hats-finance / Proof-Of-Humanity-V2-0xef0709445d394a22704850c772a28a863bb780b0

Proof of Humanity Protocol v2
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V1 Profiles Can Avoid Penalties Using `transferHumanity` #134

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 2 weeks ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Github username: -- Twitter username: -- Submission hash (on-chain): 0xe5dc4705e84915d0e5acbc15c722ad7b64240a024498f42039f03f3ec27416d4 Severity: high

Description: Description
V1 users can bypass the entire vouching, challenge, and appeal process by transferring their humanity to another chain using the CrossChainProofOfHumanity::transferHumanity function. In contrast, when claiming or renewing their humanity through the ProofOfHumanityExtended contract’s claimHumanity or renewHumanity functions, V1 users must go through the entire claiming process.

The CrossChainProofOfHumanity::transferHumanity function can be invoked by users of any Proof of Humanity (PoH) version. This function calls ProofOfHumanityExtended::ccDischargeHumanity to remove the owner of the humanity record. The issue arises because V1 users can directly call this function to switch chains:

        if (humanity.owner == _account && block.timestamp < humanity.expirationTime) {

            expirationTime = humanity.expirationTime;

            delete humanity.owner;
        } else {
            // V1 profiles have default humanity.
            humanityId = bytes20(_account);

            // Should revert in case account is not registered.
@>            expirationTime = forkModule.tryRemove(_account);

If a V1 user has not created a profile on POHv2, the state variables in the ProofOfHumanityExtended contract corresponding to v1 users will lack complete data. The accountHumanity variable, in particular, will be unset for V1 profiles that have not created humanity on POHv2. This variable is used in the ccDischargeHumanity function, which will always have a 0 humanityId for all V1 humanity profiles that lack a V2 profile:

    function ccDischargeHumanity(
        address _account
    ) external onlyCrossChain returns (bytes20 humanityId, uint40 expirationTime) {
@>        humanityId = accountHumanity[_account];
@>        Humanity storage humanity = humanityData[humanityId];

As the 0 humanityId remains unassigned, the corresponding humanityData variable will have no data. Consequently, whenever a V1 user calls ccDischargeHumanity without creating a V2 humanity, their humanityData will contain only default data.

This loophole allows V1 users with pending requests to switch chains and retain their humanity, as this condition is always satisfied:

        require(humanity.nbPendingRequests == 0);

Since any V1 humanity user’s humanityData will contain default values, the humanity.nbPendingRequests variable will always default to 0.

Moreover, since V1 users without a POHv2 profile will have the humanity.owner set to 0x0, this section of code will never execute:

        if (humanity.owner == _account && block.timestamp < humanity.expirationTime) {

            expirationTime = humanity.expirationTime;

            delete humanity.owner;
        } else {

Instead, the following block will execute, calling the forkModule::tryRemove function:

        } else {
            // V1 profiles have default humanity.
            humanityId = bytes20(_account);

            // Should revert in case account is not registered.
            expirationTime = forkModule.tryRemove(_account);

The forkModule contract’s tryRemove function only checks four conditions:

  1. Whether the V1 humanity is registered.
  2. If the V1 humanity has expired.
  3. Whether the V1 humanity was created before the fork time.
  4. That it is not removed from the ForkModule.

This function does not check other critical indicators such as request count, pending requests, vouch status, or humanity status, leading to inconsistent data in POHv2.

As a result, any V1 user without a V2 profile on POHv2 can switch chains via ccDischargeHumanity as long as their humanity on V1 is registered, not expired, created before the fork time and not removed from the ForkModule. The has several adverse effects:

  1. Avoiding Revocation Requests on POHv1: A V1 user facing a revocation request on POHv1 can call the transferHumanity function before the rule or executeRequest functions are called, switching chains and retaining their humanity on the new chain, thereby avoiding revocation. This is possible because there is no check for the requests.length in the whole transfer process.

  2. Avoiding Vouch Penalties on POHv1: A V1 user penalized for malicious vouching on POHv1 can invoke the transferHumanity function before the processVouches function is called, switch chains, and retain their humanity on the new chain, effectively avoiding penalties. This is possible because there is no check for the hasVouched status in the whole transfer process.

Additionally, in POHv2, the accountHumanity variable is only set when a user claims or renews humanity through the _requestHumanity function:

        accountHumanity[msg.sender] = _humanityId;

Therefore, V1 users who do not create a V2 profile will have their accountHumanity set to 0 by default.

  1. Avoiding Revocation Requests on POHv2: If a revocation request is made against a V1 user on POHv2 using revokeHumanity function in ProofOfHumanityExtended contract, the humanityData updated during in this function will use the V1 user’s default humanityId, which is their address. While logically correct, the issue arises with the ccDischargeHumanity function. Since this function retrieves the humanityId from the accountHumanity variable, all V1 users will have a default humanityId of 0 if they did not create humanity on v2. As a result, V1 users can switch chains using transferHumanity even if a revocation request is active against them, effectively avoiding revocation.

  2. Avoiding Vouch Penalties on POHv2: Similar to point 3, the humanityData for a V1 user is updated using the default humanityId when processVouches function is called, which is their address. However, in the ccDischargeHumanity function, a V1 user retrieves the humanity data for the 0 humanityId, which is empty by default. This allows V1 users to switch chains using transferHumanity before processVouches function is called even if they face penalties for malicious vouching, effectively avoiding the penalty.

In all these cases, V1 humanity users can circumvent penalties.


  1. Remove the accountHumanity variable line in the ccDischargeHumanity function and use the humanityId directly:
    function ccDischargeHumanity(
--        address _account
++        bytes20 _humanityId
    ) external onlyCrossChain returns (bytes20 humanityId, uint40 expirationTime) {
--        humanityId = accountHumanity[_account];
--        Humanity storage humanity = humanityData[humanityId];
++        Humanity storage humanity = humanityData[_humanityId];
  1. Prevent V1 users from directly calling the transferHumanity function. V1 users should first create a V2 profile before being allowed to switch chains.
clesaege commented 2 weeks ago

Avoiding Vouch Penalties on POHv2

This is a duplicate of https://github.com/hats-finance/Proof-Of-Humanity-V2-0xef0709445d394a22704850c772a28a863bb780b0/issues/129

0xshivay commented 1 week ago

Hello @clesaege

This is not a duplicate of issue #129.

The root cause of issue #129 is the lack of a check for the voucherHumanity.vouching status for V1 profiles.

In contrast, the root cause of issue #134 is the incorrect usage of the accountHumanity[_account] variable.

Additionally, the impacts of the two issues are different.

This vulnerability allows all V1 profiles to bypass revocation requests and avoid penalties for malicious vouching on both POHv1 and POHv2.

Fixing one issue will not resolve the other. The vulnerability will persist in the one that remains unfixed.

clesaege commented 1 week ago

I wasn't finished^^. The thing is that you reported two different issues, the first one being already identified. I'll answer to the second one too.

clesaege commented 1 week ago

Avoiding Revocation Requests on POHv2

We'll double check internally but looks valid. The humanityId is retrieved by checking in the array directly while it should have been retrieved using humanityOf(address _account) to account for V1 profiles. This means that if we have a V1 profile, we'll access an empty humanity which will pass this check even when it shouldn't.

This means that if there is a revocation request, this will not prevent transfer. This can be used to doge a revocation request (but only once as if we transfer back we'll now have a V2 profile). Note that it is already possible to doge the first revocation request (you can watch the mempool and transfer immediately, this is why we have a transferCooldown, this way if you doge a revocation on one platform by transferring, you'll be blocked on the other platform for the duration of the cooldown and a honest user can ask for revocation during this time). Here the dodging is a bit worse as you can wait until the revocation request time has passed or a ruling is final to transfer your profile (while the mempool doge doesn't allow you to gain much time as you can get a revocation request just after the transfer of another platform).

This is definitely not High (Issues that allows a takeover of the registry) but does fit Medium (Issues that can lead to improper profile creation/removal but only at small scale or to steal funds).

clesaege commented 1 week ago

We'll need to test, but I think this can be solved by using humanityOf .

    function ccDischargeHumanity(
        address _account
    ) external onlyCrossChain returns (bytes20 humanityId, uint40 expirationTime) {
        humanityId = humanityOf(_account]);
        Humanity storage humanity = humanityData[humanityId];
        require(humanity.nbPendingRequests == 0);

        if (humanity.owner == _account && block.timestamp < humanity.expirationTime) {

            expirationTime = humanity.expirationTime;

            delete humanity.owner;
        } else {
            // Should revert in case account is not registered.
            expirationTime = forkModule.tryRemove(_account);

        emit HumanityDischargedDirectly(humanityId);
0xshivay commented 1 week ago

Yes, humanityOf can solve this issue. The edge case involving the 0x0 address will be handled by the forkModule.tryRemove(_account) call within the ccDischargeHumanity function.

    function humanityOf(address _account) public view override returns (bytes20 humanityId) {
        humanityId = accountHumanity[_account];
        Humanity storage humanity = humanityData[humanityId];
        if (humanity.owner != _account || humanity.expirationTime < block.timestamp) {
            if (forkModule.isRegistered(_account)) humanityId = bytes20(_account);
@>            else humanityId = bytes20(0x0);
clesaege commented 1 week ago

Fixed in https://github.com/Proof-Of-Humanity/proof-of-humanity-v2-contracts/pull/61