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Jianling-Beach #8

Open gteniou opened 3 years ago

gteniou commented 3 years ago

Link to YUV: https://tencenteuropeoa-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/teniou_tencenteuropeoa_onmicrosoft_com/EfwJNGk8yApCs-mj85XypGMBs_w72PszS5Q3opPwkrD8VA

Link to MP4 preview: https://tencenteuropeoa-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/teniou_tencenteuropeoa_onmicrosoft_com/ERpxJAIb109IqYN_hA_iItsBcHtNskGY68W7LioH-Rm64Q

Link to PNG preview: https://tencenteuropeoa-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/teniou_tencenteuropeoa_onmicrosoft_com/ERdDb3QKoLdMlX5oZAkB-RUBpYas3MW-WvC7Ok-zzPuPLg

      "Sequence": {
        "Name": "Jianling-beach",
        "Background": "The Jianling-beach test sequence is an extract from a famous massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) having two gameplay modes Player-versus-Environment (PvE) and Player-versus-player (PvP).",
        "Scenario": "Gaming",
        "Key": "S5-R7",
        "URI": "./Jianling-beach.yuv",
        "md5": "06bacef74bc091ba6d670bd730adb547",
        "thumbnail": "./Jianling-beach.png",
        "preview": "./Jianling-beach.mp4"
      "Properties": {
        "width": 1920,
        "height": 1080,
        "format": "yuv",
        "packing": "planar",
        "scan": "progressive",
        "subsampling": "420",
        "bitDepth": 8,
        "frameRate": 60,
        "colourPrimaries": 1,
        "transferCharacteristics": 1,
        "matrixCoefficients": 1,
        "sampleAspectRatio": 1,
        "duration": 10,
        "frameCount": 600
      "copyRight": "Copyright © 1998 - 2020 Tencent & NCSOFT. All Rights Reserved. This sequence and all intellectual property rights therein remain the property of Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co. Ltd. and NCSOFT Co.Ltd.. This sequence may only be used for the purpose of developing, testing and promulgating technology standards (the Purpose). Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co. Ltd. and NCSOFT Co.Ltd. make no warranties with respect to this sequence and expressly disclaim any warranties regarding its fitness for any purpose. This disclaimer shall remain attached to this sequence except when this sequence is used for the Purpose.",
      "Contact": {
        "Name": "Gilles Teniou",
        "Company": "Tencent",
        "e-mail": "teniou@tencent.com"
haudiobe commented 3 years ago

Uploaded here: http://dash.akamaized.net/WAVE/3GPP/5GVideo/ReferenceSequences/Jianling-Beach - please check.

gteniou commented 3 years ago

JSON OK YUV downloaded - MD5 OK

gteniou commented 3 years ago

YUV file should be named Jianling-beach.yuv instead of jianling-beach.yuv Case sensitive scripts would not work.

gteniou commented 3 years ago

Please rename files in https://dash-large-files.akamaized.net/WAVE/3GPP/5GVideo/ReferenceSequences/Jianling-Beach/ with capital "J". (json, png and yuv)

haudiobe commented 3 years ago

Done - changed to Jianling-Beach according to TR 26.955

gteniou commented 3 years ago

No file at all on the server