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If a user/trader partially withdraws their deposit, they will never be able to withdraw the remainder #18

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 9 months ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 9 months ago

Github username: -- Twitter username: iamandreiski Submission hash (on-chain): 0x4d3dd16e9837b7214cf487d79324bd81cec62cd09fdd28dce3acf04e790dc53c Severity: medium

Description: Description\

Making the assumption that the protocol keeps tracks of balances, trades and deposit ids off-chain, a user which has deposited, and a certain "id" was assigned to that deposit, in case they only withdraw a portion of it, the remainder will be stuck in the contract due to processedWithdrawals and would have to be manually extracted by admin.

Attack Scenario\

Here is the code in question part of the Bfs.sol, withdraw() function:

 require(processedWithdrawals[id] == false, "ALREADY_PROCESSED");
        processedWithdrawals[id] = true;

Once the first deposit is successful and the deposit id used is set as true, the withdraw function will keep reverting with "ALREADY_PROCESSED" reason.

This is marked as a medium since it's still possible for an admin to manually withdraw and send funds to users.

JacoboLansac commented 9 months ago

I think it is valid, but could be extended. The edge case is there for any time a user wants to withdraw twice the same amount.

iamandreiski commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the input, also here is a PoC that can be inserted into BfxSigning.t.sol to confirm this:

    function testRevertRepeatClaim() public {
        uint256 id1 = 55;

        //First withdrawal sigUtils
        SigUtils.Withdrawal memory withdrawal = SigUtils.Withdrawal({id: id1, trader: _claimant, amount: 20_000});

        //Second withdrawal sigUtils (same id, different amount)
        SigUtils.Withdrawal memory withdrawal1 = SigUtils.Withdrawal({id: id1, trader: _claimant, amount: 25_000});

        bytes32 digest = _sigUtils.getTypedDataHash(withdrawal);

        (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(_settlerPrivateKey, digest);

        _bfx.withdraw(withdrawal.id, withdrawal.trader, withdrawal.amount, v, r, s);

        //Preparing second Withdrawal

        bytes32 digest1 = _sigUtils.getTypedDataHash(withdrawal1);

        (uint8 v1, bytes32 r1, bytes32 s1) = vm.sign(_settlerPrivateKey, digest1);

        _bfx.withdraw(withdrawal.id, withdrawal.trader, withdrawal.amount, v1, r1, s1);
alex-sumner commented 8 months ago

The withdrawal id check prevents the same withdrawal from being processed more than once - it prevents replay attacks. If you deposit 20 tokens you can withdraw 10 and then another 10, but in order to make 2 withdrawals you have to make 2 withdrawal requests. Each new withdrawal will be assigned a new id and a new signature.