hats-finance / Catalyst-Exchange-0x3026c1ea29bf1280f99b41934b2cb65d053c9db4

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Cross-chain liquidity swaps can be executed with more vault tokens than the vault's token balance. #85

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 5 months ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 5 months ago

Github username: -- Twitter username: -- Submission hash (on-chain): 0x8ca046c80d7ffd8134c21cc68f803ceabd9bad961754262d1849008f5e339623 Severity: high

Description: Description\ When initiating a cross chain liquidity swap in function sendLiquidity, there are no validations in place to verify that the amount of vault tokens about to be exchanged isn't more than the vault's token balance before sending the liquidity across chains. https://github.com/catalystdao/catalyst/blob/27b4d0a2bca177aff00def8cd745623bfbf7cb6b/evm/src/CatalystVaultVolatile.sol#L890C1-L896C11

This allows a situation where malicious cross chain liquidity swaps are made with more vault tokens than the actual vault's token balance.

Attack Scenario\ The vulnerability can be exploited to exchange more vault tokens than the vault's token balance during cross chain liquidity swaps.

Proof of Concept (PoC) File

Add this test to sendLiquidity.t.sol and run forge test --mt test_Malicious_sendLiquidity

    function test_Malicious_sendLiquidity(bytes32 channelId, uint32 swapSizePercentage, address toAccount) external virtual {
        vm.assume(toAccount != address(0));
        vm.assume(swapSizePercentage != type(uint32).max);
        address[] memory vaults = getTestConfig();
        require(vaults.length >= 2, "Not enough vaults defined");

        uint8 fromVaultIndex = 0;
        uint8 toVaultIndex = 1;

        address fromVault = vaults[fromVaultIndex];
        address toVault = vaults[toVaultIndex];

        setConnection(fromVault, toVault, channelId, channelId);

        uint256 amount = Token(fromVault).balanceOf(address(this)) * swapSizePercentage / (2**32 - 1);

        ICatalystV1Structs.RouteDescription memory routeDescription = ICatalystV1Structs.RouteDescription({
            chainIdentifier: channelId,
            toVault: convertEVMTo65(toVault),
            toAccount: convertEVMTo65(toAccount),
            incentive: _INCENTIVE

        ICatalystV1Vault(fromVault).sendLiquidity{value: _getTotalIncentive(_INCENTIVE)}(
            amount + 10000, // more tokens than it's balance
            [uint256(0), uint256(0)],

PoC file attached below.

Potential fix

Ensure that the amount of tokens to be exchanged isn't more than the vault's token balance.


reednaa commented 5 months ago

The PoC using fuzzing, I think that is why it seems possible.

The check for more than balance is here: https://github.com/hats-finance/Catalyst-Exchange-0x3026c1ea29bf1280f99b41934b2cb65d053c9db4/blob/fba322fab023a9206183fb455e9f86facd550d8a/evm/src/CatalystVaultVolatile.sol#L878

0xisaacc commented 5 months ago

The PoC using fuzzing, I think that is why it seems possible.

Yes. At some point, it will be possible to send more vault tokens than the vault's token's balance

reednaa commented 5 months ago

Please implement PoC without fuzzing or show me relevant code.

0xisaacc commented 5 months ago

Let's recap.

reednaa commented 5 months ago

Your fuzzing test contains:

uint256 amount = Token(fromVault).balanceOf(address(this)) * swapSizePercentage / (2**32 - 1);

So the user is never withdrawing their full amount except when swapSizePercentage == type(uint32).max minus the 10000.

Could you explain why the tests fails when swapSizePercentage is high enough that more than the user's balance is withdrawn?

And as a Security researcher, would you be able to provide me with the failing cases of your test so we can examine edges of the test and figure out where the fail area for the input swapSizePercentage is?

0xisaacc commented 5 months ago

show me relevant code.

There should have been a check like this in function sendLiquidity before executing the cross chain swap.

require(vaultTokens <= vaultToken.balanceOf(vault)); 

This will prevent the issue.

reednaa commented 5 months ago

This is the check you want implemented?

