_exitQueue.getLatestTotalTickets() = 10_000
queuedShares = 6_000
User A positionTicket = 10_000
_exitRequests[keccak256(abi.encode(User A,positionTicket))] = 6_000
After Some time wants to get his share calls updatestate that will call _updateExitQueue and then calls claimExitedAssets:
Maybe in that time, just 3_000(not a total of 6_000) shares are burned (As some validator might exit).
State B:
_exitQueue.getLatestTotalTickets() = 13_000
queuedShares = 3_000
User A New positionTicket = 13_000
_exitRequests[keccak256(abi.encode(User A, positionTicket))] = 3_000
User A enterExitQueue again with 1_000 share So
State C:
_exitQueue.getLatestTotalTickets() = 13_000
queuedShares = 4_000
User A positionTicket = 13_000
_exitRequests[keccak256(abi.encode(User A, positionTicket))] = 1_000
As you see User A's positionTicket changed.
Revised Code File (Optional)
Use nonce for each user's enterExitQueue request.
VaultState file
+ mapping(address => uint256) internal _nounces;
VaultEnterExit file
function enterExitQueue(
uint256 shares,
address receiver
) public virtual override returns (uint256 positionTicket) {
if (shares == 0) revert Errors.InvalidShares();
if (receiver == address(0)) revert Errors.ZeroAddress();
// SLOAD to memory
uint256 _queuedShares = queuedShares;
positionTicket = _exitQueue.getLatestTotalTickets() + _queuedShares;
// add to the exit requests
- _exitRequests[keccak256(abi.encode(receiver, positionTicket))] = shares;
+ _exitRequests[keccak256(abi.encode(receiver, positionTicket, _nounces[receiver]))] = shares;
+ _nounces[receiver] += 1;
_exitQueue.getLatestTotalTickets() = 10_000
queuedShares = 6_000
User A positionTicket = 10_000
nounce = 0
_exitRequests[keccak256(abi.encode(User A,positionTicket, nounce))] = 6_000
After Some time wants to get his share calls updatestate that will call _updateExitQueue and then calls claimExitedAssets:
Maybe in that time, just 3_000(not a total of 6_000) shares are burned (As some validator might exit).
State B:
_exitQueue.getLatestTotalTickets() = 13_000
queuedShares = 3_000
User A New positionTicket = 13_000
_nounce = 0
_exitRequests[keccak256(abi.encode(User A, positionTicket, nounce))] = 3_000
User A enterExitQueue again with 1_000 share So
State C:
_exitQueue.getLatestTotalTickets() = 13_000
queuedShares = 4_000
User A positionTicket = 13_000
nounce = 1
_exitRequests[keccak256(abi.encode(User A, positionTicket, nounce))] = 1_000
As you see User A's positionTicket hasn't changed.
Github username: @0xmahdirostami Submission hash (on-chain): 0xfed1c7f48c285532829557dcf3727f2cac7050bb38441eee146a4ac533afd6cb Severity: high
Description: Description\ As in the claimExitedAssets function the newPositionTicket is calculated in this way:
If the receiver and positionTicket will be the same, Users could update their _exitRequests mapping accidentally.
State A:
User A enterExitQueue witH 6_000 shares So
After Some time wants to get his share calls updatestate that will call _updateExitQueue and then calls claimExitedAssets: Maybe in that time, just 3_000(not a total of 6_000) shares are burned (As some validator might exit).
User A enterExitQueue again with 1_000 share So
As you see User A's positionTicket changed.
Revised Code File (Optional)
Use nonce for each user's enterExitQueue request. VaultState file
VaultEnterExit file
In this way, the scenario will be:
State A:
User A enterExitQueue witH 6_000 shares So
After Some time wants to get his share calls updatestate that will call _updateExitQueue and then calls claimExitedAssets: Maybe in that time, just 3_000(not a total of 6_000) shares are burned (As some validator might exit).
User A enterExitQueue again with 1_000 share So
As you see User A's positionTicket hasn't changed.