hats-finance / Catalyst-Exchange-0x3026c1ea29bf1280f99b41934b2cb65d053c9db4

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Weights are not updated on each _update action but only when nearing the target time, due to precision loss #78

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 5 months ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 5 months ago

Github username: @nuthan2x Twitter username: nuthan2x Submission hash (on-chain): 0x75401aa9cc642d6ae1209ca04b56d7e3b72e29d10e255d616f92bcccd2d19f77 Severity: medium

Description: Description\ The weights of the vaults can be updated by vault deployer due to market conditions and adaptability. And the weights are updated on each transaction of swap/liquidity actions, and they will be linearly updated until the target time is reached. But some weights changes are not updated during the first 85% of the time but only starts to update on the rest 15%. This is due to the presion loss mentioned in the below sections.

Attack Scenario\

    if (targetWeight > currentWeight) {
        // if the weights are increased then targetWeight - currentWeight > 0.
        // Add the change to the current weight.
        uint256 newWeight = currentWeight + (
@--->        (targetWeight - currentWeight) * (block.timestamp - lastModification)
@--->   ) / (adjTarget - lastModification);
        _weight[token] = newWeight;
        wsum += newWeight;
    } else {
        // if the weights are decreased then targetWeight - currentWeight < 0.
        // Subtract the change from the current weights.
        uint256 newWeight = currentWeight - (
            (currentWeight - targetWeight) * (block.timestamp - lastModification)
        ) / (adjTarget - lastModification);
        _weight[token] = newWeight;
        wsum += newWeight;

Exact flow of issue:

  1. create a vault with (50% per each asset weight) at [10,10] being the weights.
  2. Now due to market conditions, the vault deployer changes the weights to (66% - 33%) in [20,10] as the weights for 14 days adjustment period.
  3. Now the weights have to be increased for asset A, and asset B remains same. And the increase asset A's weight should be linear and to be updated on every action.
  4. but since the the difference in numbers (20 - 10) == 10 is very low and using time as denominator in the below code makes the precision loss.
  5. So weights are updated from 10 to 11, 11 to 12 on the last 2 days transactions, but for last 12 days the weights remains same and not updated. Atleast the weights should have been linearly updated like (10 weights/14 days) like 0.7 per day time based.


  1. Proof of Concept (PoC) File
Running 1 test for test/Test2POC.sol:Testing
[PASS] testWeightsUpdate() (gas: 13887541)
  after 0 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10
  DAI weight afrter update:  10

  after 4 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10
  DAI weight afrter update:  10

  after 8 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10
  DAI weight afrter update:  10

  after 12 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10
  DAI weight afrter update:  10

  after 16 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10
  DAI weight afrter update:  10

  after 20 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10
  DAI weight afrter update:  10

  after 24 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10
  DAI weight afrter update:  10

  ///////////////////////// logs removed  for simplicity ///////////////////////

  after 276 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10
  DAI weight afrter update:  10

  after 280 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10
  DAI weight afrter update:  10

  after 284 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10
  DAI weight afrter update:  10

  after 288 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10
  DAI weight afrter update:  10

  after 292 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10
  DAI weight afrter update:  10

  after 296 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10
  DAI weight afrter update:  11

  after 300 hours
  DAI weight before update:  11
  DAI weight afrter update:  12

  after 304 hours
  DAI weight before update:  12
  DAI weight afrter update:  13

  after 308 hours
  DAI weight before update:  13
  DAI weight afrter update:  14

  after 312 hours
  DAI weight before update:  14
  DAI weight afrter update:  15

  after 316 hours
  DAI weight before update:  15
  DAI weight afrter update:  16

  after 320 hours
  DAI weight before update:  16
  DAI weight afrter update:  17

  after 324 hours
  DAI weight before update:  17
  DAI weight afrter update:  18

  after 328 hours
  DAI weight before update:  18
  DAI weight afrter update:  19

  after 332 hours
  DAI weight before update:  19
  DAI weight afrter update:  20

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 86.58ms
  1. Revised Code File (Optional)
[PASS] testWeightsUpdate() (gas: 13990786)
  after 0 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10000
  DAI weight afrter update:  10119

  after 4 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10119
  DAI weight afrter update:  10238

  after 8 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10238
  DAI weight afrter update:  10357

  after 12 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10357
  DAI weight afrter update:  10476

  after 16 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10476
  DAI weight afrter update:  10595

  after 20 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10595
  DAI weight afrter update:  10714

  after 24 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10714
  DAI weight afrter update:  10833

  after 28 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10833
  DAI weight afrter update:  10952

  after 32 hours
  DAI weight before update:  10952
  DAI weight afrter update:  11071

  after 36 hours
  DAI weight before update:  11071
  DAI weight afrter update:  11190

  after 40 hours
  DAI weight before update:  11190
  DAI weight afrter update:  11309

  after 44 hours
  DAI weight before update:  11309
  DAI weight afrter update:  11428

  after 48 hours
  DAI weight before update:  11428
  DAI weight afrter update:  11547

  after 52 hours
  DAI weight before update:  11547
  DAI weight afrter update:  11666

  after 56 hours
  DAI weight before update:  11666
  DAI weight afrter update:  11785

  after 60 hours
  DAI weight before update:  11785
  DAI weight afrter update:  11904

  ///////////////////////// logs removed  for simplicity ///////////////////////

  after 296 hours
  DAI weight before update:  18806
  DAI weight afrter update:  18925

  after 300 hours
  DAI weight before update:  18925
  DAI weight afrter update:  19044

  after 304 hours
  DAI weight before update:  19044
  DAI weight afrter update:  19163

  after 308 hours
  DAI weight before update:  19163
  DAI weight afrter update:  19282

  after 312 hours
  DAI weight before update:  19282
  DAI weight afrter update:  19401

  after 316 hours
  DAI weight before update:  19401
  DAI weight afrter update:  19520

  after 320 hours
  DAI weight before update:  19520
  DAI weight afrter update:  19640

  after 324 hours
  DAI weight before update:  19640
  DAI weight afrter update:  19760

  after 328 hours
  DAI weight before update:  19760
  DAI weight afrter update:  19880

  after 332 hours
  DAI weight before update:  19880
  DAI weight afrter update:  20000

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 81.81ms
nuthan2x commented 5 months ago
  1. weights can be anywhere from 1:1 to 1e18:1e18, and the tests are also using 1:1 and 10:10 for volatile vaults
  2. so validating the weights to have a precision of 10_000 (bps) is needed.
  3. And the sudden update of the weights in the last 20% of the times is not intended/and the vault deployer doesn't want that to happen, and may also lead to MEV (not yet tested).
reednaa commented 5 months ago

We are actually aware of a worse problem than this one, which is why we have the warnings:

https://github.com/hats-finance/Catalyst-Exchange-0x3026c1ea29bf1280f99b41934b2cb65d053c9db4/blob/27b4d0a2bca177aff00def8cd745623bfbf7cb6b/evm/src/CatalystVaultVolatile.sol#L179-L180 And https://github.com/hats-finance/Catalyst-Exchange-0x3026c1ea29bf1280f99b41934b2cb65d053c9db4/blob/27b4d0a2bca177aff00def8cd745623bfbf7cb6b/evm/src/CatalystVaultVolatile.sol#L136-L139 And https://github.com/hats-finance/Catalyst-Exchange-0x3026c1ea29bf1280f99b41934b2cb65d053c9db4/blob/27b4d0a2bca177aff00def8cd745623bfbf7cb6b/evm/src/CatalystVaultVolatile.sol#L72-L73

I think the last one should say 10**5. Grammar 😅

The particular issue can be created by the governance setting low-ish weights to large weights which aren't equal: Say going from 10,10 to 10001 and 10000. Since the denumerator has low precision in the beginning, you can make one of them skip updates while the other one updates. This can be exploited for value. This particular issue is why we have the size constraints on weights.

Regarding your issue, I believe the warnings we have in place are sufficient. They describe that weights should be large (though wording might not be the best) otherwise governance shouldn't change the weights. To protect liquidity providers it is important that the factory owner is a timelock as specified on the factory. https://github.com/hats-finance/Catalyst-Exchange-0x3026c1ea29bf1280f99b41934b2cb65d053c9db4/blob/27b4d0a2bca177aff00def8cd745623bfbf7cb6b/evm/src/CatalystFactory.sol#L18