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Smart contract for the Vote-Flywheel part of Paladin Tokenomics
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Division by Zero in `_createLoot` when Distributor change `lootCreator`, prevent Users from creating previous Loot #56

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 4 months ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 4 months ago

Github username: @chainNue Twitter username: chainNue Submission hash (on-chain): 0xf76a45fdb970b1ed33632ae8bc5fc774dde360cd36d4dae75db5e4dbc02ad4b2 Severity: medium

Description: Description

The lootCreator in MultiMerkleDistributorV2 can be changed via setLootCreator. If the lootCreator can only be set once, then the function should be

File: MultiMerkleDistributorV2.sol
393:     function setLootCreator(address _lootCreator) external onlyOwner {
++           if(lootCreator != address(0)) revert Errors.LootCreatorAlreadySetted();
394:         address oldCreator = lootCreator;
395:         lootCreator = _lootCreator;
397:         emit LootCreatorUpdated(oldCreator, _lootCreator);
398:     }

but since the check above is not exist, I assume the LootCreator can be changed even after the first initialization.

By design, the claim in Distributor is not restricted only callable for the current running period, user can claim for late period, for example if the current period is week 10, they can claim from period week 5 if they have reward on it.

File: MultiMerkleDistributorV2.sol
359:     function updateQuestPeriod(uint256 questID, uint256 period, uint256 totalAmount, bytes32 merkleRoot) external onlyAllowed returns(bool) {
375:         // If a Loot Creator is set, notify it of the new Quest Period distributed
376:         if(lootCreator != address(0)) {
377:             ILootCreator(lootCreator).notifyDistributedQuestPeriod(questID, period, totalAmount);
378:         }
383:     }
269:     function _triggerCreateLoot(address user, uint256 questID, uint256 period, uint256 claimedAmount) internal {
270:         if(lootCreator != address(0)) {
271:             ILootCreator(lootCreator).notifyQuestClaim(
272:                 user,
273:                 questID,
274:                 period,
275:                 claimedAmount
276:             );
277:         }

File: LootCreator.sol
465:     function _createLoot(address user, address distributor, uint256 questId, uint256 period) internal {
479:         vars.userPeriodRewards = userQuestPeriodRewards[distributor][questId][period][user];
480:         if(vars.userPeriodRewards == 0) return;
482:         // Calculate ratios based on that
483:         vars.lockedRatio = (vars.userPower * UNIT) / vars.totalPower;
484: @>      vars.rewardRatio = (vars.userPeriodRewards * UNIT) / totalQuestPeriodRewards[distributor][questId][period];
485:         if(vars.rewardRatio > 0) vars.totalRatio = (vars.lockedRatio * UNIT) / vars.rewardRatio;

There is possible case where the Distributor changed the lootCreator, and user trying to claim, claimQuest, multiClaim which will trigger _triggerCreateLoot and notifyQuestClaim on this new lootCreator.

The issue here is this new lootCreator didn't have information of past totalQuestPeriodRewards which is exist on old lootCreator, thus when user want to createLoot of past period after lootCreator changed, it will be reverted since totalQuestPeriodRewards is not available in new lootCreator, due to division by zero on LootCreator in line 484.

Attack Scenario


  1. Proof of Concept (PoC) File

  2. Revised Code File (Optional)


Consider to implement a proxy for LootCreator to remove the feature changing lootCreator address thus keeping the past state totalQuestPeriodRewards

Kogaroshi commented 4 months ago

If the LootCreator is one day changed to be replaced, a new method will be added to have the possibility to fetch all the data needed (totalQuestPeriodRewards but also all Budget & Allocations) from the previous LootCreator. For now, we will just add a check to make return early in the Loot creation if there is no totalQuestPeriodRewards, so we avoid any division by 0 (see https://github.com/PaladinFinance/Vote-Flywheel/pull/2/commits/b25d1ebf4c2cb1c391f3658d47432dd42931a93a)