.local.get({custom_generators: null}, function(data) {

        if (!data.custom_generators) {
            console.error('Failed to read data properly', data);

        if (['up', 'down'].indexOf(direction) < 0) {
            console.error('Direction can be only "up" or "down"');

        let pos = data.custom_generators.findIndex(function(gen) {
            return gen.label == generator;

        if (pos < 0) {
            console.error('Generator "' + generator + '" not found');

        if (pos == 0 && direction == 'up') {
            console.error('Generator already on first position');

        if (pos == data.custom_generators.length-1 && direction == 'down') {
            console.error('Generator already on last position');

        var new_pos = pos + (direction == 'down' ? 1 : -1);

        data.custom_generators.splice(new_pos, 0, data.custom_generators.splice(pos, 1)[0]);

        chrome.storage.local.set({custom_generators: data.custom_generators}, () => {window.location.reload()});

})('generator_name', 'direction');

Open Fake Data's options page, then open the browser's console and run the above code. Make sure to replace on the last line the generator_name with the name of your custom generator and direction with either up or down.

If executed successfully, the page will reload and the generator selected should be moved either up or down.

P.S.: Make a backup of your generators first. You know... just in case

JeromeDeLeon commented 2 years ago

This is so useful. Thanks for this. I'll try it when I can later

haterapps commented 2 years ago


In the latest version of Fake Data (v.4.0.0) you can now reorder custom generators.
