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Staking Functionality is broken for approved addresses by owners of the ERC20 tokens #46

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 5 months ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 5 months ago

Github username: @0xumarkhatab Twitter username: 0xumarkhatab Submission hash (on-chain): 0x2a136b898d08571e19603ff3835c8f2a934a3a8945d8e7f706967adb20f8f237 Severity: high

Description: Description\ Most functions inside the staking contracts requires the receiver or msg.sender to be the strict owner of the token they are using. However , this functionality should also be available for approved addresses of those token owners.

Attack Scenario\ Let's take a look at the following code snippets


 function deposit(uint256 tokenId, uint256 cvgCvxAmount, DepositCvxData calldata cvxData) external {
        _deposit(tokenId, cvgCvxAmount, cvxData, false);
    function _deposit(
        uint256 tokenId,
        uint256 cvgCvxAmount,
        DepositCvxData memory cvxData,
        bool isEthDeposit
    ) internal {
        // snip
        if (tokenId != 0) {
            /// @dev Fetches, for the tokenId, the owner, the StakingPositionService linked to and the timestamp of unlocking
            _cvxStakingPositionManager.checkIncreaseDepositCompliance(tokenId, msg.sender);
            _tokenId = tokenId;
        // snip



  modifier checkCompliance(uint256 tokenId) {
        stakingPositionManager.checkTokenFullCompliance(tokenId, msg.sender);

    function claimCvgRewards(uint256 tokenId) external checkCompliance(tokenId) {
        function claimCvgCvxRewards(
        uint256 _tokenId,
        uint256 _minCvgCvxAmountOut,
        bool _isConvert
    ) external checkCompliance(_tokenId) {

stakingPositionManager contract

    function checkTokenFullCompliance(uint256 tokenId, address receiver) external view {
        /// @dev Verify that receiver is always the NFT owner
        require(receiver == ownerOf(tokenId), "TOKEN_NOT_OWNED");
        /// @dev As the StakingPositionManager is the NFT contract, we verify that this ID has been created from this StakingPositionService
        require(msg.sender == stakingPerTokenId[tokenId], "WRONG_STAKING");
        /// @dev We verify that the tokenId is not timelocked
        require(unlockingTimestampPerToken[tokenId] < block.timestamp, "TOKEN_TIMELOCKED");

  * @dev Verifies the compliance of a position to increase the deposit amount on it.
     *      Checks that the transaction is done from the staking contract linked to the token ID.
     *      Checks that the position is owned by the account.
     * @param tokenId of the staking position
     * @param receiver Receiver address of the Staking Position NFT
    function checkIncreaseDepositCompliance(uint256 tokenId, address receiver) external view {
        /// @dev Verify that receiver is always the NFT owner
        require(receiver == ownerOf(tokenId), "TOKEN_NOT_OWNED");
        /// @dev As the StakingPositionManager is the NFT contract, we verify that this ID has been created from this StakingPositionService
        require(msg.sender == stakingPerTokenId[tokenId], "WRONG_STAKING");

we can see that the stakingPositionManager's compliance check functions are underlying core functions of the major staking operations of deposit and claim of staking .

However we take a closer look at the code , the code only executes if the executor is the owner of token id . it will revert even if the executor is the approved user of the token owner.

# checkTokenFullCompliance

require(receiver == ownerOf(tokenId), "TOKEN_NOT_OWNED");

# checkIncreaseDepositCompliance

require(receiver == ownerOf(tokenId), "TOKEN_NOT_OWNED");

as stated , the receiver parameter is not something that is taken from the user upon function invocation , rather its' called with msg.sender is the receiver param which effectively only allows the token owner to manage their investment.

Attachments N/A

  1. Proof of Concept (PoC) File

However , The current implementation is not practical in real world. In real world , The wealthy owners don't have enough time to do everything on their own.

There is this wealthy investor/Token owner, the will hire bunch of traders or account managers who will manage their assets for them ( the token owner approving them of their tokens instead of just giving away their private keys )

Now this is the case for majority of the token holders that they have approved addresses that take part in portfolio management and investment decisions .

However , the staking functionality does not serve that majority of the crypto holders to take part and eventually lose a lot of share that it could process by allowing the token approved addresses

  1. Revised Code File (Optional) Instead of checking for
require(receiver == ownerOf(tokenId), "TOKEN_NOT_OWNED");

The code should check if the user is either approved address of the token Owner or the token owner itself. In both cases , the transaction should succeed. This will ensure that the staing functionality is available for 60% users that might not have been able to use te previous implementation due to strict ownership checks and owners not having enough time to do everything on their own.

require(receiver == approvedOrOwner(tokenId), "TOKEN_NOT_OWNED_NOR_Approved");
PlamenTSV commented 4 months ago

This would allow approved addresses to steal rewards inside the reward distributor and also allow them to brick their owner, since they can front-run him and transfer the NFT out when he tries to claim rewards. Also I see no economic gain in allowing allowees to interact from the name of the owner. Too many trust-assumption risks.