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Inefficient Loop in resolveMultiCategoricalMarket #144

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 3 days ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 3 days ago

Github username: -- Twitter username: -- Submission hash (on-chain): 0x77ee24350a655413bf98d9ea3159cc5e0dd986056e3ebc395afa590f8bb38c40 Severity: low



The RealityProxy contract resolves prediction markets. The resolveMultiCategoricalMarket function handles the resolution of multi-categorical markets, where the outcome can be a combination of multiple choices from a list of options.

The function uses a loop to check if all the payouts in the outcome array are zero. This loop iterates through all numOutcomes, even if a non-zero payout is found early in the loop. This is inefficient because it continues iterating unnecessarily after finding a non-zero payout.

Code Snippet

// ... inside resolveMultiCategoricalMarket ...

bool allZeroes = true;

for (uint256 i = 0; i < numOutcomes; i++) {
    payouts[i] = (answer >> i) & 1;
    allZeroes = allZeroes && payouts[i] == 0; // Inefficient check

if (allZeroes) {
    // invalid result.
    payouts[numOutcomes] = 1;


This inefficient loop can increase gas costs, especially for markets with a large number of outcomes. While the impact might be negligible for small markets, it can become significant for markets with many outcomes or when resolving a large number of markets in a batch.



Optimize the loop by adding a break statement to exit the loop as soon as a non-zero payout is found:

// ... inside resolveMultiCategoricalMarket ...

bool allZeroes = true;

for (uint256 i = 0; i < numOutcomes; i++) {
    payouts[i] = (answer >> i) & 1;
    if (payouts[i] != 0) {
        allZeroes = false;
        break; // Exit the loop if a non-zero payout is found

if (allZeroes) {
    // invalid result.
    payouts[numOutcomes] = 1;


it("should terminate the loop early if a non-zero payout is found", async function () {
    // ... (test setup from your existing resolveMultiCategoricalMarket test) ...

    // Submit an answer where the first outcome is correct (non-zero payout)
    const answer = 1; 
    await realitio.submitAnswer(
        (await market.questionsIds())[0],
        ethers.toBeHex(BigInt(answer), 32),
        { value: ethers.parseEther(MIN_BOND) }

    // ... (rest of the test logic) ...

    // Check that the payouts array has 1 at the first index and 0 for the rest
    const expectedPayouts = Array(multiCategoricalMarketParams.outcomes.length + 1).fill(0);
    expectedPayouts[0] = 1; // First outcome is correct

This test submits an answer where the first outcome is correct. The optimized loop should terminate after the first iteration, and the resulting payouts array should reflect this. While not a direct measure of gas savings, it demonstrates the improved loop logic.

clesaege commented 3 days ago

First, are excluded:

Second, the loop does not just check that all is 0, its main job is to assign the payouts. Moreover it's quite efficient, as due to short-circuiting rules, if allZeroes is false, payouts[i] == 0 will not be evaluated.