hats-finance / SeeR-PM-0x899bc13919880db76edf4ccd72bdfa5dfa666fb7

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Lack of input validation market when in router contract #59

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 1 month ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 1 month ago

Github username: -- Twitter username: -- Submission hash (on-chain): 0x16d2d7fca2419473c409d739985e1d0e9a0f002935a7cce1e18380c4abaee0f8 Severity: high

Description: Description\ Describe the context and the effect of the vulnerability.

Attack Scenario\


   function redeemPositions(IERC20 collateralToken, Market market, uint256[] calldata outcomeIndexes) public {
@        bytes32 parentCollectionId = market.parentCollectionId();
        uint256 initialBalance;

        if (parentCollectionId == bytes32(0)) {
            initialBalance = collateralToken.balanceOf(address(this));

        _redeemPositions(collateralToken, market, outcomeIndexes);

        if (parentCollectionId == bytes32(0)) {
            uint256 finalBalance = collateralToken.balanceOf(address(this));

            if (finalBalance > initialBalance) {
                collateralToken.transfer(msg.sender, finalBalance - initialBalance);

the input market is not validated.

the user can pass in a malicious market address to redeem position and cause loss of fund.


 function _redeemPositions(IERC20 collateralToken, Market market, uint256[] calldata outcomeIndexes) internal {
 @       bytes32 parentCollectionId = market.parentCollectionId();
 @       bytes32 conditionId = market.conditionId();
        uint256 tokenId = 0;

        uint256[] memory indexSets = new uint256[](outcomeIndexes.length);

        for (uint256 j = 0; j < outcomeIndexes.length; j++) {
            indexSets[j] = 1 << outcomeIndexes[j];
            tokenId = getTokenId(collateralToken, parentCollectionId, conditionId, indexSets[j]);

            // first we need to unwrap the outcome tokens that will be redeemed.
 @           (IERC20 wrapped1155, bytes memory data) = market.wrappedOutcome(outcomeIndexes[j]);
            uint256 amount = wrapped1155.balanceOf(msg.sender);

            wrapped1155.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);

            wrapped1155Factory.unwrap(address(conditionalTokens), tokenId, amount, address(this), data);

        uint256 initialBalance = 0;

        if (parentCollectionId != bytes32(0)) {
            // if we are redeeming from a child market, the user may already have parent tokens so we need to track the balance change.
            tokenId = conditionalTokens.getPositionId(address(collateralToken), parentCollectionId);
            initialBalance = conditionalTokens.balanceOf(address(this), tokenId);

        conditionalTokens.redeemPositions(address(collateralToken), parentCollectionId, conditionId, indexSets);

        if (parentCollectionId != bytes32(0)) {
            // if we are redeeming from a child market, redeemPositions() returned outcome tokens of the parent market. We need to wrap and send them to the user.
            uint256 finalBalance = conditionalTokens.balanceOf(address(this), tokenId);

            if (finalBalance > initialBalance) {
                // wrap to erc20.
@               (IERC20 parentWrapped1155, bytes memory parentData) = market.parentWrappedOutcome();

                    address(this), address(wrapped1155Factory), tokenId, finalBalance - initialBalance, parentData

                // transfer the ERC20 back to the user.
                parentWrapped1155.transfer(msg.sender, finalBalance - initialBalance);

all external query to market contract is labeled with @

a malicious market contract can be

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract MaliciousMarket {

    // Unique identifier for the parent collection
    function parentCollectionId() public view returns (bytes32) {
        // Implementation needed
        return bytes32(0); // Placeholder

    // Unique identifier for the condition
    function conditionId() public view returns (bytes32) {
        // Implementation needed
        return bytes32(0); // Placeholder

    // Returns the wrapped outcome
    function wrappedOutcome() public view returns (address token, bytes memory data) {
        // Implementation needed
        return (address(0), ""); // Placeholder

    // Returns the parent wrapped outcome
    function parentWrappedOutcome() public view returns (address token, bytes memory data) {
        // Implementation needed
        return (address(0), ""); // Placeholder

    // Additional logic can be added here

for example, the user can make a market with no parentCollectionId return a parentCollectionId that comes from another market, etc..

basically the parameter market needs to be validated in every function in router contract (split, merge, and redeem)

the fix is in the MarketFactory as well.

  function createMarket(
        CreateMarketParams memory params,
        string memory marketName,
        InternalMarketConfig memory config
    ) internal returns (address) {
        (Market.ConditionalTokensParams memory conditionalTokensParams, Market.RealityParams memory realityParams) =
            createNewMarketParams(params, config);

        Market instance = Market(market.clone());


        emit NewMarket(


        // added code here +++++
        createdMarket[address(instance)] = true; 

        return address(instance);

and then in the router contract, check if the market contract comes from the market factory

if(marketFactory.createdMarket[market] == false) {
 revert ("Invalid market");


  1. Proof of Concept (PoC) File

  2. Revised Code File (Optional)

greenlucid commented 1 month ago

the user can pass in a malicious market address to redeem position and cause loss of fund.

That's safety, not security. That can be fixed at the UI level to prevent users from being exposed to malicious markets. Also:

Out of Scope:

Issues about being able to create malicious markets (for example, you can create markets without using the MarketFactory with a malicious arbitrator, create child markets to it) as long as this wouldn't result in those being displayed in the interface looking like a normal markets (if a child market of a malicious market is displayed, but points to some market which is not displayed, cannot be interacted with or is labelled as problematic, we consider it fine as it would not get verified on Curate).

ctf-sec commented 1 month ago

For example in Split position


 // wrap & transfer the minted outcome tokens.
        for (uint256 j = 0; j < partition.length; j++) {
            uint256 tokenId = getTokenId(collateralToken, parentCollectionId, conditionId, partition[j]);

            (IERC20 wrapped1155, bytes memory data) = market.wrappedOutcome(j);

            // wrap to erc20.
            conditionalTokens.safeTransferFrom(address(this), address(wrapped1155Factory), tokenId, amount, data);

            // transfer the ERC20 back to the user.
            wrapped1155.transfer(msg.sender, amount);

this is the code in split Position,

the problem is that in this case,

it is clear that

It is expect that user should wrap conditional token A to get wrapped1155 A.

But the user can wrap conditional token A and get wrapped1155 B

because user control the returned wrapped1155 and return data.

 (IERC20 wrapped1155, bytes memory data) = market.wrappedOutcome(j);

then user can unwrap wrapped1155 B and redeem the position from token B, it is not about create malicious market to display on UI, it is about mint wrapped1155 B maliciously and redeem them later.

clesaege commented 1 month ago

The router is just there to do a lot of stuff at once instead of asking the user to sign a ton of TX. As pointed out by Green, it's possible to create malicious markets (by creating those contracts directly), but those won't be picked up by the frontend.

As per contest rules, are excluded:

clesaege commented 1 month ago

If you think your issue is correct, please explain how someone could call the router to harm others.