hats-finance / Inverter-Network-0xe47e52c4fea05e555920f1dcdcc6fb8eca103eeb

Fork of the Inverter Smart Contracts Repository
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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unsuppoted compilation in some L2s #24

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 1 month ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 1 month ago

Github username: -- Twitter username: -- Submission hash (on-chain): 0x7223eb3bb70995abf62cbf1e87267e68a5b2319e835f89bdee4f18d1c1b43987 Severity: low

Description: Description\ unsuppoted compilation in some L2s

Attack Scenario\ Issue where it was ruled Medium : https://solodit.xyz/issues/m-04-project-may-fail-to-be-deployed-to-chains-not-compatible-with-shanghai-hardfork-code4rena-ambire-ambire-git

Current settings may produce incompatible bytecode with some of the chains supported by the protocol.

The inverter network supports and targets different chains, such as Linea, Optimism, Polygon, etc.

All of the contracts in scope have the version pragma fixed to be compiled using Solidity >0.8.20, some are in 0.8.23. This new version of the compiler uses the new PUSH0 opcode introduced in the Shanghai hard fork, which is now the default EVM version in the compiler and the one being currently used to compile the project.

This could also become a problem if different versions of Solidity are used to compile contracts for different chains. The differences in bytecode between versions can impact the deterministic nature of contract addresses, potentially breaking counterfactuality.

Recommendation :

Change the Solidity compiler version to 0.8.19 or define an evm version in delpyment using foundry.toml, which is compatible across all of the intended chains to be supported by the protocol (see https://book.getfoundry.sh/reference/config/solidity-compiler?highlight=evm_vers#evm_version).


  1. Proof of Concept (PoC) File

  2. Revised Code File (Optional)

PlamenTSV commented 1 month ago

Support for Shangshai became live on L2s not too long ago.

FHieser commented 3 weeks ago

Can you provide a list of L2s that doesnt have the Shangshai Support?

IronsideSec commented 2 weeks ago

@FHieser Avalanche and fantom doesn't support Source : https://push0.info/

FHieser commented 2 weeks ago

Is this a trusted website? It doesnt contain any links to prove this and might as well be hardcoded.

IronsideSec commented 2 weeks ago

Is this a trusted website? It doesnt contain any links to prove this and might as well be hardcoded. @FHieser

the site is used on mutiple issue/PR discussions in contests repositories. Check at https://github.com/search?q=https%3A%2F%2Fpush0.info%2F&type=issues. So, seems legit.

But it is upto date till jan2024. And tracks only big L2s

Looks like, AVAX and FTM supoorts push0 now https://github.com/ava-labs/coreth/issues/325 https://github.com/Fantom-foundation/Tosca/issues/465

FHieser commented 2 weeks ago

So youre essentially saying that the website is invalid. xD Sorry my man, but I will have to tag this as invalid