Stable pool: when adding liquidity or removing the liquidity , the input vector lenght is checked whether is matching with the token lenght. But the amount is not checked. as a result, the function will pass sucessfully by emitting the event .
these event will be used in the front end application. if these are spammed it would cause unexpected havoc when processing them.
Github username: -- Twitter username: -- Submission hash (on-chain): 0x91759b9ad65d849c436b1c9fd9e00d43804bc24da54353d766ecab522855750b Severity: low
Description: Description
Stable pool: when adding liquidity or removing the liquidity , the input vector lenght is checked whether is matching with the token lenght. But the amount is not checked. as a result, the function will pass sucessfully by emitting the event .
these event will be used in the front end application. if these are spammed it would cause unexpected havoc when processing them.
For example, add_liquidity
Validate the amount value from the input amount vector.