In contract CvxStakingPositionManager.sol there is mapping(address => bool) public isCvxStaking; which is declared but is not used.
Attack Scenario\
A storage variable that is declared but not initialized will have a default value of zero (or the equivalent, such as an empty array for array types or zero-address for address types). Failing to initialize a storage variable can pose risks if the contract logic assumes that the variable has been explicitly set to a particular value. Though this doesn't directly affects the workflow of the contract but can be removed if not used.
Github username: @aga7hokakological Twitter username: 0xagathokako Submission hash (on-chain): 0x53122d776b3d4692af2b12fb6fbc35e8abb93d03d40da9c6227b39c6f58c90fc Severity: low
Description: Description\ In contract CvxStakingPositionManager.sol there is
mapping(address => bool) public isCvxStaking;
which is declared but is not used.Attack Scenario\ A storage variable that is declared but not initialized will have a default value of zero (or the equivalent, such as an empty array for array types or zero-address for address types). Failing to initialize a storage variable can pose risks if the contract logic assumes that the variable has been explicitly set to a particular value. Though this doesn't directly affects the workflow of the contract but can be removed if not used.
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