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Palmera hierarchical module
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`isSafeLead` Function Lacks Role Authorization Check, Leading to Unauthorized Access #38

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 1 week ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 1 week ago

Github username: @0xmahdirostami Twitter username: 0xmahdirostami Submission hash (on-chain): 0x01ce89127e51d210fc9c3358de869c569bc2ba304b9ab3acd986826a210e07b9 Severity: high

Description: Description: The isSafeLead function determines if a user is a lead for a given safe by checking the _safe.lead attribute. However, this approach does not account for scenarios where the user's Safe Lead roles have been revoked through the disableSafeLeadRoles function. This can result in unauthorized access because the function does not verify the user's current roles in the RolesAuthority contract.

Impact: This oversight allows users whose roles have been revoked to still be recognized as safe leads, potentially leading to unauthorized actions and compromising the access control mechanism.

Proof of Concept (PoC):

  1. Assume a user X is initially assigned as a lead for safe B.
  2. The disableSafeLeadRoles function is called on user X, revoking all their Safe Lead roles.
  3. Despite the revocation, the isSafeLead function continues to identify X as a lead for safe B because it only checks the _safe.lead attribute and not the user's current roles.

Current isSafeLead implementation:

function isSafeLead(uint256 safeId, address user)
    returns (bool)
    bytes32 org = getOrgBySafe(safeId);
    DataTypes.Safe memory _safe = safes[org][safeId];
    if (_safe.safe == address(0)) return false;
    if (_safe.lead == user) {
        return true;
    return false;

Mitigation: Update the isSafeLead function to include a check against the RolesAuthority to confirm the user still holds the relevant Safe Lead roles.