hats-finance / Kintsu-0x7d70f9442af3a9a0a734fa6a1b4857f25518e9d2

Smart contracts for Kintsu
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Unauthorized Access Vulnerability in set_code Function of Vault Contract #35

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 1 month ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 1 month ago

Github username: @neuraldevx Twitter username: realjakechris Submission hash (on-chain): 0x1fa9adc25867736a3600b2d7a415c4c234d03bfefd5ffaabb166aed2038c190f Severity: high

Description: Description

The set_code function in the vault contract allows upgrading the contract code. However, it only checks if the caller is the role_owner without any additional security measures. This could lead to unauthorized access if the role_owner account is compromised.

Attack Scenario

An attacker who gains control of the role_owner account can call the set_code function to upgrade the contract to malicious code, potentially stealing all funds.


  1. Proof of Concept (PoC) File

/// Upgrade the contract by the ink env set_code_hash function

/// Caller must have the owner role (role_owner)

/// See ink documentation for details https://paritytech.github.io/ink/ink_env/fn.set_code_hash.html


pub fn set_code(&mut self, code_hash: [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), VaultError> { let caller = Self::env().caller();

if caller != self.data.role_owner {
    return Err(VaultError::InvalidPermissions);




  1. Revised Code File (Optional)

    /// Upgrade the contract by the ink env set_code_hash function /// /// Caller must have the owner role (role_owner) /// See ink documentation for details https://paritytech.github.io/ink/ink_env/fn.set_code_hash.html


    pub fn set_code(&mut self, code_hash: [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), VaultError> { let caller = Self::env().caller();

    if caller != self.data.role_owner { return Err(VaultError::InvalidPermissions); }

    // Implementing a time-lock mechanism if Self::env().block_timestamp() < self.data.code_update_time + TIME_LOCK_PERIOD { return Err(VaultError::TimeLockActive); }


    // Update the time of the last code update self.data.code_update_time = Self::env().block_timestamp();

    Ok(()) }

0xmahdirostami commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your submission. Attacks that require access to leaked private keys or trusted addresses. Out of scope