hats-finance / Palmera-0x5fee7541ddcd51ba9f4af606f87b2c42eea655be

Palmera hierarchical module
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Potential Vulnerability in `execTransactionOnBehalf` Function Allowing Destruction of `targetSafe` contract #61

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 5 days ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 5 days ago

Github username: -- Twitter username: -- Submission hash (on-chain): 0xcfd1445fe32e3cd61570441481b6861a6508f4873ceb476920c1d26d034eb8a2 Severity: high

Description: Description\ The execTransactionOnBehalf function in the PalmeraModule contract allows certain roles (Safe Lead, Super Safe, Root Safe) to execute transactions on behalf. However, there is a potential vulnerability that can be exploited if the to address is malicious. Specifically, if the operation is set to Enum.Operation.DelegateCall, a malicious contract at the to address can execute a selfdestruct operation, leading to the destruction of the targetSafe contract. This can severely disrupt the organization by breaking contract modules and halting all transactions. this occur when the one of the caller who is being removed from their position use this exploit and destory the contracts/org.

Attack Scenario\

  1. execTransactionOnBehalf function calls
    result = safeTarget.execTransactionFromModule(to, value, data, operation);
  1. Internal Execution: The execTransactionFromModule function internally calls the execute function:

    function execute(
        address to,
        uint256 value,
        bytes memory data,
        Enum.Operation operation,
        uint256 txGas
    ) internal returns (bool success) {
        if (operation == Enum.Operation.DelegateCall) {
            assembly {
                success := delegatecall(txGas, to, add(data, 0x20), mload(data), 0, 0)
        } else {
            assembly {
                success := call(txGas, to, value, add(data, 0x20), mload(data), 0, 0)
  2. Delegate Call Vulnerability: operation is Enum.Operation.DelegateCall, the delegatecall opcode is used. delegatecall executes code from the to address in the context of the calling contract (targetSafe). If the to address is a malicious contract containing a selfdestruct operation, it can destroy the targetSafe contract.

  3. Potential Exploit Scenario: An authorized caller (e.g., Safe Lead, Super Safe, Root Safe) with malicious intent or a compromised account can call execTransactionOnBehalf with a malicious to address. This can occur when one of the owners or a caller who is being removed from their position front-runs the transaction and destroys the targetSafe contract. The malicious contract at the to address executes a selfdestruct operation via delegatecall. This results in the destruction of the targetSafe contract, breaking the organization’s contract modules and halting all transactions.

Example Exploit Code A malicious contract could look like this:

contract MaliciousContract {
    function destroy(address target) external {


  1. Proof of Concept (PoC) File

    function execTransactionOnBehalf(
        bytes32 org,
        address superSafe, // can be root or super safe
        address targetSafe,
        address to,
        uint256 value,
        bytes calldata data,
        Enum.Operation operation,
        bytes memory signatures
        Denied(org, to)
        returns (bool result)
        address caller = _msgSender();
        // Caller is Safe Lead: bypass check of signatures
        // Caller is another kind of wallet: check if it has the corrects signatures of the root/super safe
        if (!isSafeLead(getSafeIdBySafe(org, targetSafe), caller)) {
            // Check if caller is a superSafe of the target safe (checking with isTreeMember because is the same method!!)
            if (hasNotPermissionOverTarget(superSafe, org, targetSafe)) {
                revert Errors.NotAuthorizedExecOnBehalf();
            // Caller is a safe then check caller's safe signatures.
            bytes memory palmeraTxHashData = encodeTransactionData(
                /// Palmera Info
                /// Transaction info
                /// Signature info
            /// Verify Collision of Nonce with multiple txs in the same range of time, study to use a nonce per org
            ISafe leadSafe = ISafe(superSafe);
            bytes memory sortedSignatures = processAndSortSignatures(
                keccak256(palmeraTxHashData), signatures, leadSafe.getOwners()
        /// Increase nonce and execute transaction.
        /// Execute transaction from target safe
        ISafe safeTarget = ISafe(targetSafe);
        result =
            safeTarget.execTransactionFromModule(to, value, data, operation);
        if (!result) revert Errors.TxOnBehalfExecutedFailed();
        emit Events.TxOnBehalfExecuted(
            org, caller, superSafe, targetSafe, result
  2. Revised Code File (Optional)

    To mitigate this vulnerability, additional checks should be implemented to ensure the to address is not malicious. Specifically, avoid using delegatecall with untrusted addresses

alfredolopez80 commented 4 days ago

The scenario proposed would only affect the targetSafe, not the rest of the organization, given that if the command is executed, this safe can be removed (removeSafe) from the organization without disconnecting (disconnectSafe) and leaving it in halt, so that there is no risk of any safe connecting to this MaliciousContract, and in all cases not breaking the organization’s contract modules and halting all transactions. as you mention!!