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Missing Validation Checks in `registerUsersForPhase` Function #24

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 1 month ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 1 month ago

Github username: @Jelev123 Twitter username: zhulien_zhelev Submission hash (on-chain): 0x798b706f9bdb346e5f63bde1d4a4de39a7c31b350596614d5439114c644a2f1e Severity: medium

Description: Description\ The registerUsersForPhase function in the contract is designed to register users with their eligible amounts for specific phases (either phase 1 or phase 4 and above). However, the function lacks essential validation checks, which can lead to various data integrity issues. Specifically, the function does not verify:

Without these checks, the function can register invalid data, leading to potential exploits and incorrect state in the contract.

  1. Proof of Concept (PoC) File



function registerUsersForPhase(uint256 _phase, address[] calldata _users, uint256[] calldata _amounts)
    if (_users.length != _amounts.length) revert("Lengths not equal");

    for (uint256 i; i < _users.length; i++) {
        // Checks
        if (_users[i] == address(0)) revert AddressNotValid(); // Ensure the user address is valid
        if (_amounts[i] == 0) revert AmountNotValid(); // Ensure the amount is valid

        if (_phase == 1) {
            if (epoch >= 1) revert NotValid(); // Ensure the epoch is before phase 1
            if (phase1Users[_users[i]] > 0) revert AlreadyRegistered(); // Ensure the user is not already registered for phase 1
            phase1Users[_users[i]] = _amounts[i]; // Register users for phase 1
        } else if (_phase >= 4) {
            if (phase4Users[_users[i]][_phase] > 0) revert AlreadyRegistered(); // Ensure the user is not already registered for the phase
            phase4Users[_users[i]][_phase] = _amounts[i]; // Register users for phase 4 or higher

        emit UserRegisteredForPhase(_phase, _users[i], _amounts[i]);
0xRektora commented 4 weeks ago

I don't an issue with the validation, except for

Whether users are already registered for the specified phase.

Which is validated on teach phase e.g

    function _participatePhase1() internal returns (uint256 oTAPTokenID) {
        uint256 _eligibleAmount = phase1Users[msg.sender];
        if (_eligibleAmount == 0) revert NotEligible();

        // Close eligibility
        phase1Users[msg.sender] = 0;

        // Mint aoTAP
        uint128 expiry = uint128(lastEpochUpdate + EPOCH_DURATION); // Set expiry to the end of the epoch
        oTAPTokenID = aoTAP.mint(msg.sender, expiry, uint128(PHASE_1_DISCOUNT), _eligibleAmount, epoch);
Jelev123 commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your feedback. I wanted to draw a parallel to your registerUsers function, which already includes comprehensive validation checks to ensure data integrity. These checks include:

For consistency and to prevent potential issues, I believe it's important to incorporate similar validation checks into the registerUsersForPhase function