haubna / PhysicsMod

Physics Mod for Minecraft
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Ocean physics don't render properly at long render distances (enabled through Bobby mod) #973

Closed SomeHyena closed 2 months ago

SomeHyena commented 2 months ago

Using Physics Mod Pro v172a on version 1.21.

When setting render distances to long distances with a mod like Bobby or Distant Horizons, Ocean physics stop rendering so close to the player that it's an instant knock against immersion because it's easy to see with even slight elevation. With ocean physics turned off, water properly renders well into the distance. This, even with full render distance set to 128 chunks out.

Possibly requires an option to increase ocean physics render distance in the settings?

It is worth mentioning that it doesn't seem to be an LOD issue, as the first screenshot has Distant Horizons disabled entirely.

2024-09-08_23 42 30 2024-09-08_23 43 59

SomeHyena commented 2 months ago

Realizing this might be an ongoing issue since at least January of last year; initial searches when I posted this came up short but additional searches now (a couple days later) show this seems to be in line with #495 I have also since learned about how Bobby works, and how that might cause these problems.

An idea for it is to implement a fix that does something along the lines of adding an extra chunk of radius and using it to "smooth out" the water back to standard level, and having the water past the small radius of physics be the standard shader water without physics, if that is easier to do. Or even just taking the outer chunk of what's already there and using it to "smooth out" the physics. It would at least enable long distance viewing temporarily until full compatibility can hopefully be added.

I have also since learned that I don't know how to set or change tags from "bug" to "compatibility", apologies

SomeHyena commented 2 months ago

Further searching finds that "Johni0702" of Bobby mod has said that he is unsure how Physics mod works in the back end and so is unsure how to approach compatibility -- he mentioned that if the Fabric version of Physics Mod uses ChunkLoad/Unload emits then he'd be willing to add the ability to enable the emits for fake chunks over at this thread on the Bobby github page.

Otherwise, he is unable to fix it on his end without information on how Physics Mod works internally, regardless of how willing he is to implement a fix if he was able to learn that information.

SomeHyena commented 2 months ago

after more searching and looking through the Discord, it appears that Haubna has declined to make a fix for one reason or another (though I confess to not looking deep enough through various threads and deleted messages to find the proper reason).

Closing this issue report, though it's a dang shame.