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Vulnerability in pooledDeposit Function Enables Denial of Service (DoS) Attack #47

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 4 months ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 4 months ago

Github username: -- Twitter username: @recursiveAudit Submission hash (on-chain): 0xdc4c563b13ebcebd7a558df1c5dd3a4917e84ab4e51d486623be04def381667c Severity: medium

Description: Description\ function named PoolDeposit:pooledDeposit() that accepts an array of contributions (Contribution[]). This function aggregates the total amount of contributions and then transfers the total amount to a designated address (rabbit). However, there's a vulnerability in the code due to the lack of limit on the size of the contributions array, combined with the function's external visibility.

Attack Scenario\ Denial of Service (DoS) Attack: An attacker exploits the vulnerability by calling the PoolDeposit:pooledDeposit() function with an excessively large contributions array. Since the function's visibility is external, it can be called by anyone. The attacker sends a huge array of contributions, causing the function to iterate through the array in a loop.

As the function iterates through the large array, it consumes significant gas for each iteration. With a sufficiently large array, the gas cost of processing the loop exceeds the block gas limit, leading to a denial of service condition.

Impact: The excessive gas consumption prevents legitimate transactions from being processed.


  1. Proof of Concept (PoC) File
function pooledDeposit(Contribution[] calldata contributions) external {
        uint256 poolId = allocatePoolId();
        uint256 totalAmount = 0;
        for (uint i = 0; i < contributions.length; i++) {
            Contribution calldata contribution = contributions[i];
            uint256 contribAmount = contribution.amount;
            totalAmount += contribAmount;
            require(contribAmount > 0, "WRONG_AMOUNT");
            require(totalAmount >= contribAmount, "INTEGRITY_OVERFLOW_ERROR");
            uint256 depositId = allocateDepositId();
            emit Deposit(depositId, contribution.contributor, contribAmount, poolId); //
        require(totalAmount > 0, "WRONG_AMOUNT");
        emit PooledDeposit(poolId, totalAmount);
        bool success = makeTransferFrom(msg.sender, rabbit, totalAmount);
        require(success, "TRANSFER_FAILED");
  1. Revised Code File (Optional) ->Consider implementing gas limits on the number of contributions that can be processed in a single transaction or using batch processing techniques to handle large arrays efficiently. ->Additionally, consider adjusting the visibility of the function to restrict access and prevent unauthorized calls.
recursiveEth commented 4 months ago

Hey, don't you think it's strictly high or medium the DOS.

0xbitsurfer commented 4 months ago

attacker sending large array contribution doesn't affect everyone else transaction, he just dos-ed himself, thus I think is not an issue, not even a low

recursiveEth commented 4 months ago

This is not only about attacker its for normal user also, if they send large array of address and amount there can be DOS and wastage of gas cost. However if gas fees are low enough they could cause disruption at a relatively low cost to themselves.