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The `MembershipManager.requestWithdrawAndBurn()` does not claim points and update the tier if needed #34

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 11 months ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 11 months ago

Github username: @0xbepresent Submission hash (on-chain): 0x569b2a28a220a96b99f2c67c1f04513abb2fe126978b9cb9906951a13d637174 Severity: medium

Description: Description\

The user can use the MembershipManager.requestWithdrawAndBurn() or MembershipManager.unwrapForEEthAndBurn() functions in order to get the assets. The problem is that those functions don't call the claim() function causing that the user can lose some rewards.

If an user has gained some points that allow him to claim a new tier, the user won't be changed to the new tier if he uses requestWithdrawAndBurn() or unwrapForEEthAndBurn() functions.

Attack Scenario\

Please consider the next scenario:

  1. An user deposit to the MemebershipManager using the wrapEth() function. At this point he is in tier 0.
  2. Days go by and user get some points and he is able to claim to tier 1 but he does not call the claim() function manually because he does not know he needs to do that in order to claim to the new tier.
  3. User requests a withdraw calling the MembershipManager.requestWithdrawAndBurn() function. The function does not change the user to the new tier.
  4. The withdraw proceeds but he will lost rewards accordly to the tier 1 because requestWithdrawAndBurn() does not claim the user points and change the tier.


  1. Proof of Concept (PoC) File

I created the next test where Alice is able to claim the tier 1 because Alice has staking for 28 days but at the end she only calls requestWithdrawAndBurn() thinking that the function will change the tier to the tier 1. At the end she get the rewards from the tier 0 which is wrong because she must have rewards from the tier 1.

    function test_pointsAreNotClaimedOnRequestWithdrawAndBurn() public {
        vm.deal(alice, 1 ether);
        // Alice mints an NFT with 2 points by wrapping 2 ETH and starts earning points
        uint256 aliceToken = membershipManagerV1Instance.wrapEth{value: 1 ether}(1 ether, 0);
        assertEq(alice.balance, 0 ether);
        assertEq(address(liquidityPoolInstance).balance, 1 ether);
        assertEq(eETHInstance.balanceOf(alice), 0 ether);
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.valueOf(aliceToken), 1 ether);
        // Alice's NFT's points start from 0 and the claimableTier is 0
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.loyaltyPointsOf(aliceToken), 0);
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.tierPointsOf(aliceToken), 0);
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.claimableTier(aliceToken), 0);
        // Alice's NFT's points grow and claimableTier is 0
        skip(1 days);
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.loyaltyPointsOf(aliceToken), kwei);
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.tierPointsOf(aliceToken), 24);
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.claimableTier(aliceToken), 0);
        // The claimableTier now is 1
        skip(27 days);
        uint40 currentTierPointsOf = membershipNftInstance.tierPointsOf(aliceToken);
        uint40 currentLoyaltyPointsOf = membershipNftInstance.loyaltyPointsOf(aliceToken);
        assertEq(currentLoyaltyPointsOf, 28 * kwei);
        assertEq(currentTierPointsOf, 24 * 28);
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.claimableTier(aliceToken), 1);
        // Bob in
        vm.deal(bob, 2 ether);
        uint256 bobToken = membershipManagerV1Instance.wrapEth{value: 2 ether}(2 ether, 0);
        // Alice has 1 ether, bob has 2 ether
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.valueOf(aliceToken), 1 ether);
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.valueOf(bobToken), 2 ether);
        assertEq(address(liquidityPoolInstance).balance, 3 ether);
        // More Staking rewards 1 ETH into LP
        membershipManagerV1Instance.rebase(1 ether);
        // Alice can claim to the tier 1 with the weight 2 but she calls
        // requestWithdrawAndBurn lossing the rewards for tier 1
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.claimableTier(aliceToken), 1);
        // Bob belongs to the tier 0 with the weight 1
        uint256 aliceWeightedRewardsUsingTier0 = 1 * 1 ether * 1 / uint256(3);
        uint256 bobWeightedRewards = 1 * 1 ether * 2 / uint256(3);
        uint256 sumWeightedRewards = aliceWeightedRewardsUsingTier0 + bobWeightedRewards;
        uint256 sumRewards = 1 ether;
        uint256 aliceRescaledRewards = aliceWeightedRewardsUsingTier0 * sumRewards / sumWeightedRewards;
        uint256 bobRescaledRewards = bobWeightedRewards * sumRewards / sumWeightedRewards;
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.valueOf(aliceToken), 1 ether + aliceRescaledRewards - 1); // some rounding errors
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.valueOf(bobToken), 2 ether + bobRescaledRewards - 1); // some rounding errors
        // Alice's NFT unwraps all her remaining membership points, burning the NFT
        // she lost the rewards for tier 1 because the requestWithdrawAndBurn never calls claim() function
        uint256 aliceRequestId2 = membershipManagerV1Instance.requestWithdrawAndBurn(aliceToken);
        // get the assets
        assertEq(membershipNftInstance.balanceOf(alice, aliceToken), 0); 
        // Alice gets rewards from the tier 0 using the weight 1 instead of tier 1 with weight 2
        assertEq(alice.balance, 1 ether + aliceWeightedRewardsUsingTier0 - 1);
  1. Revised Code File (Optional)

The MembershipManager.requestWithdrawAndBurn() and MembershipManager.unwrapForEEthAndBurn() should claim the points and update the tier if needed before the user exits his position:

    function requestWithdrawAndBurn(uint256 _tokenId) external whenNotPaused returns (uint256) {

        // Claim all staking rewards before burn
--      _claimStakingRewards(_tokenId);
--      _migrateFromV0ToV1(_tokenId);
++      claim(_tokenId);

        (uint256 totalBalance, uint256 feeAmount) = _withdrawAndBurn(_tokenId);

        eETH.approve(address(liquidityPool), totalBalance);
        uint256 withdrawTokenId = liquidityPool.requestMembershipNFTWithdraw(msg.sender, totalBalance, feeAmount);

        return withdrawTokenId;
    function unwrapForEEthAndBurn(uint256 _tokenId) external whenNotPaused {

        // Claim all staking rewards before burn
--      _claimStakingRewards(_tokenId);
--      _migrateFromV0ToV1(_tokenId);
++      claim(_tokenId);

        uint40 loyaltyPoints = membershipNFT.loyaltyPointsOf(_tokenId);
        (uint256 totalBalance, uint256 feeAmount) = _withdrawAndBurn(_tokenId);

        // transfer 'eEthShares' of eETH to the owner
        eETH.transfer(msg.sender, totalBalance - feeAmount);

        if (feeAmount > 0) {
            liquidityPool.withdraw(address(this), feeAmount);

        emit NftUnwrappedForEEth(msg.sender, _tokenId, totalBalance - feeAmount, loyaltyPoints, feeAmount);