hats-finance / Palmera-0x5fee7541ddcd51ba9f4af606f87b2c42eea655be

Palmera hierarchical module
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The natspec of the dropFromList is incorrect #84

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 2 months ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 2 months ago

Github username: -- Twitter username: -- Submission hash (on-chain): 0x4b10b93d8dad0d8b778d24dad31e550f377d1783ce6ecb47b45eea78eaa9b6e0 Severity: low

Description: Description\ The natspec of the dropFromList is incorrect, the user param is not an array.

    /// @dev Function to Drop Wallet from the List  based on Approach of Safe Contract - Owner Manager
    /// @param user Array of Address of the Wallet to be dropped of the List
    function dropFromList(address user)
alfredolopez80 commented 2 months ago

not issue is informative!!