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EVM's `ecrecover` is susceptible to signature malleability #3

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 6 months ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 6 months ago

Github username: @0xfuje Twitter username: 0xfuje Submission hash (on-chain): 0x45c350f639294143f07190bbce288c6f36fbac4941a74a2e52d8c19db5e88ec1 Severity: medium



Potential replay attacks, attacker could forge ecrecover return value to match guardian signatures


The attacker could flip s and v values to create a different signature that equals to the same hash & signer. There are three instances of ecrecover in the codebase:


53:     address messageSigner = ecrecover(keccak256(_message), v, r, s);


102:    address signatory = ecrecover(hash, v, r, s);


116:    address signatory = ecrecover(hash, sig.v, sig.r, sig.s);


Instead of the vulnerable ecrecover consider using Openzeppelin's ECDSA library: openzeppelin-contracts/utils/cryptography/ECDSA.sol

reednaa commented 6 months ago

src/apps/mock/IncentivizedMockEscrow.sol What is the impact?

src/apps/wormhole/external/callworm/WormholeVerifier.sol Based on Wormhole. What is the impact?

src/apps/wormhole/external/wormhole/Messages.sol Not in scope.

0xfuje commented 5 months ago

Apologies for the late answer. I could finally took some time to explore the issue further.


During processPacket() -> verifyPacket() will return true with the maliciously crafted v and s values: however _handleMessage() and _handleAck() will both revert later since checks prevent processing the message twice.


I don't exactly know the full extent of how the contract is going to be used, but every guardian signature validation can be replayed and bypassed by manipulating v and s values. If there are no additional checks in the app this can be exploited, however afaik here it's only used by processPacket() which is not vulnerable for replays (but _verifyPacket() will still execute with the forged values!).

Currently there is no impact with processPacket() calls, however it would be dangerous to leave this alone as the contracts still allow signature malleability. I would recommend to switch to Openzeppelin's ECDSA instead of ecrecover. The crucial check OZ makes is to not allow the s value to be in the upper range: link since almost all libraries generate s in the lower half. If you don't want to use OZ i would implement the check instead.

reednaa commented 5 months ago

Considering that there is no impact, I will mark this as won't fix.

Our mock contract is meant to be simple and I personally prefer using ecrecover directly over using an external library.

For Wormhole, the WormholeVerifier.sol is meant to implement Wormhole verification very closely. Considering that could be a lot of signatures verified for Wormhole VAAs, I very much prefer a lean implementation.