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Hardcoding block formation time will cause serious effects on `tierPoints` calculations when block formation time changes #28

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 11 months ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 11 months ago

Github username: @0xRizwan Submission hash (on-chain): 0xd943071b0ea374f7753e8a174551d8b1bed2f10436568c176b2819204a234d0e Severity: medium

Description: Description\

MembershipNFT.computeTierPointsForEap() is used to compute the tierPointsfor Early Adapter Pool(EAP). This function is extensively used in following contracts,

1) MembershipManager.computeTierPointsForEap() which can be checked here

2) MembershipManagerV0.wrapEthForEap() which can be checked here

3) MembershipManagerV0.recoverTierPointsForEap() which can be checked here

All these function takes argument _eapDepositBlockNumber per the computeTierPointsForEap() function, This can be checked below(kept relevant code for simpler issue understanding)

File: src/MembershipNFT.so

    function computeTierPointsForEap(uint32 _eapDepositBlockNumber) public view returns (uint40) {

        // some code

        // They kept staking with us after the EAP ended
        // One tier point per hour
        // While the actual block generation time is slightly larger than 12 seconds
        // we use 13 seconds to compenstae our users pain during the days after the EAP
        tierPoints += (13 * (uint40(block.number) - eapCloseBlockNumber)) / 3600;

        return tierPoints;

The issue here is, this function has used hardcoded block generation time which is 13 seconds being considered in contract for Ethereum block chain.

Hardcoding block generation time wont allow to change it if the ethereum block time changes after any future hard forks. The last time it got changed in september, 2022 where the block time got reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.

Ethereum blockchain has several future upgrades in coming years, some big changes like Ethereum sharding will be the game changer for ethereum as it will allow for its scalability. This major upgrade will reduce the block time further and it is expected it will slash the block formation time by twice.

Consider a scenario,

We have,

uint32 eapCloseBlockNumber = 17664247;

For our example scenario, lets find the tierPoints to get the issue better,

        tierPoints += (13 * (uint40(block.number) - eapCloseBlockNumber)) / 3600;

Current block.number at the time of writing this report is 18521824

Considering 13 seconds as block time, tierPoints will be 3096.

tierPoints += (18521824 - 17664247) * 13 / 3600 
tierPoints +=  857577 * 13/ 3600
tierPoints += 3096

However, if we consider the Ethereum future forks which ofcourse going to reduce the block formation period, lets consider 6 seconds in our scenario so the tierPoints will be 1429.

tierPoints += (18521824 - 17664247) * 6 / 3600 
tierPoints +=  857577 * 6/ 3600
tierPoints += 1429

Now, this is huge effect if the Ethereum block formation period is hardcoded, we have considered 6 seconds even it could be 2 seconds probably by next year the effect on tierPoints calculation will be huge.

Function like MembershipManager.computeTierPointsForEap(), MembershipManagerV0.wrapEthForEap(), MembershipManagerV0.recoverTierPointsForEap()

will be severily affected by this issue as if the hardcoded block time is kept, the tierPoints will be calculated more and will be rewarded more which should not be the desired behavior here. tier points have a direct relationship to staking rewards so while calculating the tierPoints an extra prevention is required. This issue is very much possible in few months after the Ethereum fork and the issue is identified as Medium severity as it will break the intended functionality wrt to tierPoints calculation which is one of the core functionality of protocol.

Attack Scenario\ As described above.


  1. Proof of Concept (PoC) File


  1. Revised Code File (Optional) Block formation time should be changeable and it should not be hardcoded.

Recommend below high level mitigation to resolve the issue,

File: src/MembershipNFT.sol

+ // Ethereum block formation period which is being considered as 13 seconds for now
+ uint256 blockTime = 13;

+ // function to change the blockTime if Ethereum changes it after hardforks in future, This function can only be accessed by contract owner.
+    function updateBlockTime(uint256 _blockTime) external onlyOwner {
+        require(_blockTime != 0, "Cannot be zero");
+        blockTime  = _blockTime;
+    }

    function computeTierPointsForEap(uint32 _eapDepositBlockNumber) public view returns (uint40) {
        uint8 numTiers = membershipManager.numberOfTiers();
        uint32[] memory lastBlockNumbers = new uint32[](numTiers);
        uint32 eapCloseBlockNumber = 17664247; // https://etherscan.io/tx/0x1ff2ade678bea8b4e5633841ff21390283e57bc50fced4dea54b11ebc929b10c

        lastBlockNumbers[0] = 0;
        lastBlockNumbers[1] = eapCloseBlockNumber;
        lastBlockNumbers[2] = 16970393; // https://etherscan.io/tx/0x65bc8e0e5c038fc1569c3b7d9663438696a1e261451a6a57d44373266eda5a19
        lastBlockNumbers[3] = 16755015; // https://etherscan.io/tx/0xe579a56c6c1b1878b368836b682b8fa7c39fe54d6f07750158b570844597e5b4

        uint8 tierId;
        if (_eapDepositBlockNumber <= lastBlockNumbers[3]) {
            tierId = 3; // PLATINUM
        } else if (_eapDepositBlockNumber <= lastBlockNumbers[2]) {
            tierId = 2; // GOLD
        } else if (_eapDepositBlockNumber <= lastBlockNumbers[1]) {
            tierId = 1; // SILVER
        } else {
            tierId = 0; // BRONZE
        uint8 nextTierId = (tierId < numTiers - 1) ? tierId + 1 : tierId;

        (,uint40 current,, ) = membershipManager.tierData(tierId);
        (,uint40 next,, ) = membershipManager.tierData(nextTierId);

        // Minimum tierPoints for the current tier
        uint40 tierPoints = current;

        // Linear projection of TierPoints within the tier
        // so that the days in EAP is taken into account for the days remaining for the next tier
        if (tierId != nextTierId) {
            tierPoints += (next - current) * (lastBlockNumbers[tierId] - _eapDepositBlockNumber) / (lastBlockNumbers[tierId] - lastBlockNumbers[nextTierId]);

        // They kept staking with us after the EAP ended
        // One tier point per hour
        // While the actual block generation time is slightly larger than 12 seconds
        // we use 13 seconds to compenstae our users pain during the days after the EAP
-        tierPoints += (13 * (uint40(block.number) - eapCloseBlockNumber)) / 3600;

+        tierPoints += (blockTime  * (uint40(block.number) - eapCloseBlockNumber)) / 3600;

        return tierPoints;
seongyun-ko commented 11 months ago

out of scope but TY!

0xRizwan commented 11 months ago


With due respect, I don't see this issue as an out of scope issue. I have gone through previous audits where this issue was not found and this issue does not come under any of the following out of scope rules.

etherfi oos1

The issue is real and the impact is well explained.

I politely request for the reconsideration of this issue.

0xRizwan commented 11 months ago

@bunbuntigery This issue will surely affect in coming years once Ethereum block generation time changes.