hats-finance / Kintsu-0x7d70f9442af3a9a0a734fa6a1b4857f25518e9d2

Smart contracts for Kintsu
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unsynced `staked` value when unbond open for DOS #63

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 1 month ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 1 month ago

Github username: -- Twitter username: -- Submission hash (on-chain): 0x2d23de0c9d7156034066433cc1df3172c24047206c11edb578419542588dd525 Severity: medium

Description: Description\

Unbounding process will be triggered via this start_unboud function below:

File: lib.rs
083:         pub fn start_unbond(&mut self, amount: u128) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
084:             // Restricted to vault
085:             if Self::env().caller() != self.vault {
086:                 return Err(RuntimeError::Unauthorized);
087:             }
089: >>          self.staked -= amount;
091:             // Trigger un-bonding process
092:             self.env()
093:                 .call_runtime(&RuntimeCall::NominationPools(
094:                     NominationCall::Unbond {
095:                         member_account: MultiAddress::Id(Self::env().account_id()),
096:                         unbonding_points: amount,
097:                     }
098:                 ))?;
100:             Ok(())
101:         }

The issue here is staked value will be unsynced due to the unbond can be permissionlessly called by anyone when the pool is destroying and the member is not the depositor.

Thus when someone trigger this unbond operation for a pool, this staked value is not updated.

This staked var is fetched via get_staked_value then it finally called in get_weight_imbalances. Using outdated staked value, this can affect delegate_unbonding allocation.

File: lib.rs
184:         #[ink(message, selector = 12)] ## QUERY_STAKED_VALUE_SELECTOR `query_staked_value`
185:         pub fn get_staked_value(&self) -> Balance {
186:             self.staked
187:         }
File: data.rs
155:     pub fn get_weight_imbalances(
156:         &self,
157:         agents: &Vec<Agent>,
158:         total_weight: u64,
159:         total_pooled: u128,
160:     ) -> (u128, u128, u128, Vec<u128>, Vec<i128>) {
167:         for a in agents.into_iter() {
168: >>          let staked_amount_current = query_staked_value(a.address) as i128;
181:             stakes.push(staked_amount_current as u128);
182:             imbalances.push(diff);
183:         }
185:         (total_staked, pos_diff, neg_diff, stakes, imbalances)
186:     }

Also, when the staked value is not synced, and there is a delegate_unbonding, at the end this will revert due to unbond more than existing amount bonded, another DOS will happen.

File: data.rs
278:     pub fn delegate_unbonding(&mut self, azero: Balance) -> Result<(), VaultError> {
348:         // Unbond
349:         for (i, a) in agents.iter().enumerate() {
350:             let unbond_amount = unbond_amounts[i];
351:             if unbond_amount > 0 {
352:                 debug_println!("Unbonding {} from agent #{}", unbond_amount, i);
353: >>              if let Err(e) = call_unbond(a.address, unbond_amount) {
354:                     return Err(VaultError::InternalError(e));
355:                 }
356:             }
357:         }
359:         self.total_pooled = new_total_pooled;
361:         Ok(())
362:     }

Attack Scenario


  1. Proof of Concept (PoC) File

  2. Revised Code File (Optional)


Since unbond operation can be permissionlessly called in a certain situation, when fetching staked data, it need to be directly call to the pool for an updated value.

coreggon11 commented 1 month ago

@bgibers This should be a dup of #50, it's the same root cause.

bgibers commented 1 month ago

@bgibers This should be a dup of #50, it's the same root cause.

let me take a look, ty ser

bgibers commented 1 month ago

@coreggon11 I'm not entirely sure how Hats defines duplicates within their competition. The scenario and solution are going to be the same as that within 50, but the issue is different. We're fine leaving it as a medium

0xmahdirostami commented 1 month ago

In certain scenarios (blocking or destroying), if a malicious user unbonds or withdraws, it will cause issues. Even though the scenario is the same, and both issues can be mitigated by handling either blocking or destroying, but the specific issues are different. I don't think it's a duplicate. Actually, it would be better to add these two numbers, 63 and 50, in one submission. However, we couldn't determine if one of them is a duplicate.

coreggon11 commented 1 month ago

Yeah, I'm aware it's a valid find but usually, issues arising from the same root cause are duplicates (otherwise you can just spam 20 different issues on one root cause) 😄

0xmahdirostami commented 1 month ago

Yeah, I'm aware it's a valid find but usually, issues arising from the same root cause are duplicates (otherwise you can just spam 20 different issues on one root cause) 😄

I think the scenario where issues could happen is the same, but not the root of it. For example, if the auditor just submits #50, and the sponsor mitigates the issue related to withdrawal, the current issue with unbond will remain.

coreggon11 commented 1 month ago

The root cause is Permissionless calling of withdraw_unbonded when the pool is in destroy mode and the target is not the depositor for both issues IMO.

0xmahdirostami commented 1 month ago

this issue: The staked value does not get updated if someone performs a Permissionless calling unbond operation for a pool. issue #50: The tokens will stuck in the agent if someone performs a Permissionless calling withdraw_unbonded operation for a pool.