Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 9 months ago
Github username: -- Twitter username: -- Submission hash (on-chain): 0x0adef3f09cea2362295fd64437b6bfa6a2c09bc54fdf8be53b576a1d241e41bf Severity: medium
Description: Description\ Messages will be non block unique and have the same message identifier when they are sent on the same block. This can be done by sending the same messaages through seperate transactions on the same block. This will make the messages to be non block unique and they will have the same message identifier.
Attack Scenario\ The same message can be sent twice in a single block by using multiple trasactions to execute them.
Proof of Concept (PoC) File
Add this tests to MessageIdentifier.t.sol and run forge test on each of them.
function test_notUnique_identifier_block_11() public { vm.roll(11); IncentiveDescription storage incentive = _INCENTIVE; (, bytes32 messageIdentifier) = escrow.submitMessage{value: _getTotalIncentive(_INCENTIVE)}( _DESTINATION_IDENTIFIER, _DESTINATION_ADDRESS_THIS, _MESSAGE, incentive ); assertEq(messageIdentifier, bytes32(0xeaa2656c806ede225c7826a7d7f26fbc0f3ba4c918a54ed06a04842f76fef24b)); } function test2_notUnique_identifier_block_11() public { vm.roll(11); IncentiveDescription storage incentive = _INCENTIVE; (, bytes32 messageIdentifier) = escrow.submitMessage{value: _getTotalIncentive(_INCENTIVE)}( _DESTINATION_IDENTIFIER, _DESTINATION_ADDRESS_THIS, _MESSAGE, incentive ); assertEq(messageIdentifier, bytes32(0xeaa2656c806ede225c7826a7d7f26fbc0f3ba4c918a54ed06a04842f76fef24b)); }
Poc File attached below
Potential fix
Verify that the same message can't be sent twice on the same block through different transactions.
Both tests are run in seperate and clean vms.
Github username: -- Twitter username: -- Submission hash (on-chain): 0x0adef3f09cea2362295fd64437b6bfa6a2c09bc54fdf8be53b576a1d241e41bf Severity: medium
Description: Description\ Messages will be non block unique and have the same message identifier when they are sent on the same block. This can be done by sending the same messaages through seperate transactions on the same block. This will make the messages to be non block unique and they will have the same message identifier.
Attack Scenario\ The same message can be sent twice in a single block by using multiple trasactions to execute them.
Proof of Concept (PoC) File
Add this tests to MessageIdentifier.t.sol and run forge test on each of them.
Poc File attached below
Potential fix
Verify that the same message can't be sent twice on the same block through different transactions.