hatlabs / SH-ESP32-hardware

Sailor Hat for ESP32 hardware
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RFE: hat with multiple digital and analog inputs #61

Closed mgrouch closed 1 year ago

mgrouch commented 1 year ago

Current implementation of esp32 hat is too generic. There is too much DIY required to build a usable device.

It be nicer if there was esp hat with headers for multiple digital and analog inputs.

Clearly marked like:

tank1, tank2, temp1, temp2, rpm1, rpm2, press1, press2, volt1, volt2 etc

and generic esp32 firmware with ui (web or LVGL touchscreen) for setting up the sensor readers.

So end user could just use to set up sensors without need to program esp32.

Victron Cerbo GX something similar for tank level sensors and thermometers.

just an idea Thanks!

mgrouch commented 1 year ago


Some ideas what inputs can be

mairas commented 1 year ago

SH-ESP32 is a developer board, not an end user product. I wish you wouldn't make improvement requests in any of the repos I administer; they are not helpful.