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Reward tokens will be locked and not distributed because of rounding error #58

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 1 month ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 1 month ago

Github username: @rilwan99 Twitter username: Ril11111 Submission hash (on-chain): 0x88464bfff74b60ada18845e79f46f9512801e1bd03fbbf64641565959d636c94 Severity: medium

Description: Description\ The reward calculation for users in the SingelTokenVirtualRewarderUpgradeable.sol is based on the user's token proportion of the total supply across unclaimed epochs. The function is defined below:

function calculateRewardPerEpoch(uint256 tokenId, uint256 epoch) internal view returns (uint256) {
    // Balance of the user at the last checkpoint nearest to the epoch
    uint256 balance = VirtualRewarderCheckpoints.getAmount( 
    // Total balance in the contract at the last checkpoint nearest to the epoch
    uint256 supply = VirtualRewarderCheckpoints.getAmount(totalSupplyCheckpoints, totalSupplyCheckpointLastIndex, epoch);
    if (supply == 0) {
        return 0;
    // @Audit: Precision loss
    return (balance * rewardsPerEpoch[epoch + WEEK]) / supply;

This function suffers from precision loss due to integer division

Attack Scenario\ If:

In such cases, the calculation results in 0, effectively denying rewards to users with smaller balances relative to the total supply. This scenario becomes increasingly likely as the pool of users attaching their NFTs to the strategy grows.

Due to integer division, all results are rounded down. This means that even when users should receive a fractional reward, they receive only the integer part, losing the fractional portion.

Impact\ These issues become increasingly problematic as the pool of users attaching their NFTs to the strategy grows, exacerbating the precision problem for users with smaller stakes and leading to a cumulative loss of rewards for all users due to rounding down.


  1. Proof of Concept (PoC) File

Initial State

Exploitation and Cumulative Effect

User A receives no rewards despite being entitled to 0.1% of the tokens for the above epoch. If rewardsPerEpoch for the rest of the unharvested epoch remains the same/ decreases, user A would have effectively not receive ANY reward for participating in this strategy.

  1. Recommendation

Introduce a scaling factor to the calculations. This approach allows more decimal places to be maintained during the calculation and then scale back down at the end.

function calculateRewardPerEpoch(uint256 tokenId, uint256 epoch) internal view returns (uint256, uint256) {
    uint256 balance = VirtualRewarderCheckpoints.getAmount(
    uint256 supply = VirtualRewarderCheckpoints.getAmount(totalSupplyCheckpoints, totalSupplyCheckpointLastIndex, epoch);
    if (supply == 0) {
        return (0, 0);

    // Introduce a scaling factor, e.g., 1e18 for 18 decimal places of precision
    uint256 PRECISION_FACTOR = 1e18;

    // Scale up the calculation
    uint256 scaledReward = (balance * rewardsPerEpoch[epoch_ + _WEEK] * PRECISION_FACTOR) / supply;

    // Round to the nearest whole number
    uint256 roundedReward = (scaledReward + PRECISION_FACTOR / 2) / PRECISION_FACTOR;

    return roundedReward;
  1. Mitigation

This approach solves the vulnerability by:

  1. Preventing small balances from resulting in zero rewards due to integer division.
  2. Maintaining precision throughout the calculation, which is especially important when dealing with large supply values.
  3. Providing fair rounding to the nearest whole number, ensuring that users receive rewards when they're due more than half a token.
BohdanHrytsak commented 1 month ago

@0xmahdirostami duplicate 46?

Although more details are provided, it still remains a dust, with the accuracy of tokens omitted from the calculations. Rounding and loss of reward by the user occurs when their share is less than the accuracy of the token, so this is still dust

1e18 1e6/1_000_000e18 = 1 wei 0.1e18 1e6/1_000_000e18 = 0 wei

If it is supposed to get 0.0000001% when 1e6 tokens are distributed, we can't divide the token into such a fractional part.

And for tokens with larger decimals, we have

0.1e18 * 1e18/1_000_000e18 = 0.000001e18

what is the correct calculation

0xmahdirostami commented 1 month ago

Issue #58 highlights that a rounding error, occurring when the denominator exceeds the numerator, results in rewards for an epoch becoming zero. This issue primarily affects users who then receive no rewards. Although using high-scale basis points (e.g., WAD number math) could mitigate this, the likelihood of the issue is low. It would require the total supply to be significantly larger than the corresponding reward (balance times the reward rate) for the problem to manifest.