hathach / tinyusb

An open source cross-platform USB stack for embedded system
MIT License
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TinyUSB port for Arduino DUE SAM3X8E #1581

Closed OptifySudarshanPatil closed 1 year ago

OptifySudarshanPatil commented 2 years ago

TinyUSB is having great api for RNDIS. i used it with Raspberry PICO RP2040 earlier. i wish i could find support for Arduino DUE SAM3X8E he will be great addidion as Arduino USB is limited to USB HID only. And adding External Ethernet MAC (like W5500 for referance) to Arduino DUE SAM3X8E is bit complicated because of certain library conflicts.

An simple TinySB port which will help to bring RNDIS feature to Arduino DUE SAM3X8E will be great for community.

Cheers! sdrshnptl

hathach commented 2 years ago

unfortunately, I am short on time and won't be able to work on this anytime soon. Hopefully someone would make an PR for this.