hats-finance / Spectra-0x4b792db3d2a5d1c1ccf9938380756b200c240e5d

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Invalid or Unexpected Return Values in `previewUnitaryAddLiquidity` Function #12

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 1 day ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 1 day ago

Github username: -- Twitter username: -- Submission hash (on-chain): 0x427591f2d369cdc84151cc5950aaa0a2683c7f0c792aaacb1721a3c7c49812e5 Severity: high

Description: Summary:

Vulnerability Details:

  1. Function: previewUnitaryAddLiquidity
  2. Location:
    • last_prices() call, which lacks validation to prevent zero or extremely large values.
    • coins(0) call, which may not point to an ERC-20 token with a valid decimals() function.
  3. Impact: Division by zero, underflows, or other calculation errors.
  4. Root Cause: Lack of validation on last_prices() and coins(0) return values.

Code Reference:

uint256 lastPrices = ICurvePool(curvePool).last_prices();
uint256 tokenUnit = 10 ** IERC20Metadata(ICurvePool(curvePool).coins(0)).decimals();

return ICurvePool(curvePool).calc_token_amount([amountToken0, amountToken1]).mulDiv(

Suggested Fix: Add validation checks for both last_prices() and coins(0) before calculations:

// Validate last_prices
uint256 lastPrices = ICurvePool(curvePool).last_prices();
require(lastPrices > 0, "Invalid last_prices value");

// Validate coins(0) and its decimals
address token0 = ICurvePool(curvePool).coins(0);
require(token0 != address(0), "Invalid token0 address");

uint256 tokenDecimals;
try IERC20Metadata(token0).decimals() returns (uint8 decimals) {
    tokenDecimals = decimals;
} catch {
    revert("Invalid token0 decimals");

uint256 tokenUnit = 10 ** tokenDecimals;

// Proceed with calc_token_amount calculation
uint256 result;
try ICurvePool(curvePool).calc_token_amount([amountToken0, amountToken1]) returns (uint256 calcAmount) {
    result = calcAmount.mulDiv(tokenUnit, depositInToken0);
} catch {
    revert("Invalid calc_token_amount calculation");

return result;
yanisepfl commented 1 day ago


Invalid for the same reason as: https://github.com/hats-finance/Spectra-0x4b792db3d2a5d1c1ccf9938380756b200c240e5d/issues/11
