haugene / docker-transmission-openvpn

Docker container running Transmission torrent client with WebUI over an OpenVPN tunnel
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.16k stars 1.21k forks source link

Sickbeard and CouchPotota download issues #67

Closed bertybassett closed 8 years ago

bertybassett commented 8 years ago

The Transmission Docker image is set to \data\download aka \volume1\DockerVPN\download

This works for torrents that I manually added via the transmission web client.

Sickbeard and CouchPotota are set to download using transmission mode, not using a watch folder. Here are the links I sent up to tell them to where to download to

\volume1\DockerVPN\download\TV \volume1\DockerVPN\download\Movies

The downloads snatch and appear in transmission and appear to download ok but the files never physically appear anywhere on the NAS or docker image.

Everything is 777 permission why I manually ran Chmod 777 -R on


If I set Sickbeard and CouchPotato's download location to blank and let transmission decide where to download to then it will works fine.

I think this has something to do with the Docker image using \data\download and not \volume1\DockerVPN\download. I think Sickbeard is passing over the full link and transmission is like what is that? I need the docker shortcut style link instead.

Any ideas?

P.S I cannot use the watch folder aka black hole option because transmission does not support multiple watch folders.

bertybassett commented 8 years ago

Pretty sure this is nothing to do with Sickbeard or CouchPotato as I've set them up directly on the NAS with no VPN and this works as expected.

haugene commented 8 years ago

Hey. You could make the paths look the same inside the container. If you add another volume mount like -v \volume1\DockerVPN\download:\volume1\DockerVPN\download then it will exist on the same path inside and outside the container.

You still need to mount the /data volume of the container if you want transmission to have persistant state. You can use the environment variables to override watch, completed and incomplete dirs as you need them to be.

bertybassett commented 8 years ago

What a good idea once again thanks Tom

bertybassett commented 8 years ago

docker run --name TransmissionVPN --privileged -d

-v /volume1/DockerVPN/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf

-v /volume1/DockerVPN/:/data

-v /volume1/bittorrent/:/volume1/bittorrent

-e "OPENVPN_PROVIDER=PIA" -e "OPENVPN_CONFIG=Netherlands" -e "OPENVPN_USERNAME= 1111111" -e "OPENVPN_PASSWORD= 22222222" -p 9091:9091 haugene/transmission-openvpn

this worked for me (typed over a line line)


-v /volume1/bittorent/:/volume1/bittorrent for you would = /ovm/where/you/save/to: /ovm/where/you/save/to

then is couchpotota do this


do the roughly the save for Sickbeard with different /omv/where/you/save/to for TV show

then post processing will work

bertybassett commented 8 years ago

this can be closed now thanks for your help.

haugene commented 8 years ago

:+1: Np!