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Baolei-Man #1

Closed gteniou closed 3 years ago

gteniou commented 3 years ago

Contact Person Gilles Teniou, teniou@tencent.com

Related Scenario Online Gaming

Accessibility of Sequence https://tencenteuropeoa-my.sharepoint.com/personal/teniou_tencenteuropeoa_onmicrosoft_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fteniou%5Ftencenteuropeoa%5Fonmicrosoft%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FGaming%20sequences%2FYUVSequences%2Fbaolei%5F1920x1080%5F60fps%5F01%2Eyuv&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fteniou%5Ftencenteuropeoa%5Fonmicrosoft%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FGaming%20sequences%2FYUVSequences&originalPath=aHR0cHM6Ly90ZW5jZW50ZXVyb3Blb2EtbXkuc2hhcmVwb2ludC5jb20vOnU6L2cvcGVyc29uYWwvdGVuaW91X3RlbmNlbnRldXJvcGVvYV9vbm1pY3Jvc29mdF9jb20vRVpEYlFwNXF2dkpQcUtzd0c0Y1gyS0VCSkE4ZlQwQjRHSmM3STgxTG91Wl94Zz9ydGltZT1sdHlrWWxxVjJFZw

Copyright/License Copyright © 1998 - 2020 Tencent. All Rights Reserved. This sequence and all intellectual property rights therein remain the property of Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co. Ltd.. This sequence may only be used for the purpose of developing, testing and promulgating technology standards (the Purpose). Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co. Ltd. make no warranties with respect to this sequence and expressly disclaim any warranties regarding its fitness for any purpose. This disclaimer shall remain attached to this sequence except when this sequence is used for the Purpose.

Status already agreed as reference sequence

Metadata Resolution | 1920x1080 Scan | Progressive Frame Rate | 60 fps Bit Depth | 8 Length | 600 frames YUV format | YUV 4:2:0 Color components | Y’CbCr Colour space | BT.709

MD5 Hash MD5 (baolei_1920x1080_60fps_01.yuv) = 6b41e581136cef2a9bd92259237736bf

gteniou commented 3 years ago
      "Sequence": {
        "Name": "Baolei-Man",
        "Background": "The Baolei-Man test sequence is an extract from a famous online multiplayer game in which many players play in a battle royale mode meaning that in survival mode, the last standing one is the winner.",
        "Scenario": "Gaming",
        "Key": "S5-R2",
        "URI": "./baolei-man.yuv",
        "md5": "6b41e581136cef2a9bd92259237736bf",
        "thumbnail": "./baolei-man.png",
        "preview": "./baolei-man.mp4"
      "Properties": {
        "width": 1920,
        "height": 1080,
        "format": "yuv",
        "packing": "planar",
        "scan": "progressive",
        "subsampling": "420",
        "bitDepth": 8,
        "frameRate": 60,
        "colourPrimaries": 1,
        "transferCharacteristics": 1,
        "matrixCoefficients": 1,
        "sampleAspectRatio": 1,
        "duration": 10,
        "frameCount": 600
      "copyRight": "Copyright © 1998 - 2020 Tencent. All Rights Reserved. This sequence and all intellectual property rights therein remain the property of Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co. Ltd.. This sequence may only be used for the purpose of developing, testing and promulgating technology standards (the Purpose). Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co. Ltd. make no warranties with respect to this sequence and expressly disclaim any warranties regarding its fitness for any purpose. This disclaimer shall remain attached to this sequence except when this sequence is used for the Purpose.",
      "Contact": {
        "Name": "Gilles Teniou",
        "Company": "Tencent",
        "e-mail": "teniou@tencent.com"
gteniou commented 3 years ago

In http://dash.akamaized.net/WAVE/3GPP/5GVideo/ReferenceSequences/Baolei-Man/ The key is missing and the frame count should be 600 (60fps ; 10s)

haudiobe commented 3 years ago

Uploaded - please verify http://dash.akamaized.net/WAVE/3GPP/5GVideo/ReferenceSequences/Baolei-Man/

gteniou commented 3 years ago

You can copy-paste the JSON above. Key is missing and frame count incorrect

gteniou commented 3 years ago

JSON file INCORRECT (key S5-R2 missing and framcount 600 instead of 30 YUV file downloaded - MD5 OK mp4 preview OK png preview OK

gteniou commented 3 years ago

JSON file OK