hats-finance / Palmera-0x5fee7541ddcd51ba9f4af606f87b2c42eea655be

Palmera hierarchical module
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addToList does not check for allowlist or blacklist #20

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 1 week ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 1 week ago

Github username: -- Twitter username: -- Submission hash (on-chain): 0x1872d6ef7ff11023e34a4d3463a6b294e1887278f1feb5c6240af1cf7ef4102f Severity: medium



The protocol uses a Denyfeature/AllowFeature. These features are used inside the Denied Modifier to check if the address is whitelisted/blacklisted:

    modifier Denied(bytes32 org, address wallet) {
        if (wallet == address(0) || wallet == Constants.SENTINEL_ADDRESS) {
            revert Errors.InvalidAddressProvided();
->        } else if (allowFeature[org]) {
            if (!isListed(org, wallet)) revert Errors.AddresNotAllowed();
->       } else if (denyFeature[org]) {
            if (isListed(org, wallet)) revert Errors.AddressDenied();
        } else {

Furthermore, the denyFeature/allowFeature is used for a check inside function AddToList:

    function addToList(address[] memory users)
        if (users.length == 0) revert Errors.ZeroAddressProvided();
        bytes32 org = getOrgHashBySafe(_msgSender());
->        if (!allowFeature[org] && !denyFeature[org]) {
            revert Errors.DenyHelpersDisabled();
        address currentWallet = Constants.SENTINEL_ADDRESS;
        for (uint256 i; i < users.length;) {
            address wallet = users[i];
            if (
                wallet == address(0) || wallet == Constants.SENTINEL_ADDRESS
                    || wallet == address(this) || currentWallet == wallet
            ) revert Errors.InvalidAddressProvided();
            // Avoid duplicate wallet
            if (listed[org][wallet] != address(0)) {
                revert Errors.UserAlreadyOnList();
            // Add wallet to List
            listed[org][currentWallet] = wallet;
            currentWallet = wallet;
            unchecked {
        listed[org][currentWallet] = Constants.SENTINEL_ADDRESS;
        listCount[org] += users.length;
        emit Events.AddedToList(users);

The problem however has to do with the check performed inside addToList:

->        if (!allowFeature[org] && !denyFeature[org]) {

This line of code checks if the Helpers(AllowFeature/DenyFeature) are enabled, if not it will revert.

But not anywhere inside the function does it check if the wallets of the users are whitelisted or blacklisted if one of the Helpers were to be enabled.

This means that users that are blacklisted can still be added to the List.

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Manual Review


Make sure to implement the Denied modifier inside this function to check for the wallets of the users.

0xRizwan commented 1 week ago

I think, its already checked for wallets too.

            // Avoid duplicate wallet
            if (listed[org][wallet] != address(0)) {
                revert Errors.UserAlreadyOnList();
alfredolopez80 commented 1 week ago

well two things!!

  1. When you disable both feature, is impossible to add any address in the list
  2. If you try to add again (duplicate) any address the method revert!!, inmediatelly in both method addToList and dropToList like mention @0xRizwan:
            // Avoid duplicate wallet
            if (listed[org][wallet] != address(0)) {
                revert Errors.UserAlreadyOnList();

so taking into account all of this this is not a issue!!