Ownable2Step provides added safety due to its securely designed two-step process.
Attack Scenario
If wrong address is set, owner cannot be recovered.
Proof of Concept (PoC) File
In packages/contracts/contracts/illuminex/xengine/chains/btc/AllowedRelayers.sol:
abstract contract AllowedRelayers is Ownable {
Ownable is used instead of Ownable2Step.
Revised Code File (Optional)
It is a best practice to use two-step ownership transfer pattern, meaning ownership transfer gets to a "pending" state and the new owner should claim his new rights, otherwise the old owner still has control of the contract. Consider using OpenZeppelin's Ownable2Step contract.
Github username: @erictee2802 Twitter username: 0xEricTee Submission hash (on-chain): 0x7921f977f35399fe99f526cacdebb2ff0a449b083649c95a77e72b1eebdc810a Severity: low
Description: Description
The Ownable contract can be upgraded to Open Zeppelin's Ownable2Step: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/master/contracts/access/Ownable2Step.sol.
Ownable2Step provides added safety due to its securely designed two-step process.
Attack Scenario
If wrong address is set, owner cannot be recovered.
:Ownable is used instead of Ownable2Step.
It is a best practice to use two-step ownership transfer pattern, meaning ownership transfer gets to a "pending" state and the new owner should claim his new rights, otherwise the old owner still has control of the contract. Consider using OpenZeppelin's Ownable2Step contract.